
时间:2012-04-18 04:10:47

标签: r statistics economics

非常新,所以请告诉我这是否要求太多。 我试图将R中的面板数据子设置为两个不同的类别;一个具有完整的变量信息,另一个具有不完整的变量信息。我的数据如下:

Person     Year Income Age Sex
    1      2003  1500   15  1
    1      2004  1700   16  1
    1      2005  2000   17  1
    2      2003  1400   25  0
    2      2004  1900   26  0
    2      2005  2000   27  0


for(each variable in all columns except 1 and 2 in data set) if (variable = FULL) { return to data set "completes" }
else {put in data set "incompletes"}
completes = person1Income, person2Income, person1Age, person2Age, person1Sex, person2 sex
incompletes = {empty because the above info is full}


tl; dr我还不能用一句话来解释它......抱歉。

编辑:通过完整和不完整的变量可视化我的意思。 screenshot

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:0)


completes <- dfrm[ complete.cases(dfrm[-(1:2)]) ,]
incompletes <- dfrm[ !complete.cases(dfrm[-(1:2)]) ,]


apply(incompletes, 1, function(x) c(x[1], x[2], which(is.na(x[-(1:2)]))))


dat <- structure(list(Person = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 2L, 2L, 2L), Year = c(2003L, 
2004L, 2005L, 2003L, 2004L, 2005L), Income = c(1500L, NA, 2000L, 
1400L, 1900L, 2000L), Age = c(15L, 16L, 17L, 25L, 26L, 27L), 
    Sex = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 0L)), .Names = c("Person", "Year", 
"Income", "Age", "Sex"), row.names = c(NA, -6L), class = "data.frame")

completes <-  lapply( split(dat[ , 3:5], dat$Person), function(x)  sapply(x, function(y) { if( all( !is.na(y)) ) { y } else { NA} })  )

[1] NA

[1] 15 16 17

[1] 1 1 1

     Income Age Sex
[1,]   1400  25   0
[2,]   1900  26   0
[3,]   2000  27   0

 incompletes <- lapply( split(dat[ , 3:5], dat$Person), function(x)  sapply(x, function(y) { if( !all( !is.na(y)) ) { y } else { NA} }) )

[1] 1500   NA 2000

[1] NA

[1] NA

Income    Age    Sex 
    NA     NA     NA 

答案 1 :(得分:0)



con <- textConnection("Person Year Income Age Sex
  1      2003  1500   15  1
  1      2004  1700   16  1
  1      2005  2000   17  1
  2      2003  1400   25  0
  2      2004  1900   NA  0
  2      2005  2000   27  0
  3      2003  NA   25  0
  3      2004  1900   NA  0
  3      2005  2000   27  0")
pnls <- read.table(con, header=TRUE)

# reformat table for easier processing
pnls2 <- melt(pnls, id=c("Person"))
# and select those rows that relate to values
# of income and age
pnls2 <- subset(pnls2,
              variable == "Income" | variable == "Age")

# create column of names in desired format (e.g Person1Age etc)
pnls2$name <- paste("Person", pnls2$Person, pnls2$variable, sep="")

# Collect full set of unique names
name.set <- unique(pnls2$name)
# find the incomplete set
incomplete <- unique( pnls2$name[ is.na(pnls2$value) ]) 
# then find the complement of the incomplete set
complete <- setdiff(name.set, incomplete) 

# These two now contain list of complete and incomplete variables



# use these lists of complete and incomplete variable names
# as keys to collect lists of values for each variable name
compile <- function(keys) {
    holder = list()
    for (n in keys) {
        holder[[ n ]] <- subset(pnls2, pnls2$name == n)[,3]
    return( as.data.frame(holder) )

complete.recs <- compile(complete)
incomplete.recs <- compile(incomplete)