
时间:2012-04-12 13:12:23

标签: java windows batch-file cmd process






6 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:12)

使用标准Java API是不可能的(请参阅帖子末尾的编辑,了解更改此更新的更新)。您将需要一些种类的本机代码。使用JNA,我使用了如下代码:

public class Win32Process
    WinNT.HANDLE handle;
    int pid;

    Win32Process (int pid) throws IOException
        handle = Kernel32.INSTANCE.OpenProcess ( 
                0x0400| /* PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION */
                0x0800| /* PROCESS_SUSPEND_RESUME */
                0x0001| /* PROCESS_TERMINATE */
                0x00100000 /* SYNCHRONIZE */,
        if (handle == null) 
            throw new IOException ("OpenProcess failed: " + 
                    Kernel32Util.formatMessageFromLastErrorCode (Kernel32.INSTANCE.GetLastError ()));
        this.pid = pid;

    protected void finalize () throws Throwable
        Kernel32.INSTANCE.CloseHandle (handle);

    public void terminate ()
        Kernel32.INSTANCE.TerminateProcess (handle, 0);

    public List<Win32Process> getChildren () throws IOException
        ArrayList<Win32Process> result = new ArrayList<Win32Process> ();
        WinNT.HANDLE hSnap = KernelExtra.INSTANCE.CreateToolhelp32Snapshot (KernelExtra.TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, new DWORD(0));
        KernelExtra.PROCESSENTRY32.ByReference ent = new KernelExtra.PROCESSENTRY32.ByReference ();
        if (!KernelExtra.INSTANCE.Process32First (hSnap, ent)) return result;
        do {
            if (ent.th32ParentProcessID.intValue () == pid) result.add (new Win32Process (ent.th32ProcessID.intValue ()));
        } while (KernelExtra.INSTANCE.Process32Next (hSnap, ent));
        Kernel32.INSTANCE.CloseHandle (hSnap);
        return result;



public interface KernelExtra extends StdCallLibrary {

     * Includes all heaps of the process specified in th32ProcessID in the snapshot. To enumerate the heaps, see
     * Heap32ListFirst.
    WinDef.DWORD TH32CS_SNAPHEAPLIST = new WinDef.DWORD(0x00000001);

     * Includes all processes in the system in the snapshot. To enumerate the processes, see Process32First.
    WinDef.DWORD TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS  = new WinDef.DWORD(0x00000002);

     * Includes all threads in the system in the snapshot. To enumerate the threads, see Thread32First.
    WinDef.DWORD TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD   = new WinDef.DWORD(0x00000004);

     * Includes all modules of the process specified in th32ProcessID in the snapshot. To enumerate the modules, see
     * Module32First. If the function fails with ERROR_BAD_LENGTH, retry the function until it succeeds.
    WinDef.DWORD TH32CS_SNAPMODULE   = new WinDef.DWORD(0x00000008);

     * Includes all 32-bit modules of the process specified in th32ProcessID in the snapshot when called from a 64-bit
     * process. This flag can be combined with TH32CS_SNAPMODULE or TH32CS_SNAPALL. If the function fails with
     * ERROR_BAD_LENGTH, retry the function until it succeeds.
    WinDef.DWORD TH32CS_SNAPMODULE32 = new WinDef.DWORD(0x00000010);

     * Includes all processes and threads in the system, plus the heaps and modules of the process specified in th32ProcessID.
    WinDef.DWORD TH32CS_SNAPALL      = new WinDef.DWORD((TH32CS_SNAPHEAPLIST.intValue() |
            TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS.intValue() | TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD.intValue() | TH32CS_SNAPMODULE.intValue()));

     * Indicates that the snapshot handle is to be inheritable.
    WinDef.DWORD TH32CS_INHERIT      = new WinDef.DWORD(0x80000000);

     * Describes an entry from a list of the processes residing in the system address space when a snapshot was taken.
    public static class PROCESSENTRY32 extends Structure {

        public static class ByReference extends PROCESSENTRY32 implements Structure.ByReference {
            public ByReference() {

            public ByReference(Pointer memory) {

        public PROCESSENTRY32() {
            dwSize = new WinDef.DWORD(size());

        public PROCESSENTRY32(Pointer memory) {

         * The size of the structure, in bytes. Before calling the Process32First function, set this member to
         * sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32). If you do not initialize dwSize, Process32First fails.
        public WinDef.DWORD dwSize;

         * This member is no longer used and is always set to zero.
        public WinDef.DWORD cntUsage;

         * The process identifier.
        public WinDef.DWORD th32ProcessID;

         * This member is no longer used and is always set to zero.
        public BaseTSD.ULONG_PTR th32DefaultHeapID;

         * This member is no longer used and is always set to zero.
        public WinDef.DWORD th32ModuleID;

         * The number of execution threads started by the process.
        public WinDef.DWORD cntThreads;

         * The identifier of the process that created this process (its parent process).
        public WinDef.DWORD th32ParentProcessID;

         * The base priority of any threads created by this process.
        public WinDef.LONG pcPriClassBase;

         * This member is no longer used, and is always set to zero.
        public WinDef.DWORD dwFlags;

         * The name of the executable file for the process. To retrieve the full path to the executable file, call the
         * Module32First function and check the szExePath member of the MODULEENTRY32 structure that is returned.
         * However, if the calling process is a 32-bit process, you must call the QueryFullProcessImageName function to
         * retrieve the full path of the executable file for a 64-bit process.
        public char[] szExeFile = new char[WinDef.MAX_PATH];

