
时间:2012-04-10 07:21:20

标签: plone

我正在尝试找出上次更改文档的用户是谁。 最好,我想根据这个信息制作收藏品...... 我能找到的只是修改日期......

使用this link中的脚本,我似乎找不到元数据中最后一个用户的信息。


2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:5)

正如@MikkoOhtamaa所写,Plone默认情况下不会在对象上保存最后一个修饰符。但是,页面,新闻项目,事件和链接(通过CMFEditions)和版本元数据的Plone does have version control enabled by default具有最新修饰符的信息。


  1. Register a new index(在您的加载项的Generic Setup -profile中使用catalog.xml;您可能还需要注册元数据列以在结果中返回索引数据):

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <object name="portal_catalog" meta_type="Plone Catalog Tool">
      <index name="last_modifier" meta_type="FieldIndex">
        <indexed_attr value="last_modifier"/>
      <column value="last_modifier"/>
  2. Register a custom search condition to be used in Topic-collections(在您的加载项的Generic Setup -profile中使用portal_atct.xml)和元数据列以获取其表格视图中列出的信息:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
        <index name="last_modifier"
              description="The last user, who has modified the object"
              friendlyName="Last Modifier"
        <metadata name="last_modifier"
                  description="The last user, who has modified the object"
                  friendlyName="Last Modifier"
  3. Write a custom indexer,其中looks up the last modifier来自版本元数据并为其编制索引:

    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    """Last modifier indexer"""
    from zope.component import getUtility
    from plone.indexer import indexer
    from Products.CMFCore.interfaces import ISiteRoot, IContentish
    from Products.CMFCore.utils import getToolByName
    def indexLastModifier(context):
            creator = context.Creators()[0]  # fallback value
        except AttributeError:
            creator = None
        except IndexError:
            creator = None
        site = getUtility(ISiteRoot)
        rt = getToolByName(site, "portal_repository")
        if rt is None or not rt.isVersionable(context):
            # not versionable; fallback to the creator
            return creator
        history = rt.getHistoryMetadata(context)
            if not history:
            # empty history; fallback to the creator
            return creator
        if not rt.isUpToDate(context):
            # history not up-to-date; fallback to the authenticated user
            mtool = getToolByName(site, "portal_membership")
            if mtool.isAnonymousUser():
                # no authenticated user found; fallback to the creator
                return creator
                return mtool.getAuthenticatedMember().getId()
        length = history.getLength(countPurged=False)
        last = history.retrieve(length - 1)
        if not last or type(last) != dict:
            # unexpected version metadata; fallback to the creator
            return creator
        metadata = last.get("metadata")
        if not metadata or type(metadata) != dict:
            # unexpected version metadata; fallback to the creator
            return creator
        sys_metadata = metadata.get("sys_metadata")
        if not sys_metadata or type(sys_metadata) != dict:
            # unexpected version metadata; fallback to the creator
            return creator
        principal = sys_metadata.get("principal")
        if not principal or type(principal) != str:
            # unexpected version metadata; fallback to the creator
            return creator
        return principal
  4. 并在附加组件configure.zcml中注册索引器:

    <adapter name="last_modifier"
             factory=".indexers.indexLastModifier" />
  5. 请注意,由于版本控制机制是由与目录索引器相同的事件触发的,因此我们可能无法确定在调用索引它时是否存在最新版本的元数据。上面,我应用虚拟启发式,当存储库说明与待索引的对象相比时版本历史元数据已过时时,我会改为索引当前用户的用户名(并期望用户只是编辑文档)。

答案 1 :(得分:2)

