
时间:2012-04-11 10:26:23

标签: jquery jquery-ui internet-explorer-7 jquery-ui-dialog

我使用以下代码在html中查找钩子,从中生成链接,创建和填充弹出窗口,然后从视图中隐藏钩子本身。它在FF,Chrome,Safari,IE8和IE9中运行良好 - 但在IE7中失败。

这是实际用例的链接,注意没有异常的CSS在播放,列表没有浮动等等。我使用的是带有UI版本1.8.18的JQuery 1.7.1,带有默认打包的CSS对话框:




<h3>Title of list</h3>
    <li>Call to  action 1</li>
<li>Call to  action 2</li>
<li>Call to  action 3</li>



var num = 0;

//Find [popup] instances, increment the number
$("li:contains('[popup]')").each(function() {
    var nextnumber = num++;

    //add a general and a unique class to the list item containing the hook
    $(this).addClass('popup' + ' ' + 'pop' + nextnumber);

    //Split on the hook, and save remainder of text (the path to file) as the 'path' attr
    var splitpath = $(this).text().split("[popup]");
    $(this).attr("path", splitpath[1]); 
    var path = $(this).attr("path");

    //Get the previous list item (the call to action), and give it general and unique classes also.
    $thisArrow = $(this).parent().prev();
    $thisArrow.addClass('arrow' + ' ' + 'arr' + nextnumber);

    //Make the call to action an anchor link, with a general class identifier.
    $thisArrow.wrapInner('<a class="opener" title="Click to view video" path ="' + path + '"/>');

    //hide hooks

$('.opener').click(function() {
    var Header = $(this).text();
    var popupURL = $(this).attr("path");
    var popupBG = "../contents/css/images/white-nontrans.jpg";

    var thisDialog = $('<div></div>')
        .html('<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" id="mediaplayer1" name="mediaplayer1" width="550" height="420"><param name="movie" value="../mediaplayer/player.swf"><param name="autostart" value="true"><param name="allowfullscreen" value="true"><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"><param name="bgcolor" value="#FFFFFF"><param name="wmode" value="opaque"><param name="flashvars" value="file=' + popupURL + '&image=' + popupBG + '"><embed id="mediaplayer1" name="mediaplayer2" src="../mediaplayer/player.swf" width="550" height="420" allowfullscreen="true" allowscriptaccess="always" autostart="true" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" wmode="opaque" flashvars="file=' + popupURL + '&image=' + popupBG + '" /></object>')

    .dialog({ close: function() { $(this).html(''); },autoOpen: false, title: Header, modal: true, maxHeight: 500, width:580 });
    return false;


<h3>Title of list</h3>
    <li class="arrow arr0">
        <a class="opener" title="Click to view video" path ="path/to/file1.mp4" >
           Call to  action 1
    <li class="arrow arr1">
        <a class="opener" title="Click to view video" path ="path/to/file2.mp4" >
           Call to  action 2
    <li class="arrow arr2">
        <a class="opener" title="Click to view video" path ="path/to/file3.mp4" >
           Call to  action 3


<h3 class="arrow arr0 arr2 arr4 arr6 arr8 arr10">Title of list</h3>
<a class="opener" title="Click to view video" path ="path/to/file1.mp4" >
    <a class="opener" title="Click to view video" path ="path/to/file2.mp4" >
        <a class="opener" title="Click to view video" path ="path/to/file3.mp4" >
    <li>Call to  action 1</li>
<li>Call to  action 2</li>
<li>Call to  action 3</li>

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

我没有对此进行测试,但我认为这是因为您的HTML不正确。 ol不是ol的有效子元素,只有li。你的HTML应该是这样的:

<h3>Title of list</h3>
        Call to  action 1
        Call to  action 2
        Call to  action 3
