我正在开发一个webapp并使用jQuery fullcalendar plugin。
然而,我有一个更紧迫的问题。我需要能够在特定时间范围内更改插槽的背景颜色。理想情况下,我将以与eventSources相同的方式使用它;只需指向一个网址,然后使用ajax / json将其发送回彩色范围。
答案 0 :(得分:7)
select: function( start, end, allDay, jsEvent, view ) {
if( /*start is the disabled time*/ )
return false;
// Proceed with the normal flow of your application
// You might show a popup to get info from user to create
// a new event here
答案 1 :(得分:5)
var availablePeriods = [["8:00", "12:00"], ["13:00", "17:00"]]; //these are the time intervals when the slots are OPEN
if (availablePeriods !== undefined) {
slots = $element.find('.fc-agenda-slots tr');
/* first add 'closed' class to all slots, and then remove class from 'open' slotts */
if (jQuery.isArray(availablePeriods)) {
/* only in weekview and dayview */
currentView = plugin.getView();
if (currentView === 'agendaWeek' || currentView === 'agendaDay') {
numberOfAvailablePeriods = availablePeriods.length;
scheduleStartTime = timeToFloat($element.fullCalendar( 'option', 'minTime'));
scheduleSlotSize = $element.fullCalendar( 'option', 'slotMinutes') /60;
/* function to calculate slotindex for a certain time (e.g. '8:00') */
getSlotIndex = function(time) {
time = timeToFloat(time);
return Math.round((time-scheduleStartTime)/scheduleSlotSize);
/* remove 'closed' class of open slots */
for (i=0; i<numberOfAvailablePeriods; i++) {
startOfPeriodSlot = getSlotIndex(timeToFloat(availablePeriods[i][0]));
endOfPeriodSlot = getSlotIndex(timeToFloat(availablePeriods[i][1]));
for (j=startOfPeriodSlot; j<endOfPeriodSlot; j++) {
* Helper function: Converts a given time to a float, e.g. '8:15' becomes 8.25
* @param mixed time A integer, float or a string. Valid strings: '8:15', '20:15', '8:15am', '8:15pm', '8.15', etc.
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-license.php GNU Public License
* @author Koos van der Kolk <koosvdkolk at gmail dot com>
* @return float
function timeToFloat(time) {
var returnValue, timeAsArray, separator, i, timeSeparators = [':', '.'], numberOfSeparators;
/* is time an integer or a float? */
if (parseInt(time, 10) === time || parseFloat(time) === time) {
returnValue = time;
} else {
/* time will be considered a string, parse it */
time = time.toString();
numberOfSeparators = timeSeparators.length;
for (i = 0; i < numberOfSeparators; i = i + 1) {
separator = timeSeparators[i];
if (time.indexOf(separator) > 0) {
timeAsArray = time.split(separator);
returnValue = parseInt(timeAsArray[0], 10) + parseInt(timeAsArray[1], 10) / 60;
/* does string contain 'p' or 'pm'? */
if (time.indexOf('p') > 0 && returnValue <= 12) {
returnValue = returnValue + 12;
return returnValue;
答案 2 :(得分:4)
function adjustWorkHourSlotSize(day_num) {
function addWorkHours2(availablePeriods, calendar_element) {
if (availablePeriods !== undefined) {
numberOfAvailablePeriods = availablePeriods.length;
//iterate trough days and get avail periods for each day of week
currentView = calendar_element.fullCalendar('getView');
currentView = currentView.name;
if (currentView === 'agendaWeek' || currentView === 'agendaDay') {
scheduleStartTime = timeToFloat(calendar_element.fullCalendar( 'option', 'minTime'));
scheduleSlotSize = calendar_element.fullCalendar( 'option', 'slotMinutes') /60;
/* function to calculate slotindex for a certain time (e.g. '8:00') */
getSlotIndex = function(time) {
time = timeToFloat(time);
return Math.round((time-scheduleStartTime)/scheduleSlotSize);
slots_content = calendar_element.find('.fc-agenda-slots tr .ui-widget-content div');
for (var i=0; i!=numberOfAvailablePeriods; i++) {
if (currentView === 'agendaWeek') {
slots_content.append("<div class='day"+i+"slot dayslot'></div>");
for (var j=0; j!=dayPeriodsLength; j++) {
