我正在尝试编写一个宏来创建一个目录,列出用户当前选择的每个工作表的名称,以及打印时它启动的页面的编号。我从this page获取了代码并对其进行了如下调整。
类型的变量,但是这会生成错误消息。 (我也试过Collection
Sub CreateTableOfContents()
' Determine if there is already a Table of Contents
' Assume it is there, and if it is not, it will raise an error
' if the Err system variable is > 0, you know the sheet is not there
Dim WST As Worksheet
Dim SelSheets As Worksheets
Set SelSheets = ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
On Error Resume Next
Set WST = Worksheets("Contents")
If Not Err = 0 Then
' The Table of contents doesn't exist. Add it
Set WST = Worksheets.Add(Before:=Worksheets("blankMagnitude"))
WST.Name = "Contents"
End If
On Error GoTo 0
' Set up the table of contents page
WST.[A2] = "Table of Contents"
With WST.[A6]
.Value = "Subject"
End With
WST.[B6] = "Page(s)"
WST.Range("A1:B1").ColumnWidth = Array(36, 12)
TOCRow = 7
PageCount = 0
' Do a print preview on all sheets so Excel calcs page breaks
' The user must manually close the PrintPreview window
Msg = "Excel needs to do a print preview to calculate the number of pages." & vbCrLf & "Please dismiss the print preview by clicking close."
MsgBox Msg
' Loop through each sheet, collecting TOC information
For Each S In SelSheets
If S.Visible = -1 Then
ThisName = ActiveSheet.Name
HPages = ActiveSheet.HPageBreaks.Count + 1
VPages = ActiveSheet.VPageBreaks.Count + 1
ThisPages = HPages * VPages
' Enter info about this sheet on TOC
Range("A" & TOCRow).Value = ThisName
Range("B" & TOCRow).NumberFormat = "@"
If ThisPages = 1 Then
Range("B" & TOCRow).Value = PageCount + 1 & " "
Range("B" & TOCRow).Value = PageCount + 1 & " " ' & - " & PageCount + ThisPages
End If
PageCount = PageCount + ThisPages
TOCRow = TOCRow + 1
End If
Next S
End Sub
答案 0 :(得分:3)
将Dim SelSheets As Worksheets
更改为Dim SelSheets
Option Explicit
Sub CreateTableOfContents()
Dim WST As Worksheet, S As Worksheet
Dim SelSheets
Dim msg As String
Dim TOCRow As Long, PageCount As Long, ThisPages As Long
Dim HPages As Long, VPages As Long
Set SelSheets = ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets
On Error Resume Next
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
On Error GoTo 0
Set WST = Worksheets.Add(Before:=Worksheets("blankMagnitude"))
With WST
.Name = "Contents"
.[A2] = "Table of Contents"
.[A6] = "Subject"
.[B6] = "Page(s)"
.Range("A1:B1").ColumnWidth = Array(36, 12)
End With
TOCRow = 7: PageCount = 0
msg = "Excel needs to do a print preview to calculate the number of pages." & vbCrLf & "Please dismiss the print preview by clicking close."
MsgBox msg
For Each S In SelSheets
With S
HPages = .HPageBreaks.Count + 1
VPages = .VPageBreaks.Count + 1
ThisPages = HPages * VPages
WST.Range("A" & TOCRow).Value = .Name
WST.Range("B" & TOCRow).NumberFormat = "@"
If ThisPages = 1 Then
WST.Range("B" & TOCRow).Value = PageCount + 1 & " "
WST.Range("B" & TOCRow).Value = PageCount + 1 & " " ' & - " & PageCount + ThisPages
End If
PageCount = PageCount + ThisPages
TOCRow = TOCRow + 1
End With
Next S
End Sub
编辑:一件重要的事情。使用OPTION EXPLICIT总是好的:)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
Dim wks as Worksheet, strName as String
For each wks in SelSheets
strName = strName & wks.Name & ","
strName = Left(strName, Len(strName) -1)
Dim arrWks() as String
arrWks = Split(strName,",")
End Sub
Dim intCnt as Ingeter
For intCnt = Lbound(arrWks) to UBound(arrWks)
.... rest of code ....
For Each S In SelSheets
答案 2 :(得分:0)
function getSheetsSnapshot() as Worksheet()
dim shts() As Worksheet, i As long
redim shts(ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Count - 1)
for i = 0 to ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Count - 1
set shts(i) = ActiveWindow.SelectedSheets(i + 1)
getSheetsSnapshot = shts
end function
dim oldsel() as Worksheet: oldsel = getSheetsSnapshot()
for i = 0 to ubound(oldsel)
msgbox oldsel(i).name