
时间:2012-04-02 16:02:15

标签: haskell template-haskell


{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Generator where
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax

data Description = Description String [Description] deriving Show

class HasDescription a where
  getDescription :: a -> Description

instance HasDescription Int where
  getDescription _ = Description "Int" []

instance (HasDescription a, HasDescription b) => HasDescription (a, b) where
  getDescription (_ :: (a, b)) = Description "Tuple2" [getDescription (undefined :: a), getDescription (undefined :: b)]

-- | creates instance of HasDescription for the passed datatype changing descriptions of its fields
mkHasDescription :: Name -> Q [Dec]
mkHasDescription dName = do
  reify dName >>= runIO . print
  TyConI (DataD cxt name tyVarBndr [NormalC cName types] derives) <- reify dName
  -- Attempt to get description of data to modify it.
  let mkSubDesc t = let Description desc ds = getDescription (undefined :: $(return t)) in [| Description $(lift $ desc ++ "Modified") $(lift ds) |]

  let body = [| Description $(lift $ nameBase dName) $(listE $ map (mkSubDesc . snd) types) |]
  getDescription' <- funD 'getDescription [clause [wildP] (normalB body) []]
  return [ InstanceD [] (AppT (ConT ''HasDescription) (ConT dName)) [getDescription'] ]


{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
import Generator

data MyData = MyData Int Int

mkHasDescription ''MyData

{- the code I want to generate
instance HasDescription MyData where
  getDescription _ = Description "MyData" [Description "IntModified" [], Description "IntModified" []]


GHC stage restriction: `t'
  is used in a top-level splice or annotation,
  and must be imported, not defined locally
In the first argument of `return', namely `t'
In the expression: return t
In an expression type signature: $(return t)




2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:7)


let mkSubDesc t = [| let Description desc ds = getDescription (undefined :: $(return t))
                     in Description (desc ++ "Modified") ds |]


答案 1 :(得分:4)


let mkSubDesc t = ... getDescription (undefined :: $(return t)) ...


class HasDescription a where
  getDescription :: a -> Description

根据类型重载类型类。将t转换为类型的唯一方法是编译它。但是编译它会将类型放在已编译的程序中。对getDescription的调用在编译时运行 ,因此它无法访问该类型。

如果你真的想在Template Haskell中评估getDescription,你必须编写自己的getDescription实现,它读取编译时可用的Template Haskell数据结构。

getDescription2 :: Type -> Q Description
getDescription2 t = cases con [ ([t| Int |], "Int")
                              , (return (TupleT 2), "Tuple")
    (con, ts) = fromApp t
    fromApp (AppT t1 t2) = let (c, ts) = fromApp t1 in (c, ts ++ [t2])
    fromApp t = (t, [])
    cases x ((make_y, name):ys) = do y <- make_y
                                     if x == y
                                       then do ds <- mapM getDescription2 ts
                                               return $ Description name ds
                                       else cases x ys
    cases x [] = error "getDescription: Unrecognized type"