
时间:2012-05-13 15:01:12

标签: macos midi core-foundation coremidi

这是一个发送MIDI数据的极其简单的CoreMIDI OS X应用程序。问题是它不起作用。编译好,并运行。它报告没有错误,并且不会崩溃。创建的源在MIDI监视器中可见。但是,没有MIDI数据出现


#include <CoreMIDI/CoreMIDI.h>

int main(int argc, char *args[])
    MIDIClientRef   theMidiClient;
    MIDIEndpointRef midiOut;
    MIDIPortRef     outPort;
    char pktBuffer[1024];
    MIDIPacketList* pktList = (MIDIPacketList*) pktBuffer;
    MIDIPacket     *pkt;
    Byte            midiDataToSend[] = {0x91, 0x3c, 0x40};
    int             i;

    MIDIClientCreate(CFSTR("Magical MIDI"), NULL, NULL,
    MIDISourceCreate(theMidiClient, CFSTR("Magical MIDI Source"),
    MIDIOutputPortCreate(theMidiClient, CFSTR("Magical MIDI Out Port"),

    pkt = MIDIPacketListInit(pktList);
    pkt = MIDIPacketListAdd(pktList, 1024, pkt, 0, 3, midiDataToSend);

    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        if (pkt == NULL || MIDISend(outPort, midiOut, pktList)) {
            printf("failed to send the midi.\n");
        } else {

return 0;

4 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:25)


这意味着您的来源将出现在其他应用中。 MIDI设置用户界面,这些应用程序可以选择是否收听您的来源。您的MIDI不会被发送到任何物理MIDI端口,除非其他应用程序碰巧将其传送到那里。这也意味着你的应用程序无法选择发送的MIDI所在的位置。我假设你想要的是什么。

The documentation for MIDISourceCreate说:




  • 删除创建输出端口的代码。你不需要它。
  • MIDISend(outPort, midiOut, pktList)更改为:MIDIReceived(midiOut, pktlist)



  1. 调用MIDIOutputPortCreate()制作输出端口
  2. 使用MIDIGetNumberOfDestinations()MIDIGetDestination()获取目的地列表,找到您感兴趣的目的地。
  3. 要将MIDI发送到一个目的地,请拨打MIDISend(outputPort, destination, packetList)

答案 1 :(得分:2)


#import "AppDelegate.h"

@implementation AppDelegate

@synthesize window = _window;

#define NSLogError(c,str) do{if (c) NSLog(@"Error (%@): %u:%@", str, (unsigned int)c,[NSError errorWithDomain:NSMachErrorDomain code:c userInfo:nil]); }while(false)

static void spit(Byte* values, int length, BOOL useHex) {
    NSMutableString *thing = [@"" mutableCopy];
    for (int i=0; i<length; i++) {
        if (useHex)
            [thing appendFormat:@"0x%X ", values[i]];
            [thing appendFormat:@"%d ", values[i]];
    NSLog(@"Length=%d %@", length, thing);

- (void) startSending {
    MIDIEndpointRef midiOut;
    char pktBuffer[1024];
    MIDIPacketList* pktList = (MIDIPacketList*) pktBuffer;
    MIDIPacket     *pkt;
    Byte            midiDataToSend[] = {0x91, 0x3c, 0x40};
    int             i;

    MIDISourceCreate(theMidiClient, CFSTR("Magical MIDI Source"),
    pkt = MIDIPacketListInit(pktList);
    pkt = MIDIPacketListAdd(pktList, 1024, pkt, 0, 3, midiDataToSend);

    for (i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
        if (pkt == NULL || MIDIReceived(midiOut, pktList)) {
            printf("failed to send the midi.\n");
        } else {

void ReadProc(const MIDIPacketList *packetList, void *readProcRefCon, void *srcConnRefCon)
    const MIDIPacket *packet = &packetList->packet[0];

    for (int i = 0; i < packetList->numPackets; i++)

        NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:packet->data length:packet->length];
        spit((Byte*)data.bytes, data.length, YES);

        packet = MIDIPacketNext(packet);

