C ++:构造函数问题

时间:2012-04-08 23:40:21

标签: c++ constructor

我正在尝试自学C ++,我正在进行有关构造函数的基本练习。我有一个程序出乎意料地表现出来:


#include <iostream>

#ifndef FRACTION_H
#define FRACTION_H

using namespace std;

class Fraction
    int num;
    int denom;
    static int gcd(int a, int b);
    void reduce();
    Fraction(int n=0, int d=1);
    Fraction(Fraction& f);

    Fraction& operator=(const Fraction& f);

    friend Fraction operator+(const Fraction& f1, const Fraction& f2);

    friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Fraction& f);

#endif // FRACTION_H


#include "../include/Fraction.h"

#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int Fraction::gcd(int a, int b) {
    // implementation omitted

void Fraction::reduce() {
    // implementation omitted
    // this just reduces fractions to lowest terms, like 3/6 to 1/2

Fraction::Fraction(int n, int d) {
    cout << "new fraction, n=" << n << ", d=" << d << endl;
    assert(d != 0);
    if (d < 0) {
        num = -n;
        denom = -d;
    } else {
        num = n;
        denom = d;

Fraction::Fraction(Fraction& f) {
    cout << "copy fraction " << f << " at " << &f << endl;
    num = f.num;
    denom = f.denom;

Fraction::~Fraction() {

Fraction& Fraction::operator=(const Fraction& f) {
    cout << "assign fraction to " << f << " at " << &f << endl;
    if (this == &f)
        return *this;
    num = f.num;
    denom = f.denom;
    return *this;

Fraction operator+(const Fraction& f1, const Fraction& f2) {
    cout << "adding " << f1 << " and " << f2 << endl;
    return Fraction(f1.num * f2.denom + f2.num * f1.denom,
                    f1.denom * f2.denom);

ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Fraction& f) {
    out << f.num << "/" << f.denom;
    return out;


#include "include/Fraction.h"

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
    Fraction f1(1, 3);
    Fraction f2(1, 2);
    cout << f1 << endl;
    cout << f2 << endl;
    cout << (f1 + f2) << endl;
    return 0;

当我运行它时,前两个打印语句按预期输出1/31/2,但第三个打印语句打印0/1而不是5/6。从我的调试语句中,我通过Fraction(int, int)构造函数创建了5/6,但由于某种原因,它随后被调用0/1。当我删除复制构造函数时,代码打印出5/6。这里发生了什么,如何在不删除复制构造函数的情况下修复它?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


Fraction(const Fraction&);


当你执行return Fraction(...);时,编译器必须调用Fraction(const Fraction&),因为返回的分数是临时的,但由于你没有定义它,你的编译器会发生奇怪的事情。您的编译器表现得非常奇怪,并允许您以某种方式使用默认构造函数,何时应该发出错误。在gcc上按原样编译代码不起作用,你必须进行我提到的修改,并且应该修复它。
