无法使用facebook api php sdk注销

时间:2012-05-20 18:13:27

标签: facebook-graph-api facebook-php-sdk


我正在使用Facebook PHP SDK,但无法正确注销。我认为这是浏览器缓存变量的一些问题,在任何情况下,都会感谢有关如何纠正此问题的帮助。


$fb = new Facebook('appId' => $appId, 'secret' => $appSecret, 'cache' => true);
$scope = array();
$user = $fb->getUser();
if ($user) { //user may be logged out even if this is non-zero
  try {
    $profile = $fb->api('/me', 'GET'); // this should definitely give an exception if
                                       // user is logged out
    echo $fb->getLogoutUrl(); // since the previous state didnt generate an exception,                           
                              // we can be sure that user is correctly logged in, so 
                              // an option to logout
   } catch(FacebookApiException $e) {
    echo $fb->getLoginUrl(); // since an exception was thrown, user was NOT logged in
} else {
  echo $fb->getLoginUrl(); // as $user is 0, this means user is clearly not logged in

现在,由于我从index.php重定向到facebook.com/logout.php然后再返回到index.php,上述逻辑应该在用户登录和注销时都能正常工作。 但即使点击退出网址,“$ fb-> api('/ me','GET')”调用也不会抛出异常。有什么建议吗?

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