- (void) setupReceiver {
    OSStatus s;
    MIDIEndpointRef virtualInTemp;
    NSString *inName = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"Magical MIDI Destination"];
    s = MIDIDestinationCreate(theMidiClient, (__bridge CFStringRef)inName, ReadProc,  (__bridge void *)self, &virtualInTemp);
    NSLogError(s, @"Create virtual MIDI in");

- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(NSNotification *)aNotification
    MIDIClientCreate(CFSTR("Magical MIDI"), NULL, NULL,
    [self setupReceiver];
    [self startSending];



答案 2 :(得分:1)

其他人正在跳过的一些细节:time MIDIPacketListAdd参数对某些音乐应用非常重要。


#import <mach/mach_time.h>
MIDITimeStamp midiTime = mach_absolute_time();

来源:Apple Documentation


MIDIPacketList *pktList = (MIDIPacketList*)pktBuffer;
MIDIPacket *pktPtr = MIDIPacketListInit(pktList);
MIDITimeStamp midiTime = mach_absolute_time();
Byte midiDataToSend[] = {0x91, 0x3c, 0x40};
pktPtr = MIDIPacketListAdd(pktList, sizeof(pktList), pktPtr, midiTime, midiDataToSend, sizeof(midiDataToSend));

答案 3 :(得分:0)



#import <CoreMIDI/CoreMIDI.h>
#import <CoreAudio/HostTime.h>

@interface YourVirtualMidiHandlerObject : NSObject 

@property (assign, nonatomic) MIDIClientRef midi_client;
@property (nonatomic) MIDIEndpointRef outSrc;
@property (nonatomic) MIDIEndpointRef inSrc;
- (id)initWithVirtualSourceName:(NSString *)clientName;



@interface YourVirtualMidiHandlerObject () {
   MIDITimeStamp midiTime;
   MIDIPacketList pktList;

您将通过以下方式准备启动虚拟客户端 也在您的.m文件中

@implementation YourVirtualMidiHandlerObject 

// this you can call in dealloc or manually 
// else where when you stop working with your virtual client
-(void)teardown {

- (id)initWithVirtualSourceName:(NSString *)clientName { 
    if (self = [super init]) {
        OSStatus status = MIDIClientCreate((__bridge CFStringRef)clientName, (MIDINotifyProc)MidiNotifyProc, (__bridge void *)(self), &_midi_client);

        BOOL isSourceLoaded = NO;
        BOOL isDestinationLoaded = NO;

        ItemCount sourceCount = MIDIGetNumberOfSources();
        for (ItemCount i = 0; i < sourceCount; ++i) {
            _outSrc = MIDIGetSource(i);
            if ( _outSrc != 0 ) {
                if ([[self getMidiDisplayName:_outSrc] isEqualToString:clientName] && !isSourceLoaded) {
                    isSourceLoaded = YES; 
                    break; //stop looping thru sources if it is existing

        ItemCount destinationCount = MIDIGetNumberOfDestinations();
        for (ItemCount i = 0; i < destinationCount; ++i) {
            _inSrc = MIDIGetDestination(i);
            if (_inSrc != 0) {
                if ([[self getMidiDisplayName:_inSrc] isEqualToString:clientName] && !isDestinationLoaded) {
                    isDestinationLoaded = YES;
                    break; //stop looping thru destinations if it is existing

        if(!isSourceLoaded) {
            //your costume source needs to tell CoreMidi what it is handling
            MIDISourceCreate(_midi_client, (__bridge CFStringRef)clientName, &_outSrc);
            MIDIObjectSetIntegerProperty(_outSrc, kMIDIPropertyMaxTransmitChannels, 16);
            MIDIObjectSetIntegerProperty(_outSrc, kMIDIPropertyTransmitsProgramChanges, 1);
            MIDIObjectSetIntegerProperty(_outSrc, kMIDIPropertyTransmitsNotes, 1);
            // MIDIObjectSetIntegerProperty(_outSrc, kMIDIPropertyTransmitsClock, 1);
            isSourceLoaded = YES;

