
时间:2012-04-25 13:06:34

标签: parsing scala dsl parser-combinators

如何有效地解析(没有太多代码混乱)如下所示的语句? 关键字/分隔符放在[]。

经理,德里[为]公司私人有限公司[从] 2009年1月[至] 2012年1月。

使用解析组合器从文本中提取人名,公司名称和日期范围。 (预期输出显示在底部)

以下是为上述代码编写的代码 -

    case class CompanyWithMonthDateRange(company:String, position:String, dateRange:List[MonthYear])

    case class MonthYear(month:String, year:Int)

    object CompanyParser1 extends RegexParsers {
      override type Elem = Char
      override def skipWhitespace = false
      def keywords: Parser[String] = "for" | "in" | "with" |"at" | "from" | "pvt"|"ltd" | "company" | "co" | "limited" | "inc" | "corporation" | "jan" |\
     "feb" | "mar" | "apr" | "may" | "jun" | "jul" | "aug" | "sep" | "nov" | "dec" | "to" | "till" | "until" | "upto"

      val date = ("""\d\d\d\d""".r | """\d\d""".r)
      val integer     = ("""(0|[1-9]\d*)""".r) ^^ { _.toInt }
      val comma = ("""\,""".r)
      val quote = ("""[\'\"]+""".r)
      val underscore  = ("""\_""".r)
      val dot = ("""\.""".r)
      val space = ("""\s+""".r) ^^ {case _ => ""}
      val colon = (""":""".r)
      val ampersand = ("""(\&|and)""".r)
      val hyphen = ("""\-""".r)
      val brackets = ("""[\(\)]+""".r)
      val newline = ("""[\n\r]""".r)
      val months = ("""(jan|feb|mar|apr|may|jun|jul|aug|sep|nov|dec)""".r)
      val toTillUntil = ("""(to|till|until|upto)""".r)
      val asWord = ("""(as)""".r)
      val fromWord = ("""from""".r)
      val forWithAt = ("""(in|for|with|at)""".r)
      val companyExt = ("""(pvt|ltd|company|co|limited|inc|corporation)""".r)
      val alphabets = not(keywords)~"""[a-zA-Z]+""".r
      val name = not(keywords)~"""[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\,\-\'\&\(\)]+\s+""".r

      def possibleCompanyExts = companyExt <~ (dot *)  ^^ {_.toString.trim}
      def alphabetsExt = ((alphabets ~ ((quote | ampersand | hyphen | brackets | underscore | comma) *) <~ (space *))+) ^^ { case a => a.toString.trim}
      def companyNameExt = (alphabetsExt <~ (space *) <~ (possibleCompanyExts+)) ^^ {_.toString
      def companyName = alphabetsExt *
      def entityName = (alphabetsExt+) ^^ {case l => l.map(s => s.trim).mkString(" ")}
      def dateWithEndingChars = date <~ ((comma | quote | dot | newline) *) <~ (space *) ^^ {_.toInt}
      def monthWithEndingChars = months <~ ((comma | quote | dot | newline) *) <~ (space *) ^^ { _.toString}
      def monthWithDate = monthWithEndingChars ~ dateWithEndingChars ^^ { case a~b => MonthYear(a,b)}
      def monthDateRange = monthWithDate ~ (space *) ~ toTillUntil ~ (space *) ~ monthWithDate ^^ { case a~s1~b~s2~c => List(a,c)}
      def companyWithMonthDateRange = (companyNameExt ~ (space *) ~ monthDateRange) ^^ {
        case a~b~c => CompanyWithMonthDateRange(company = a, dateRange = c, position = "")
      def positionWithCompanyWithMonthDateRange = ((name+) ~ (space *) ~ forWithAt ~ (space *) ~ companyWithMonthDateRange) ^^ {             
        case a~s1~b~s2~c => c.copy(position = a.mkString(","))

    def apply(input:String) =     {
        parseAll(positionWithCompanyWithMonthDateRange,input) match {
        case Success(lup,_) => println(lup)
        case x => println(x)


    CompanyWithMonthDateRange(List(((()~Company)~List()), ((()~fd)~List()), ((()~India)~List('))),(()~Manager, ),(()~Delhi ),List(MonthYear(mar,2010), MonthYear(jul,2012)))


谢谢, 爬完

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)



object CompParser extends RegexParsers {
  val For = "[for]"
  val From = "[from]"
  val To = "[to]"
  val Keyword = For | From | To
  val Def = """(?m)(?<=^|\]).*?(?=\[|(\.\s*[\n\r]+))""".r
  val End = """.""".r
  val Construct = opt(Def) ~ Keyword ~ Def ^^ {
    case p ~ `For` ~ s => {
      val arr = p.getOrElse("").split(",")
      val t2 = if (arr.length == 2) arr(0) -> arr(1) else ("", "")
      ("pos&com", (t2._1, s.toString))
    case p ~ `From` ~ s => {
      val arr = s split ","
      val t2 = if (arr.length == 2) arr(0) -> arr(1) else ("", "")
      ("from", (t2._1, t2._2))
    case p ~ `To` ~ s => {
      val arr = s split ","
      val t2 = if (arr.length == 2) arr(0) -> arr(1) else ("", "")
      ("to", (t2._1, t2._2))
  val Statement = rep(Construct) ^^ (Map() ++ _) ^^ { m =>
    if (m.size == 3) {
      val from = new MonthYear(m.get("from").head._1, m.get("from").head._2.trim.toInt)
      val to = new MonthYear(m.get("to").head._1, m.get("to").head._2.trim.toInt)
      val pos = m.get("pos&com").head._1
      val com = m.get("pos&com").head._2
      new Some(CompanyWithMonthDateRange(com, pos, List(from, to)))
    } else None

  val Statements = rep(Statement <~ End)

  def apply(in: String) = {
    parseAll(Statements, in) match {
      case Success(r, i) => println(r)
      case failure => failure


object TestP extends App {
  val inStr1 = """ 
    Manager, Delhi [for] The Company Pvt Ltd. [from] Jan, 2009 [to] Jan, 2012. 
  val inStr2 = """ 
    Manager, Delhi [for] The Company Pvt Ltd. [from] Jan, 2009 [to] Jan, 2012.
    Employee, Kate [for] The Company Pvt Ltd. [from] Feb, 2010 [to] Jun, 2012.  
    HR, Jane       [for] The Company Pvt Ltd. [from] May, 2010 [to] July, 2012. 

输出是: inStr1:


列表(部分(CompanyWithMonthDateRange(The Company Pvt Ltd.)   ,经理,清单(MonthYear(2009年1月),MonthYear(2012年1月)))))



列表(部分(CompanyWithMonthDateRange(The Company Pvt Ltd.)   ,经理,清单(MonthYear(2009年1月),MonthYear(2012年1月)))),   一些(CompanyWithMonthDateRange(The Company Pvt Ltd.)   ,员工,名单(MonthYear(2010年2月),MonthYear(2012年6月)))),   一些(CompanyWithMonthDateRange(The Company Pvt Ltd.)   ,HR,List(MonthYear(2010年5月),MonthYear(2012年7月)))))