
时间:2012-05-17 12:31:45

标签: wifi embedded-linux wifimanager

Problem->我想知道如何为GB以外的国家/地区的模式a / b / g / n测试通道(WIFI)。

H / W - > WIFI sparklan WPEA110N
 芯片组:Atheros AR9280
接口:Mini PCI Express

软件 - >
Linux fedora 11
无线接入点实用程序 - > hostapd

到目前为止我做了什么 - >
2)我也试图改变CRDA EX-> iw reg set CN

这些更改的结果 - >
     我注意到它成功阻止了GB以外国家/地区不允许的频道,例如在中国,模式频道 36 是不允许的,因此hostapd的结果变为false但它甚至不允许在中国合法允许的渠道。

摘要 - > 简而言之,如果我将国家/地区从GB更改为任何其他国家/地区,则hostapd实用程序仅允许使用公共渠道。例如1)如果我将国家改为美国 它将允许36,38,40等用于模式a ,因为这些是两个国家的合法渠道,​​但不允许通道149 -165



1 个答案:

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 Well  after couple of days of struggle . I have found  the solution.  Well  Remember this  is only for testing wireless inside  my house. Using of channels which are not authorised in a particular country  are illegal and can be prosecuted.

 To summarize what I did..( may be it wil be helpful for someone)
     - First to MAKE CHANGES IN wireless-regdb and
     - Second with crda


   1.a)Download wireless-regdb-2008.11.17.tar.bz2 package
   1.b) Untar it
   1.c) cd wireless-regdb-2008.11.17
   1.d) vi db.text and made changes what you have mentioned
   1.e) make
   This will create a public and priv key in my case its something like key.priv.pem

   1.f) copy the regulatory.bin to /usr/lib/crda/
        (create crda if does not exist)

   if you guys want to make changes in regulatory.bin after the make then
   i) edit db.txt and make reguire changes
   ii) compile it . ex ./ regulatory.bin db.txt key.priv.pem
   iii) copy into /usr/lib/crda

          ****************** Now download and commpile crda*******

  2.a) Download Crda . I n my case its crda-1.1.2.tar.bz2
  2 .b) un tar it and cd into directory
  2.c) copy the public key from wireless-regdb into pubkeys directory
  example — cp bla bla/wireless_regdb-2008.11.17 blabla/crda-1.1.2/pubkeys

 2.d)make the file .. type “make”
 note — in my case I got hell lot of errors and dependency problem but google has                      helped me to solve it
 2.e make install
 2.f reboot the system.

 Important — modify frequency in db.txt of the country which your driver is requesting    from EEPROM of H/w.
 for example -> if your driver get counrty code as GB and you made changes for US , it   will not work.

 Best bet is to check what your country code is by typing “iw reg get ” command