C ++包装器类c ++ lib dll

时间:2012-04-28 09:02:14

标签: c# c++ interop wrapper dllimport

我正在尝试在c#中创建一个类来访问c ++ lib中的函数。 c ++ dll中的函数:
bool WriteReply(const unsigned char *reply, const unsigned long reply_length)

在c ++中如何使用它的示例: -

unsigned short msg_id = 0x0000;                      
byte msg_body[] = {(byte)(GetTickCount()/0x100)};    // a random value for loopback data

    // combine the message id and message body into an big msg
    unsigned long msg_length = sizeof(msg_id)+sizeof(msg_body);
    byte* big_msg = new byte[msg_length];
    big_msg[0] = LOBYTE(msg_id);
    big_msg[1] = HIBYTE(msg_id);
    memcpy((void*)&big_msg[2], (void*)msg_body, sizeof(msg_body));

    // send the big message
    if (!big_dev.WriteReply(big_msg, msg_length))
        //do something here

我似乎无法将函数从c#传递给dll(AccessViolationException)。这是我试过的命令: -

byte[] bytearray = new byte[3] { 0x01, 0x02, 0x03 };
IntPtr unmanagedPointer = Marshal.AllocHGlobal(bytearray.Length);
Marshal.Copy(bytearray, 0, unmanagedPointer, bytearray.Length);

bool writestatus = (bool)NativeMethods.WriteReply(unmanagedPointer, (uint)bytearray.Length);

并在导入方面: -

[DllImport("dllname.dll", EntryPoint = "WriteReply")]
[return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.U1)]
internal static extern bool WriteReply(IntPtr msg, uint reply_length);


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)

假设您的C ++方法使用字符串而不修改它......


__declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl WriteReply(const unsigned char *reply, const unsigned long reply_length);

[DllImport("libfile.dll", EntryPoint = "WriteReply")]
private static extern bool WriteReplyExternal(
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] [Out] string replyString,
    [Out] UInt32 replyLength);


__declspec(dllexport) bool __cdecl WriteReply(const unsigned char *reply);

[DllImport("libfile.dll", EntryPoint = "WriteReply")]
private static extern bool WriteReplyExternal(
    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPStr)] [Out] string replyString);

如果方法不在类中,则这些方法有效,否则您需要use the C++ mangled name as the entry point

如果您的字符串包含1 ... 127 ASCII范围之外的字符(例如非英文字母),则应在编组中使用wchar_t而不是C ++和LPWStr中的char而不是LPStr。



public void WriteReply(string message)
    var result = WriteReplyExternal(message, message.Length);
    if (result == false)
        throw new ApplicationException("WriteReplay failed ...");

答案 1 :(得分:0)


if (!big_dev.WriteReply(big_msg, msg_length))

这不起作用,因为WriteReply是成员函数。您需要调用C样式函数而不是C ++成员函数。后者需要一个实例(代码示例中为big_dev)。