    // the following methods are in kernel32.dll, but not declared there in the current version of Kernel32:

     * Takes a snapshot of the specified processes, as well as the heaps, modules, and threads used by these processes.
     * @param dwFlags
     *   The portions of the system to be included in the snapshot.
     * @param th32ProcessID
     *   The process identifier of the process to be included in the snapshot. This parameter can be zero to indicate
     *   the current process. This parameter is used when the TH32CS_SNAPHEAPLIST, TH32CS_SNAPMODULE,
     *   TH32CS_SNAPMODULE32, or TH32CS_SNAPALL value is specified. Otherwise, it is ignored and all processes are
     *   included in the snapshot.
     *   If the specified process is the Idle process or one of the CSRSS processes, this function fails and the last
     *   error code is ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED because their access restrictions prevent user-level code from opening them.
     *   If the specified process is a 64-bit process and the caller is a 32-bit process, this function fails and the
     *   last error code is ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY (299).
     * @return
     *   If the function succeeds, it returns an open handle to the specified snapshot.
     *   If the function fails, it returns INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE. To get extended error information, call GetLastError.
     *   Possible error codes include ERROR_BAD_LENGTH.
    public WinNT.HANDLE CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(WinDef.DWORD dwFlags, WinDef.DWORD th32ProcessID);

     * Retrieves information about the first process encountered in a system snapshot.
     * @param hSnapshot A handle to the snapshot returned from a previous call to the CreateToolhelp32Snapshot function.
     * @param lppe A pointer to a PROCESSENTRY32 structure. It contains process information such as the name of the
     *   executable file, the process identifier, and the process identifier of the parent process.
     * @return
     *   Returns TRUE if the first entry of the process list has been copied to the buffer or FALSE otherwise. The
     *   ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES error value is returned by the GetLastError function if no processes exist or the snapshot
     *   does not contain process information.
    public boolean Process32First(WinNT.HANDLE hSnapshot, KernelExtra.PROCESSENTRY32.ByReference lppe);

     * Retrieves information about the next process recorded in a system snapshot.
     * @param hSnapshot A handle to the snapshot returned from a previous call to the CreateToolhelp32Snapshot function.
     * @param lppe A pointer to a PROCESSENTRY32 structure.
     * @return
     *   Returns TRUE if the next entry of the process list has been copied to the buffer or FALSE otherwise. The
     *   ERROR_NO_MORE_FILES error value is returned by the GetLastError function if no processes exist or the snapshot
     *   does not contain process information.
    public boolean Process32Next(WinNT.HANDLE hSnapshot, KernelExtra.PROCESSENTRY32.ByReference lppe);



我相信你可以使用反射来增加java.lang.Process的PID(但是我还没有这样做;我转而使用Win32 API自己创建进程,以便我可以更好地控制它)


int pid = (some code to extract PID from the process you want to kill);
Win32Process process = new Win32Process(pid);

public void kill(Win32Process target) throws IOException
   List<Win32Process> children = target.getChildren ();
   target.terminateProcess ();
   for (Win32Process child : children) kill(child);


事实证明,Java API的这个特殊缺点正在Java 9中得到修复。请参阅Java 9文档here的预览(如果没有加载正确的页面,则需要查看java.lang.ProcessHandle接口)。对于上述问题的要求,代码现在看起来像这样:

Process child = ...;
kill (child.toHandle());

public void kill (ProcessHandle handle)
    handle.descendants().forEach((child) -> kill(child));

(请注意,这未经过测试 - 我还没有切换到Java 9,但我正在积极阅读它)

答案 1 :(得分:1)



答案 2 :(得分:1)

您无法使用 Java 8 或更低版本的标准 Java API 来实现。


如果您有 Java 9 或更高版本,则可以使用 ProcessHandle


taskkill/t/f 标志与 Java 中的 Runtime.getRuntime().exec()ProcessBuilder 类一起使用。

/f --> 强制杀死 /t --> 杀死这个进程产生的所有子进程。

ProcessBuilder pb1 = new ProcessBuilder("cmd.exe","/c","taskkill /f /t /pid "+p.pid());
Process p1 = pb1.start();


我曾使用流程构建器在我的 Java 代码中完成它。

我已经复制了问题陈述。 这是一个示例批处理文件,它在 Windows 中启动另一个 Powershell 进程以每秒打印 1 到 20 的计数器,这是子进程:

@echo off
echo starting
powershell -command " for ($count=1;$count -le 20;$count++) { Start-Sleep 1; Write-Output $count }"
echo success

ps:您需要将 InputStream 重定向到 stdout 才能在终端上获得输出。

使用 destroy() 对象的 process 方法只会杀死该进程,而不是子/孙进程。


要杀死子进程和父进程,请使用 ProcessBuilder 启动一个新进程,如下所示,其中 p 是您要删除的进程:

ProcessBuilder pb1 = new ProcessBuilder("cmd.exe","/c","taskkill /f /t /pid "+p.pid());
Process p1 = pb1.start();

答案 3 :(得分:0)


示例链接JNI Example

答案 4 :(得分:0)



$p = [Diagnostics.Process]::Start("$path").Id

try {
    while($true) {
        sleep 100000
} finally {
    taskkill /pid $p
    taskkill /pid $p

答案 5 :(得分:0)

使用java 9,终止主进程会终止整个进程树。你可以这样做:

Process ptree = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd.exe","/c","xyz.bat");
// wait logic

请查看此blog并查看 处理流程树 示例。