startOfPeriodSlot = getSlotIndex(timeToFloat(start));
endOfPeriodSlot = getSlotIndex(timeToFloat(end));
for (k=startOfPeriodSlot; k<endOfPeriodSlot; k++) {
var availablePeriods = [ [["8:00", "16:00"],["3:00", "5:00"]], [["9:00", "14:00"]] ];
addWorkHours2(availablePeriods, $("#calendar"));
.dayslot {
float: left;
margin-left: 2px;
.fc-agenda-slots .unavailable{
background-color: #e6e6e6;
答案 3 :(得分:3)
This thread允许跟随此类问题的演变。实际上它是关于繁忙的小时颜色,但它是直接链接的
同样this guy已经实现了一种非常方便的方法来管理这个目的仍然使用fullcalendar与这种代码
events: [
title: 'All Day Event',
start: new Date(y, m, 1)
annotations: [{
start: new Date(y, m, d, 13, 0),
end: new Date(y, m, d, 15, 30),
title: 'My 1st annotation', // optional
cls: 'open', // optional
color: '#777777', // optional
background: '#eeeeff' // optional
答案 4 :(得分:0)
businessHours: [ // specify an array instead
dow: [ 1, 2, 3 ], // Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday
start: '08:00', // 8am
end: '18:00' // 6pm
dow: [ 4, 5 ], // Thursday, Friday
start: '10:00', // 10am
end: '16:00' // 4pm
答案 5 :(得分:-1)
freeBusyRender: function(freeBusy, $freeBusy, calendar) {
if(freeBusy.free == 't_red') {
$freeBusy.css("backgroundColor", "red");
} else if(freeBusy.free == 't_green') {
$freeBusy.css("backgroundColor", "green");
} else if(freeBusy.free == 't_blue') {
$freeBusy.css("backgroundColor", "blue");
} else if(freeBusy.free == 't_black') {
$freeBusy.css("backgroundColor", "black");
return $freeBusy;
(function($) {
d = new Date();
d.setDate(d.getDate() - (d.getDay() - 3));
year = d.getFullYear();
month = d.getMonth();
day = d.getDate();
var eventData2 = {
options: {
timeslotsPerHour: 4,
timeslotHeight: 12,
defaultFreeBusy: { free: true }
events: [
{ 'id': 1, 'start': new Date(year, month, day, 12), 'end': new Date(year, month, day, 13, 00), 'title': 'Lunch with Sarah'},
{ 'id': 2, 'start': new Date(year, month, day, 14), 'end': new Date(year, month, day, 14, 40), 'title': 'Team Meeting'},
{ 'id': 3, 'start': new Date(year, month, day + 1, 18), 'end': new Date(year, month, day + 1, 18, 40), 'title': 'Meet with Joe'},
{ 'id': 4, 'start': new Date(year, month, day - 1, 8), 'end': new Date(year, month, day - 1, 9, 20), 'title': 'Coffee with Alison'},
{ 'id': 5, 'start': new Date(year, month, day + 1, 14), 'end': new Date(year, month, day + 1, 15, 00), 'title': 'Product showcase'}
freebusys: [
{ 'start': new Date(year, month, day - 1, 8), 'end': new Date(year, month, day - 1, 18), 'free': 't_red'},
{ 'start': new Date(year, month, day, 8), 'end': new Date(year, month, day + 0, 18), 'free': 't_green' },
{ 'start': new Date(year, month, day + 1, 8), 'end': new Date(year, month, day + 1, 18), 'free': 't_blue' },
{ 'start': new Date(year, month, day + 2, 14), 'end': new Date(year, month, day + 2, 18), 'free': 't_black'},
{ 'start': new Date(year, month, day + 3, 8), 'end': new Date(year, month, day + 3, 18), 'free': 't_red' }
$(document).ready(function() {
var $calendar = $('#calendar').weekCalendar({
allowCalEventOverlap: true,
overlapEventsSeparate: true,
totalEventsWidthPercentInOneColumn: 95,
timeslotsPerHour: 4,
scrollToHourMillis: 0,
height: function($calendar) {
return $(window).height() - $('h1').outerHeight(true);
eventRender: function(calEvent, $event) {
if (calEvent.end.getTime() < new Date().getTime()) {
$event.css('backgroundColor', '#aaa');
backgroundColor: '#999',
border: '1px solid #888'
eventNew: function(calEvent, $event, FreeBusyManager, calendar) {
calEvent.id = calEvent.userId + '_' + calEvent.start.getTime();
data: function(start, end, callback) {
displayFreeBusys: true,
daysToShow: 7,
switchDisplay: { '1 day': 1, '3 next days': 3, 'work week': 5, 'full week': 7 },
headerSeparator: ' ',
useShortDayNames: true
答案 6 :(得分:-6)