我对astyanax很新,我用google搜索,找不到插入复合列的简单示例。有谁可以提供一个简单的例子?例如,复合列类型为Long:Long:Long为123:122:233,值为字符串“test string”。谢谢你。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
答案 1 :(得分:0)
//First you need an object.
// Annotated composite class
public class SessionEvent{
@Component(ordinal=0) long sessiondId;
@Component(ordinal=1) long timestamp;
@Component(ordinal=2) long userId;
// Must have public default constructor
public SessionEvent() {
// ...
// Don't forget to implement hashcode and equals and a constructor that accepts (long, long, long)
static AnnotatedCompositeSerializer<SessionEvent> eventSerializer
= new AnnotatedCompositeSerializer<SessionEvent>(SessionEvent.class);
static ColumnFamily<String, SessionEvent> CF_SESSION_EVENTS
= new ColumnFamily<String, SessionEvent>("SessionEvents",
StringSerializer.get(), eventSerializer);
CompositeColumn cc = new SessionEvent("123","456","789"); // Column values
keyspace.prepareColumnMutation(CF_SESSION_EVENTS, "row key goes here", cc)
.putValue("this is the value", null)