        if(!isDestinationLoaded) {
            //your costume destination needs to tell CoreMidi what it is handling
            MIDIDestinationCreate(_midi_client, (__bridge CFStringRef)clientName, midiRead, (__bridge void *)(self), &_inSrc);
            MIDIObjectSetIntegerProperty(_inSrc, kMIDIPropertyAdvanceScheduleTimeMuSec, 1); // consider more 14ms in some cases
            MIDIObjectSetIntegerProperty(_inSrc, kMIDIPropertyReceivesClock, 1);
            MIDIObjectSetIntegerProperty(_inSrc, kMIDIPropertyReceivesNotes, 1);
            MIDIObjectSetIntegerProperty(_inSrc, kMIDIPropertyReceivesProgramChanges, 1);
            MIDIObjectSetIntegerProperty(_inSrc, kMIDIPropertyMaxReceiveChannels, 16);
            // MIDIObjectSetIntegerProperty(_inSrc, kMIDIPropertyReceivesMTC, 1);
            // MIDIObjectSetIntegerProperty(_inSrc, kMIDIPropertyReceivesBankSelectMSB, 1);
            // MIDIObjectSetIntegerProperty(_inSrc, kMIDIPropertyReceivesBankSelectLSB, 1);
            // MIDIObjectSetIntegerProperty(_inSrc, kMIDIPropertySupportsMMC, 1);
            isDestinationLoaded = YES;

        if (!isDestinationLoaded || !isSourceLoaded) {
            if (status != noErr ) {
                NSLog(@"Failed creation of virtual Midi client \"%@\", so disposing the client!",clientName);
    return self;

// Returns the display name of a given MIDIObjectRef as an NSString
-(NSString *)getMidiDisplayName:(MIDIObjectRef)obj {
    CFStringRef name = nil;
    if (noErr != MIDIObjectGetStringProperty(obj, kMIDIPropertyDisplayName, &name)) return nil;
    return (__bridge NSString *)name;

对于那些尝试读取速度(MIDI传输)并在创建过程中为虚拟目标设置属性的人来说... 别忘了时间戳是随数据包一起发送的,但是数据包可以包含几个相同类型的命令,甚至几个时钟命令。构建时钟计数器以查找bpm速度时,您必须在计算之前至少考虑对其中的12个进行计数。当您只使用其中的3个时,实际上是在测量自己的缓冲区读取处理延迟,而不是实际的时间戳。 如果midi发件人无法使用...正确设置时间戳,则您的阅读过程(回调)将处理时间戳。

void midiRead(const MIDIPacketList * pktlist, void * readProcRefCon, void * srcConnRefCon) {

    const MIDIPacket *pkt = pktlist->packet;

    for ( int index = 0; index < pktlist->numPackets; index++, pkt = MIDIPacketNext(pkt) ) {
        MIDITimeStamp timestamp = pkt->timeStamp;
        if ( !timestamp ) timestamp = mach_absolute_time();
        if ( pkt->length == 0 ) continue;

        const Byte *p = &pkt->data[0];
        Byte functionalDataGroup = *p & 0xF0;

        // Analyse the buffered bytes in functional groups is faster
        // like 0xF will tell it is clock/transport midi stuff
        // go in detail after this will shorten the processing
        // and it is easier to read in code
        switch (functionalDataGroup) {
            case 0xF : {
                   // in here read the exact Clock command
                   // 0xF8 = clock
            case ... : {
                   // do other nice grouped stuff here, like reading notes
            default  : break;


void MidiNotifyProc(const MIDINotification* message, void* refCon) {

    // when creation of virtual client fails we despose the whole client
    // meaning unless you need it you can ignore added/removed notifications
    if (message->messageID != kMIDIMsgObjectAdded &&
        message->messageID != kMIDIMsgObjectRemoved) return;

    // reactions to other midi notications you gonna trigger here..


-(void)sendMIDICC:(uint8_t)cc Value:(uint8_t)v ChZeroToFifteen:(uint8_t)ch {

    MIDIPacket *packet = MIDIPacketListInit(&pktList);
    midiTime = packet->timeStamp;

    unsigned char ctrl[3] = { 0xB0 + ch, cc, v };
    while (1) {
        packet = MIDIPacketListAdd(&pktList, sizeof(pktList), packet, midiTime, sizeof(ctrl), ctrl);
        if (packet != NULL) break;
        // create an extra packet to fill when it failed before
        packet = MIDIPacketListInit(&pktList);

    // OSStatus check = // you dont need it if you don't check failing
    MIDIReceived(_outSrc, &pktList);