答案 0 :(得分:28)
。 (See the documentation here.)
#include <boost/filesystem.hpp>
#include <iostream>
namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
int main()
fs::path parentPath("/home/user1/");
fs::path childPath("/home/user1/Downloads/Books");
fs::path relativePath = fs::relative(childPath, parentPath);
std::cout << relativePath << std::endl;
答案 1 :(得分:17)
提供的答案中的代码在每一行都很长。假设您编写了namespace fs = boost::filesystem;
static fs::path relativeTo(fs::path from, fs::path to)
// Start at the root path and while they are the same then do nothing then when they first
// diverge take the entire from path, swap it with '..' segments, and then append the remainder of the to path.
fs::path::const_iterator fromIter = from.begin();
fs::path::const_iterator toIter = to.begin();
// Loop through both while they are the same to find nearest common directory
while (fromIter != from.end() && toIter != to.end() && (*toIter) == (*fromIter))
// Replace from path segments with '..' (from => nearest common directory)
fs::path finalPath;
while (fromIter != from.end())
finalPath /= "..";
// Append the remainder of the to path (nearest common directory => to)
while (toIter != to.end())
finalPath /= *toIter;
return finalPath;
答案 2 :(得分:15)
template < >
path& path::append< typename path::iterator >( typename path::iterator begin, typename path::iterator end, const codecvt_type& cvt)
for( ; begin != end ; ++begin )
*this /= *begin;
return *this;
// Return path when appended to a_From will resolve to same as a_To
boost::filesystem::path make_relative( boost::filesystem::path a_From, boost::filesystem::path a_To )
a_From = boost::filesystem::absolute( a_From ); a_To = boost::filesystem::absolute( a_To );
boost::filesystem::path ret;
boost::filesystem::path::const_iterator itrFrom( a_From.begin() ), itrTo( a_To.begin() );
// Find common base
for( boost::filesystem::path::const_iterator toEnd( a_To.end() ), fromEnd( a_From.end() ) ; itrFrom != fromEnd && itrTo != toEnd && *itrFrom == *itrTo; ++itrFrom, ++itrTo );
// Navigate backwards in directory to reach previously found base
for( boost::filesystem::path::const_iterator fromEnd( a_From.end() ); itrFrom != fromEnd; ++itrFrom )
if( (*itrFrom) != "." )
ret /= "..";
// Now navigate down the directory branch
ret.append( itrTo, a_To.end() );
return ret;
boost::filesystem::path a("foo/bar"), b("foo/test/korv.txt");
std::cout << make_relative( a, b ).string() << std::endl;
答案 3 :(得分:6)
遗憾的是,Boost.Filesystem中不存在这样的函数。 It has been requested,但他们似乎并不关心。
Boost.Filesystem 1.60添加了the relative
答案 4 :(得分:1)
namespace boost { namespace filesystem {
template <> path& path::append<path::iterator>(path::iterator begin, path::iterator end, const codecvt_type& cvt)
for( ; begin != end ; ++begin )
*this /= *begin;
return *this;
// Return path when appended to a_From will resolve to same as a_To
boost::filesystem::path make_relative( boost::filesystem::path a_From, boost::filesystem::path a_To )
a_From = boost::filesystem::absolute( a_From ); a_To = boost::filesystem::absolute( a_To );
boost::filesystem::path ret;
boost::filesystem::path::const_iterator itrFrom( a_From.begin() ), itrTo( a_To.begin() );
// Find common base
for( boost::filesystem::path::const_iterator toEnd( a_To.end() ), fromEnd( a_From.end() ) ; itrFrom != fromEnd && itrTo != toEnd && *itrFrom == *itrTo; ++itrFrom, ++itrTo );
// Navigate backwards in directory to reach previously found base
for( boost::filesystem::path::const_iterator fromEnd( a_From.end() ); itrFrom != fromEnd; ++itrFrom )
if( (*itrFrom) != "." )
ret /= "..";
// Now navigate down the directory branch
ret.append( itrTo, a_To.end() );
return ret;
} } // namespace boost::filesystem