将十六进制字符串(char [])转换为int?

时间:2012-04-14 18:58:20

标签: c char int

我有一个包含诸如“0x1800785”之类的值的char []但是我想要赋值的函数需要一个int,我该如何将它转换为int?我搜索过但找不到答案。感谢。

13 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:182)


strtol - convert string to a long integer


const char *hexstring = "abcdef0";
int number = (int)strtol(hexstring, NULL, 16);


const char *hexstring = "0xabcdef0";
int number = (int)strtol(hexstring, NULL, 0);


答案 1 :(得分:19)


char str[] = "0x1800785";
int num;

sscanf(str, "%x", &num);
printf("0x%x %i\n", num, num); 

阅读man sscanf

答案 2 :(得分:13)


 * hex2int
 * take a hex string and convert it to a 32bit number (max 8 hex digits)
uint32_t hex2int(char *hex) {
    uint32_t val = 0;
    while (*hex) {
        // get current character then increment
        uint8_t byte = *hex++; 
        // transform hex character to the 4bit equivalent number, using the ascii table indexes
        if (byte >= '0' && byte <= '9') byte = byte - '0';
        else if (byte >= 'a' && byte <='f') byte = byte - 'a' + 10;
        else if (byte >= 'A' && byte <='F') byte = byte - 'A' + 10;    
        // shift 4 to make space for new digit, and add the 4 bits of the new digit 
        val = (val << 4) | (byte & 0xF);
    return val;

答案 3 :(得分:9)


答案 4 :(得分:4)


char *p = "0x820";
uint16_t intVal;
sscanf(p, "%x", &intVal);

printf("value x: %x - %d", intVal, intVal);


value x: 820 - 2080

答案 5 :(得分:3)


int hexToInt(PCHAR _hex, int offset = 0, int size = 6)
    int _result = 0;
    DWORD _resultPtr = reinterpret_cast<DWORD>(&_result);
    for(int i=0;i<size;i+=2)
        int _multiplierFirstValue = 0, _addonSecondValue = 0;

        char _firstChar = _hex[offset + i];
        if(_firstChar >= 0x30 && _firstChar <= 0x39)
            _multiplierFirstValue = _firstChar - 0x30;
        else if(_firstChar >= 0x41 && _firstChar <= 0x46)
            _multiplierFirstValue = 10 + (_firstChar - 0x41);

        char _secndChar = _hex[offset + i + 1];
        if(_secndChar >= 0x30 && _secndChar <= 0x39)
            _addonSecondValue = _secndChar - 0x30;
        else if(_secndChar >= 0x41 && _secndChar <= 0x46)
            _addonSecondValue = 10 + (_secndChar - 0x41);

        *(BYTE *)(_resultPtr + (size / 2) - (i / 2) - 1) = (BYTE)(_multiplierFirstValue * 16 + _addonSecondValue);
    return _result;


char *someHex = "#CCFF00FF";
int hexDevalue = hexToInt(someHex, 1, 8);



strtol ~ 0.4400s
hexToInt ~ 0.1100s

答案 6 :(得分:1)


// makes a number from two ascii hexa characters
int ahex2int(char a, char b){

    a = (a <= '9') ? a - '0' : (a & 0x7) + 9;
    b = (b <= '9') ? b - '0' : (b & 0x7) + 9;

    return (a << 4) + b;

您必须确保输入正确,不包括验证(可能会说是C)。好事是它非常紧凑,可以同时使用“ A”到“ F”以及“ a”到“ f”。



#include <stdio.h>

// takes a null-terminated string of hexa characters and tries to 
// convert it to numbers
long ahex2num(unsigned char *in){

    unsigned char *pin = in; // lets use pointer to loop through the string
    long out = 0;  // here we accumulate the result

    while(*pin != 0){
        out <<= 4; // we have one more input character, so 
                   // we shift the accumulated interim-result one order up
        out +=  (*pin < 'A') ? *pin & 0xF : (*pin & 0x7) + 9; // add the new nibble
        pin++; // go ahead

    return out;

// main function will test our conversion fn
int main(void) {

    unsigned char str[] = "1800785";  // no 0x prefix, please
    long num;

    num = ahex2num(str);  // call the function

    printf("Input: %s\n",str);  // print input string
    printf("Output: %x\n",num);  // print the converted number back as hexa
    printf("Check: %ld = %ld \n",num,0x1800785);  // check the numeric values matches

    return 0;

答案 7 :(得分:1)


int hexadecimal2int(char *hdec) {
    int finalval = 0;
    while (*hdec) {
        int onebyte = *hdec++; 
        if (onebyte >= '0' && onebyte <= '9'){onebyte = onebyte - '0';}
        else if (onebyte >= 'a' && onebyte <='f') {onebyte = onebyte - 'a' + 10;}
        else if (onebyte >= 'A' && onebyte <='F') {onebyte = onebyte - 'A' + 10;}  
        finalval = (finalval << 4) | (onebyte & 0xF);
    finalval = finalval - 524288;
    return finalval;

答案 8 :(得分:0)


unsigned hexdec (const char *hex, const int s_hex);


void init_hexdec ();


答案 9 :(得分:0)

我做了类似的事情,认为它可能会对你有所帮助 它实际上为我工作

int main(){ int co[8],i;char ch[8];printf("please enter the string:");scanf("%s",ch);for(i=0;i<=7;i++){if((ch[i]>='A')&&(ch[i]<='F')){co[i]=(unsigned int)ch[i]-'A'+10;}else if((ch[i]>='0')&&(ch[i]<='9')){co[i]=(unsigned int)ch[i]-'0'+0;}}

这里我只拍了8个字符的字符串。 如果你想要你可以为'a'添加类似的逻辑'f'来给出它们等效的十六进制值,我没有这样做,因为我不需要它。

答案 10 :(得分:0)


#include <inttypes.h>

 * xtou64
 * Take a hex string and convert it to a 64bit number (max 16 hex digits).
 * The string must only contain digits and valid hex characters.
uint64_t xtou64(const char *str)
    uint64_t res = 0;
    char c;

    while ((c = *str++)) {
        char v = (c & 0xF) + (c >> 6) | ((c >> 3) & 0x8);
        res = (res << 4) | (uint64_t) v;

    return res;


答案 11 :(得分:-1)

使用xtoi(stdlib.h)。字符串有&#34; 0x&#34;作为前两个索引,通过发送xtoi&amp; val [2]来关闭val [0]和val [1]。

xtoi( &val[2] );

答案 12 :(得分:-1)


Public Function HexToInt(sHEX as String) as long
Dim iLen as Integer
Dim i as Integer 
Dim SumValue as Long 
Dim iVal as long
Dim AscVal as long

    iLen = Len(sHEX)
    For i = 1 to Len(sHEX)
      AscVal = Asc(UCase(Mid$(sHEX, i,  1)))
      If AscVal >= 48 And AscVal  <= 57 Then
        iVal  = AscVal - 48
      ElseIf AscVal >= 65 And AscVal <= 70 Then
        iVal = AscVal - 55
      End If 
      SumValue = SumValue + iVal * 16 ^ (iLen- i)
    Next i 
    HexToInt  = SumValue
End Function