$(function() {
var works = new Array();
works[0] = new Array('facebook.png','Text description 0.','http://www.facebook.com/');
works[1] = new Array('adobe.png','Text description 1.','http://www.adobe.com/');
works[2] = new Array('microsoft.png','Text description 2.','http://www.microsoft.com/');
works[3] = new Array('sony.png','Text description 3.','http://www.sony.com/');
works[4] = new Array('dell.png','Text description 4.','http://www.dell.com/');
works[5] = new Array('ebay.png','Text description 5.','http://www.ebay.com/');
works[6] = new Array('digg.png','Text description 6.','http://www.digg.com/');
works[7] = new Array('google.png','Text description 7.','http://www.google.com/');
//Random works
var shuffle = false;
if (shuffle == true) {
return 0.7 - Math.random();
} else {
return false;
//End random works
for ( var i = 0; i < works.length; i++ ){
// Create the divs with those ID and CLASS
var work = document.createElement('div');
work.id = 'workId' + i;
work.className = 'work';
var workFlip = document.createElement('div');
workFlip.id = 'workFlipId' + i;
workFlip.className = 'workFlip';
var workData = document.createElement('div');
workData.id = 'workDataId' + i;
workData.className = 'workData';
var workDescription = document.createElement('div');
workDescription.id = 'workDescriptionId' + i;
workDescription.className = 'workDescription';
var workURL = document.createElement('div');
workURL.id = 'workURLId' + i;
workURL.className = 'workURL';
// Insert the content in the respective div
document.getElementById("workId" + i).appendChild(workFlip);
document.getElementById("workId" + i).appendChild(workData);
document.getElementById("workDataId" + i).appendChild(workDescription);
document.getElementById("workDataId" + i).appendChild(workURL);
// Insert the HTML content
workFlip.innerHTML ='<img src="img/works/' + works[i][0] + '" >';
workDescription.innerHTML = works[i][1];
workURL.innerHTML = '<a href="' + works[i][2] + '" >Read more...</a>';
}//End for
}); // End Function