
时间:2012-04-12 18:03:35

标签: php phone-number




从03,08和09开始的非地理数字格式为0xxx xxx xxxx和+44 xxx xxx xxxx。

07年开始的手机号码格式为07xxx xxxxxx和+44 7xxx xxxxxx。

VoIP和其他05号码的格式为05xxx xxxxxx和+44 5xxx xxxxxx。


Ofcom列表0113/0114/0115/0116/0117/0118和0121/0141具有3位区域代码和015242,013873,015394 / 015395 / 015396,016973 / 016974,017683 / 017684/017687和019467 as有5位区号。其余部分使用4位区号。 0171和0181曾经是伦敦的3位区号,但已不再使用。



还包括对“ext.234”或“x 234”形式附加的分机号码的基本支持。


该代码未考虑非标准号码0800 1111和0845 4647.这些只有7位数字不常见。


// format UK telephone numbers using Ofcom specifications
// www.ofcom.org.uk/static/numbering/sabc.txt
// www.ofcom.org.uk/static/numbering/codelist.zip

// parse submitted form variables

if (ISSET($_POST['tel_form']) && ($_POST['tel_form'] == "1")) {

  if (ISSET($_POST['tel_num'])) {

    $tel_num = $_POST['tel_num'];

    $text = '    <p><b>Number as input:</b> ' . $tel_num . "</p>\n";

// remove leading +44, 00 44, 011 44 if present

    $leadingPattern = '/^(\+|00|011)?\ ?44(.*)/';
    if (preg_match($leadingPattern, $tel_num, $leadingMatches)) {
      $tel_num = $leadingMatches[2];

// remove and separately store any extension number

    $extPattern = '/((ext|x)(.*))/';
    if (preg_match($extPattern, $tel_num, $extMatches)) {
      $extension = $extMatches[1];
    $extReplacements = '';
    $tel_num = preg_replace($extPattern, $extReplacements, $tel_num);

// remove all non-digit characters and punctuation

    $nonDigitPattern = '([^0-9]+)';
    $nonDigitReplacements = '';
    $tel_num = preg_replace($nonDigitPattern, $nonDigitReplacements, $tel_num);
    $extension = preg_replace($nonDigitPattern, $nonDigitReplacements, $extension);

// remove leading 0 if present

    $leadingZeroPattern = '/^0+(.*)/';
    if (preg_match($leadingZeroPattern, $tel_num, $leadingZeroMatches)) {
      $tel_num = $leadingZeroMatches[1];

// check remaining number length is 10 digits long

    if (strlen($tel_num) < '10') {
      $text .= '    <p>' . 'Telephone number too short.' . "</p>\n";

    elseif (strlen($tel_num) > '10') {
      $text .= '    <p>' . 'Telephone number too long.' . "</p>\n";

// format valid numbers

    else {

// format 3 digit area code for 0113/4/5/6/7/8, 0121, 0141

      $length3pattern = '/^(1(1[345678]|[24]1))([0-9]{3})(.*)/';
      if (preg_match($length3pattern, $tel_num, $matches)) {
        $formatted_number = $matches[1] . ' ' . $matches[3] . ' ' . $matches[4];

// format 5 digit area code for 015242, 013873, 015394/5/6, 016973/4, 017683/4/7, 019467

      $length5pattern = '/^(1(3873|5242|539[456]|697[34]|768[347]|9467))(.*)/';
      if (preg_match($length5pattern, $tel_num, $matches)) {
        $formatted_number = $matches[1] . ' ' . $matches[3];

// format non-geographic numbers

      $NGNpattern = '/^([389][0-9]{2})([0-9]{3})(.*)/';
      if (preg_match($NGNpattern, $tel_num, $matches)) {
        $formatted_number = $matches[1] . ' ' . $matches[2] . ' ' . $matches[3];

// format all other numbers

      if (!ISSET($formatted_number)) {
        $pattern = '/^([1257][0-9]{3})(.*)/';
        if (preg_match($pattern, $tel_num, $matches)) {
          $formatted_number = $matches[1] . ' ' . $matches[2];

// else warn that number isn't valid

        else {
          $text .= "    <p>Telephone number probably not valid.</p>\n";

// store number in international and national formats


    if (ISSET($formatted_number)) {

      $int_formatted_number = '+44 ' . $formatted_number;
      $text .= '    <p><b>International format:</b> ' . $int_formatted_number . "</p>\n";

      $codePattern = '/^([12][^\ ]+)(\ .*)/';
      if (preg_match($codePattern, $formatted_number, $matches)) {
        $nat_formatted_number = '(0' . $matches[1] . ') ' . $matches[2];
      else {
        $nat_formatted_number = '0' . $formatted_number;
      $text .= '    <p><b>National format:</b> ' . $nat_formatted_number . "</p>\n";

      if ((ISSET($extension)) && (!empty($extension))) {
        $text .= '    <p><b>Extension:</b> ' . $extension . "</p>\n";


// show start message for first time form use

else {
  $text = "    <p><b>Please start by entering a UK telephone number.</b></p>\n";

// show HTML page with form for input
<!DOCTYPE html>



    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <title>UK telephone number formatter</title>



if (ISSET($text)) {
  print $text;


if ((ISSET($tel_num)) && (!empty($tel_num))) {
  $tel_num = '0' . $tel_num;
    <form action="telnum.php" name="input" method="post">
      <p><b>Enter a UK telephone number to format:</b> <input type="text" name="tel_num" value="<?php print $tel_num; ?>" />
      <input type="hidden" name="tel_form" value="1" />
      <input type="submit" value="submit" /></p>



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