
时间:2012-04-21 06:53:24

标签: haskell


data SomeType
    = Unary Int
    | Associative SomeType
    | Binary SomeType SomeType

some_func :: SomeType -> Int
some_func s =
    case s of
        Unary n -> n
        Associative s1 -> some_func s1
        Binary s1 s2 -> some_func s1 + some_func s2

这里some_func将查看给定SomeType中的所有SomeTypes,并总结所有Unary数据构造函数的Ints。 SomeType是一种递归数据类型。

在这些模式匹配中,我重复some_func s1。有没有办法使用@,when,let或其他任何东西来声明sf1 = some_func s1并在两者中使用它?像这样:

data SomeType
    = Unary Int
    | Associative SomeType
    | Binary SomeType SomeType

some_func :: SomeType -> Int
some_func s =
    case s of
        Unary n -> n
        Associative s1 -> sf1
        Binary s1 s2 -> sf1 + sf2
            sf1 = some_func s1
            sf2 = some_func s2


5 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
module SomeType where
import Data.Foldable as F

data SomeType a
    = Unary a
    | Associative (SomeType a)
    | Binary (SomeType a) (SomeType a)
      deriving (Foldable)

some_func :: SomeType Int -> Int
some_func = F.foldl1 (+)

答案 1 :(得分:5)



some_func :: SomeType -> Int
some_func s = go s
  where go (Unary n) = n
        go (Associative s1) = go s1
        go (Binary s1 s2) = go s1 + go s2

答案 2 :(得分:5)


data SomeType
    = Unary { u :: Int }
    | Associative { s1 :: SomeType }
    | Binary { s1, s2 :: SomeType }

someFunc :: SomeType -> Int
someFunc s = case s of
    Unary{}       -> u s
    Associative{} -> sf1
    Binary{}      -> sf1 + sf2
    sf1 = someFunc (s1 s)
    sf2 = someFunc (s2 s)


答案 3 :(得分:4)

我不确定在这种特定情况下是否会缩短它,但在更一般的情况下,你应该查看Scrap Your Boilerplate。例如:

{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, DeriveDataTypeable, NoMonomorphismRestriction #-}

import Data.Generics

data SomeType
    = Unary Int
    | Associative SomeType
    | Binary SomeType SomeType
    deriving (Data, Typeable, Show)

flatten_sometype x@(Unary _) = x
flatten_sometype (Associative s) = s
flatten_sometype (Binary (Unary a) (Unary b)) = Unary $ a + b

some_func2 = let Unary n = everywhere (mkT flatten_sometype)
             in  n

正如您所看到的,通过使用everywhere,我只需要指定一个本地转换 - SYB负责所有的递归。这真的很有用的地方是你涉及多种类型的时候; SYB很乐意通过您转换的类型并转换它们的参数。但要小心你使用它多少 - 如果过度使用会导致大量的GC流失。

答案 4 :(得分:0)


some_func :: SomeType -> Int
some_func (Unary n) = n
some_func (Associative s) = some_func s
some_func (Binary s1 s2) = (some_func s1) + (some_func s2)

仍有重复的部分,所以它可能无法回答你的问题......也许涉及用some_func来定义fmap some_func