Applescript - 列出码头中所有隐藏的窗口 - 小型化

时间:2012-04-15 15:49:57

标签: macos applescript



tell application "System Events"
set procs to processes
set windowInDock to {}
repeat with proc in procs
        if exists (window 1 of proc) then
            repeat with w in (every window of proc whose miniaturized is true)
                copy a & w's miniaturized to the end of windowInDock
            end repeat
        end if
    end try -- ignore errors
end repeat
end tell
return windowInDock





2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:3)

存在命令适用于任何对象,但系统事件的窗口属性与应用程序的窗口属性不同(例如,没有小型化)属性)。如果你没有忽略所有这些错误,你会看到错误 - 在try语句中包装一堆代码而不至少记录错误只是要求它。


tell application "System Events" to set theNames to name of processes whose background only is false
set windowsInDock to {}
repeat with appName in theNames
    tell application appName to repeat with aWindow in (get windows whose miniaturized is true)
        tell aWindow to try
            get it's properties -- see event log
            set the end of windowsInDock to "window " & it's index & " of application " & quoted form of appName
        on error errmess -- ignore errors
            log errmess
        end try
    end repeat
end repeat

choose from list windowsInDock with prompt "Miniaturized windows:" with empty selection allowed

答案 1 :(得分:2)



set windowsInDock to {}
tell application "System Events"
    repeat with this_app in (get processes whose background only is false and windows is not {}) --get applications with 1+ window
        set windowsInDock to windowsInDock & (get windows of this_app whose value of its attribute "AXMinimized" is true)
    end repeat
end tell
return windowsInDock