
时间:2012-05-05 16:23:25

标签: scala scalaz


package errorhandling

import scalaz._
import Scalaz._

class LowerServiceA {
  def doStuff(): Validation[LowerServiceAError, Int] = Success(1)
sealed trait LowerServiceAError
// ... more specific error types

class LowerServiceB {
  def doStuff(): Validation[LowerServiceBError, Int] = Success(1)
sealed trait LowerServiceBError
// ... more specific error types

class LowerServiceC {
  def doStuff(): Validation[LowerServiceCError, Int] = Success(1)
sealed trait LowerServiceCError
// ... more specific error types

sealed trait UpperError {}
// ... more specific error types
trait IsUpperError[E] {
  def apply(e: E): UpperError
object IsUpperError {
  implicit val lowerServiceAErrorIsUpperError: IsUpperError[LowerServiceAError] = new IsUpperError[LowerServiceAError] {
    def apply(err: LowerServiceAError) = new UpperError {}

  implicit val lowerServiceBErrorIsUpperError: IsUpperError[LowerServiceBError] = new IsUpperError[LowerServiceBError] {
    def apply(err: LowerServiceBError) = new UpperError {}

  implicit val lowerServiceCErrorIsUpperError: IsUpperError[LowerServiceCError] = new IsUpperError[LowerServiceCError] {
    def apply(err: LowerServiceCError) = new UpperError {}

object UpperError {
  implicit def upperError[E: IsUpperError, A](v: Validation[E, A]): Validation[UpperError, A] =
    v.fail.map(e => implicitly[IsUpperError[E]].apply(e)).validation

class UpperService(serviceA: LowerServiceA, serviceB: LowerServiceB, serviceC: LowerServiceC) {
  def doStuff(): Validation[UpperError, Int] = {
    for {
      // I'd like to avoid the repeated type-hints or .fail.map(...).validation here
      a <- serviceA.doStuff() // : Validation[UpperError, Int]
      b <- serviceB.doStuff() // : Validation[UpperError, Int]
      c <- serviceC.doStuff()
    } yield a + b + c


ErrorHandling.scala:56: error: could not find implicit value for evidence parameter of type errorhandling.IsUpperError[java.lang.Object]
  b <- serviceB.doStuff() //: Validation[UpperError, Int]



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