
时间:2012-05-14 07:55:59

标签: c++ audio boost metadata taglib

我正在尝试编写一个简单的程序来查找TagLib(http://developer.kde.org/~wheeler/taglib.html)的工作原理。该程序与代码中的注释一起正常工作。但是当我改变代码时,我得到了这些我无法解决的错误。 这是代码

//#include "Helper.h"
#include "../../player/Util.h"
#include <taglib/tag.h>
#include <taglib/taglib.h>
#include <taglib/fileref.h>
#include <QString>

#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>

using std::string;
struct MetaData{

    string filepath, artist, album, title;
    signed int year, track_num, length_ms, bitrate;

//MetaData getMetaDataOfFile(QString file)
MetaData getMetaDataOfFile(string file)
    MetaData md;
    //TagLib::FileRef f(TagLib::FileName(file.toUtf8())); 
    const char * filename = file.c_str();
    std::cout<< filename;
    TagLib::FileRef f(TagLib::FileName(filename)); 

    //md.filepath = file.toStdString();
    md.filepath = file;

    //boost::filesystem::path filePath(file.toStdString());
    boost::filesystem::path filePath(file);
    md.title = filePath.stem().string();

    if(f.isNull()) return md;
    if(!f.tag()) return md;
    if(f.tag()->isEmpty()) return md;

    string artist = f.tag()->artist().to8Bit(true);
    string album = f.tag()->album().to8Bit(true);
    string title = f.tag()->title().to8Bit(true);
    uint year = f.tag()->year();
    uint track = f.tag()->track();
    int bitrate = f.audioProperties()->bitrate() * 1000;
    int length = f.audioProperties()->length();

    md.album = cnvrtString2FirstUpper(album);
    md.artist = cnvrtString2FirstUpper(artist);
    md.title = cnvrtString2FirstUpper(title);
    //md.filepath = file.toStdString();
    md.filepath = file;
    md.length_ms = length * 1000;
    md.year = year;
    md.track_num = track;
    md.bitrate = bitrate;


    //boost::filesystem::path filePath(file.toStdString());
    boost::filesystem::path filePath(file);
    md.title = filePath.stem().string();

    return md;

int main()
    using namespace std;

    //QString file("/home/vickey/Downloads/song1.mp3");
    string file("/home/vickey/Downloads/song1.mp3");
    MetaData md = getMetaDataOfFile(file);

    return 0;



 g++ getmd.cpp -o getmd -I /usr/include/qt4/ -I /usr/include/qt4/QtCore/ -ltag -lboost_system -lboost_filesystem -lQtCore -g
getmd.cpp: In function ‘MetaData getMetaDataOfFile(std::string)’:
getmd.cpp:36:10: error: request for member ‘isNull’ in ‘f’, which is of non-class type ‘TagLib::FileRef(TagLib::FileName) {aka TagLib::FileRef(const char*)}’
getmd.cpp:37:11: error: request for member ‘tag’ in ‘f’, which is of non-class type ‘TagLib::FileRef(TagLib::FileName) {aka TagLib::FileRef(const char*)}’
getmd.cpp:38:10: error: request for member ‘tag’ in ‘f’, which is of non-class type ‘TagLib::FileRef(TagLib::FileName) {aka TagLib::FileRef(const char*)}’
getmd.cpp:40:23: error: request for member ‘tag’ in ‘f’, which is of non-class type ‘TagLib::FileRef(TagLib::FileName) {aka TagLib::FileRef(const char*)}’
getmd.cpp:41:22: error: request for member ‘tag’ in ‘f’, which is of non-class type ‘TagLib::FileRef(TagLib::FileName) {aka TagLib::FileRef(const char*)}’
getmd.cpp:42:22: error: request for member ‘tag’ in ‘f’, which is of non-class type ‘TagLib::FileRef(TagLib::FileName) {aka TagLib::FileRef(const char*)}’
getmd.cpp:43:19: error: request for member ‘tag’ in ‘f’, which is of non-class type ‘TagLib::FileRef(TagLib::FileName) {aka TagLib::FileRef(const char*)}’
g    etmd.cpp:44:20: error: request for member ‘tag’ in ‘f’, which is of non-class type ‘TagLib::FileRef(TagLib::FileName) {aka TagLib::FileRef(const char*)}’
getmd.cpp:45:21: error: request for member ‘audioProperties’ in ‘f’, which is of non-class type ‘TagLib::FileRef(TagLib::FileName) {aka TagLib::FileRef(const char*)}’
getmd.cpp:46:20: error: request for member ‘audioProperties’ in ‘f’, which is of non-class type ‘TagLib::FileRef(TagLib::FileName) {aka TagLib::FileRef(const char*)}’

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

两个版本 - 评论和未注释 - 都是错误的。在Unix上,TagLib需要const char *个文件名。从QString获取TagLib::FileRef f(QFile::encodeName(file).constData()); 的最佳方法是使用QFile::encodeName()。所以你应该拥有的是这样的:
