
时间:2012-04-05 21:41:14

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/// BEGIN_DOC(base64).METHOD(decode)
// method RETURNTYPE base64.decode(String inp [, enum outType [, bool safe [, bool lax]]])
// Encode input data into a base64 character string.
// Function arguments:
//     String inp:           base64 encoded data string to be decoded.
//     enum outType          Optional. This parameter specifies the type of the output and determines
//                           how the input data is to be interpreted.:
//                             0  - binary data; create a byte array (default)
//                             1  - 8-bit character string, assuming 1-byte characters encoded in inp
//                             2  - 16-bit (UniCode) character string, assuming 2-byte 
//                                  characters encoded in inp
//                           If 2 is passed to the function, but the number of base64 characters
//                           is odd, a value of null is returned.
//     bool safe             Optional. If this parameter is set to true, the standard base64 
//                           character set is replaced with a modified version where
//                           the characters '+' and '/' are replaced with '-' and '_',
//                           repectively, in order to avoid problems with file system
//                           namings which otherwise could occur on some systems.
//                           By default, the value of this argument is assumed to be
//                           false.
//     bool lax              Optional. If set to true, the function skips all input characters which
//                           cannot be processed. This includes the character '=', too, if
//                           it is followed by at least one different character before the string
//                           ends. However, if skipping infeasible characters amounts to a number
//                           of allowed base64 characters which is not amultiple of 4,
//                           this is considered an error and null is returned.
//                           If lax is set to false (the default), null is returned
//                           whenever an infeasible character is found.
//                           The purpose of this parameter is to give support in cases
//                           where data has been base64 encoded and later on was folded by
//                           some other software, e.g. '\r\n\'s have been inserted in email.
//                           exchange.
// Return value:             The function's processing result value is stored in a string or in
//                           a byte array before it is returned, depending on the value 
//                           assigned to the type parameter. In each case, the value
//                           maybe empty but not null if no error occurred.
// Errors:                   Whenever an error occurs, null is returned. Parameter values
//                           not defined above are considered errors.

base64.decode = function(inp, outType, safe, lax) {

  // do some argument checking
  if (arguments.length < 1) return null;
  if (arguments.length < 2) outType = 0; // produce character array by default
  if (outType != 0 && outType != 1 && outType != 2) return null;
  if (arguments.length >= 3 && safe != true && safe != false) return null;
  var sEnc = (arguments.length >= 3 && safe) ? this.encStringS : this.encString;  // select encoding character set
  if (arguments.length >= 4 && lax != true && lax != false) return null;
  var aDec = {};                // create an associative array for decoding
  for (var p = 0; p < sEnc.length; p++) { // populate array
    aDec[sEnc.charAt(p)] = p;
  var out = (outType == 0) ? [] : '';
  lax = (arguments.length == 4 && lax); // ignore non-base64 characters
  var l = 0;               // work area
  var i = 0;               // index into input
  var j = 0;               // sextett counter
  var c = 0;               // input buffer
  var k = 0;               // index into work area
  var end = inp.length;    // one position past the last character to be processed
  var C = '';
  // check input
  if (lax) {
    var inpS = '';         // shadow input
    var ignore = false;    // determines wether '=' must be counted
    var cnt = 0;
    for (var p = 1; p <= inp.length; p++) {    // check and cleanup string before trying to decode
      c = inp.charAt(end - p);
      if (c == '=') {
        if (!ignore) {
          if (++cnt > 1) ignore = true;
        } else {
      } else if (undefined != aDec[c]) { // the character is base64, hence feasible
        if (!ignore) ignore = true;      // no more '=' allowed
        inpS = c + inpS;                 // prepend c to shadow input
    for (var p = 0; p <= cnt; p++) {     // at most cnt '=''s were garbage, a number in 
      if (p == 2) return null;           // [inpS.length, inpS.length + cnt] must be a
      if ((inpS.length + cnt) % 4 == 0) break;  // multiple of 4
    if (inpS.length % 4 == 1) return null;   // must be 0, 2, or 3 for inpS to contain correctly base64 encoded data
    inp = inpS;                          // inp now contains feasible characters only
    end = inp.length;
  } else {
    if (inp.length % 4 > 0) return null;   // invalid length
    for (var p = 0; p < 2; p++) {        // search for trailing '=''s
      if (inp.charAt(end - 1) == '=') {
      } else {
  // convert
  for (i = 0; i < end; i++) {
    l <<= 6;                             // clear space for next sextett
    if (undefined == (c = aDec[inp.charAt(i)])) return null; // lax must be false at this place!
    l |= (c & 0x3f);    // append it
    if (j == 0) {
      continue;                          // work area contains incomplete byte only
    if (outType == 2) {
      if (k == 1) {                      // work area contains complete double byte
        out += String.fromCharCode(l >> (2 * (3 - j)));  // convert leftmost 16 bits and append them to string
        l &= ~(0xffff << (2 * (3 - j)));       // clear the 16 processed bits
      k = ++k % 2;
    } else {                             // work area contains complete byte
      if (outType == 0) {
        out.push(l >> (2 * (3 - j)));          // append byte to array
      } else {
        out += String.fromCharCode(l >> (2 * (3 - j))); // convert leftmost 8 bits and append them to String
      l &= ~(0xff << (2 * (3 - j)));           // clear the 8 processed bits
    j = ++j % 4;                           // increment sextett counter cyclically
  if (outType == 2 && k == 1) return null;  // incomplete double byte in work area

  return out;