Eclipse RCP:自定义控制台

时间:2012-05-10 11:25:20

标签: java eclipse console eclipse-rcp







一个想法...... 根据我的理解,我可以使用TextConsolePageTextConsole创建createPage(ConsoleView)。获得页面后,我可以通过setViewer(viewer)设置查看器。在这里,我想如果我创建自己的查看器(它将具有适当的样式组件),那么这可能是一个领先者。唯一的问题是观众需要一个复合材料,我似乎无法弄清楚从哪里得到它。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

答案 1 :(得分:2)




class MyConsole extends IOConsole {
 private IOConsoleInputStream fInput;
 private IOConsoleOutputStream fOutput;
 private IStreamsProxy fStreamsProxy;
 private ConsoleHistory history;
 //This is to remember the caret position after the prompt 
 private int caretAtPrompt;
     /* in the console so when you need to replace the command on up and down 
      * arrow keys you have the position. 
      * I just did a caretAtPrompt += String.Length wherever string was 
      * appended to the console. Mainly in the streamlistener and 
      * InputJob unless you specifically output something to the output 
      * stream.
 //In the constructor you assign all the above fields. Below are some 
 //to point out.
 //fInput = getInputStream();
 // fStreamsProxy = process.getStreamsProxy();
 // fOutput = newOutputStream();

 //We must override the following method to get access to the caret
 public IPageBookViewPage createPage(IConsoleView view) {
    return new MyConsolePage(this, view);
 //After this I followed the ProcessConsole and added the 
 //InputJob and StreamListener
 //defined in there. 

class MyConsolePage extends TextConsolePage {
 //Not much in this class, just override the createViewer
 // to return MyConsoleViewer

class MyConsoleViewer extends TextConsoleViewer {
 //This is the most important class and most of the work is done here
 //Again I basically copied everything from IOConsoleViewer and then
 //updated whatever I needed
 //I added a VerifyKeyListener for the up and down arrow 
 //keys for the console history

 MyConsoleViewer (Composite parent, MyConsole console) {
  //I have omitted a lot of code as it was too much to put up, 
  //just highlighted a few
  getTextWidget().addVerifyKeyListener(new MyKeyChecker());

 class MyKeyChecker implements VerifyKeyListener {...}


ThisProcessConsole的代码。 ThisIOConsoleViewer的代码。


