全局$ init()上的Actionscript 3错误#1009

时间:2012-03-26 08:56:03

标签: actionscript-3 flex



TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

at Game::R$cinit()

at global$init()[...\Game\R.as:6]

at Game::Background/init()[...\Game\Background.as:33]


public final class R


package Game
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;

public final class R
    /** Embed source asset in a class. **/
    [Embed (source= "Assets/Backgrounds/lvl1.png")]
    public static var L1Background:Class;
    /** Make a BitmapData out of the latter class. **/
    public static var _l1Background:BitmapData= new L1Background().bitmapData;


private function init(e:Event):void

        switch (level)
            case 0:
                // image is a class property to keep track of the BitmapData to use later.
                image= R._l1Background;

                image= R._l1Background;





package Game
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;

public final class R
    /** Class of the level1 background asset. In order to use it, create a
     * new instance and convert it to bitmapData. **/
    [Embed (source= "Assets/Backgrounds/lvl1.png")]
    public static const L1Background:Class;
    /** BitmapData of the image. **/
    public static var _l1Background:BitmapData= new L1Background().bitmapData;

    /** Class of the players' HUD asset. In order to use it, create a new
     * instance and convert it to bitmapData. **/
    [Embed (source= "Assets/HUD/playerHud1.png")]
        public static const Hud1:Class;
    /** BitmapData of the image. **/
    public static var _hud1:BitmapData= new Hud1().bitmapData;

    /** Class of the points counters asset. In order to use it, create a new
     * instance and convert it to bitmapData. **/
    [Embed (source= "Assets/HUD/counter.png")]
        public static const Counter1:Class;
    /** BitmapData of the image. **/
    public static var _counter1:BitmapData= new Counter1().bitmapData;

    /** Class of the racquet 1 asset. In order to use it, create a new
     * instance and convert it to bitmapData.
     * This is a yellow up-pointed racquet. **/
    [Embed (source= "Assets/Players/racq1.png")]
        public static const Racquet1:Class;
    /** BitmapData of the image. **/
    public static var _racquet1:BitmapData= new Racquet1().bitmapData;

    /** Class of the racquet 2 asset. In order to use it, create a new
     * instance and convert it to bitmapData.
     * This is a red down-pointed racquet. **/
    [Embed (source= "Assets/Players/racq2.png")]
        public static const Racquet2:Class;
    /** BitmapData of the image. **/
    public static var _racquet2:BitmapData= new Racquet2().bitmapData;

    /** Class of the twinky 1 asset. In order to use it, create a new
     * instance and convert it to bitmapData.
     * This is a yellow up-pointed twinky. **/
    [Embed (source= "Assets/Players/twinky1.png")]
        public static const Twinky1:Class;
    /** BitmapData of the image. **/
    public static var _twinky1:BitmapData= new Twinky1().bitmapData;

    /** Class of the twinky 2 asset. In order to use it, create a new
     * instance and convert it to bitmapData.
     * This is a red down-pointed twinky. **/
    [Embed (source= "Assets/Players/twinky2.png")]
        public static const Twinky2:Class;
    /** BitmapData of the image. **/
    public static var _twinky2:BitmapData= new Twinky2().bitmapData;

    /** Class of the "back" button asset. In order to use it, create a new
     * instance and convert it to bitmapData. **/
    [Embed (source= "Assets/HUD/bt_back.png")]
        public static const BtBack:Class;
    /** BitmapData of the image. **/
    public static var _btBack:BitmapData= new BtBack().bitmapData;

    /** Class of the "replay" button asset. In order to use it, create a new
     * instance and convert it to bitmapData. **/
    [Embed (source= "Assets/HUD/bt_replay.png")]
        public static const BtReplay:Class;
    /** BitmapData of the image. **/
    public static var _btReplay:BitmapData= new BtReplay().bitmapData;

    /** Class of the yellow "Winner" asset. In order to use it, create a new
     * instance and convert it to bitmapData. **/
        public static const GagneJaune:Class;
    /** BitmapData of the image. **/
    public static var _gagneJaune:BitmapData= new GagneJaune().bitmapData;

    /** Class of the red "Winner" asset. In order to use it, create a new
     * instance and convert it to bitmapData. **/
        public static const GagneRouge:Class;
    /** BitmapData of the image. **/
    public static var _gagneRouge:BitmapData= new GagneRouge().bitmapData;

    /** Class of the yellow "Looser" asset. In order to use it, create a new
     * instance and convert it to bitmapData. **/
        public static const PerduJaune:Class;
    /** BitmapData of the image. **/
    public static var _perduJaune:BitmapData= new PerduJaune().bitmapData;

    /** Class of the red "Looser" asset. In order to use it, create a new
     * instance and convert it to bitmapData. **/
        public static const PerduRouge:Class;
    /** BitmapData of the image. **/
    public static var _perduRouge:BitmapData= new PerduRouge().bitmapData;

    /** Class of the idle zwig 1 asset. In order to use it, create a new
     * instance and convert it to bitmapData.
     * This is a yellow idle down-pointed zwig. **/
    [Embed (source="Assets/Players/zwig1_idle.png")]
        public static const Zwig1idle:Class;
    /** BitmapData of the image. **/
    public static var _zwig1idle:BitmapData= new Zwig1idle().bitmapData;
    /** Blitting array for the idle zwig 1. **/
    public static var _zwig1idleArray:Array= new Array[z1i000,z1i001,z1i002,z1i003,z1i004,z1i005,z1i006,z1i007,z1i008,z1i009,

    /** Class of the idle zwig 2 asset. In order to use it, create a new
     * instance and convert it to bitmapData.
     * This is a red idle up-pointed zwig. **/
    [Embed (source="Assets/Players/zwig2_idle.png")]
        public static const Zwig2idle:Class;
    /** BitmapData of the image. **/
    public static var _zwig2idle:BitmapData= new Zwig2idle().bitmapData;
    /** Blitting array for the idle zwig 2. **/
    public static var _zwig2idleArray:Array= new Array[z2i000];

    public static var z1i006:Rectangle = new Rectangle(2,133,129,129);
    public static var z1i021:Rectangle = new Rectangle(133,395,129,129);
    public static var z1i014:Rectangle = new Rectangle(133,264,129,129);
    public static var z1i025:Rectangle = new Rectangle(2,526,129,129);
    public static var z1i016:Rectangle = new Rectangle(264,264,129,129);
    public static var z1i005:Rectangle = new Rectangle(264,2,129,129);
    public static var z1i023:Rectangle = new Rectangle(264,395,129,129);
    public static var z1i024:Rectangle = new Rectangle(2,526,129,129);
    public static var z1i020:Rectangle = new Rectangle(133,395,129,129);
    public static var z1i011:Rectangle = new Rectangle(264,133,129,129);
    public static var z1i015:Rectangle = new Rectangle(133,264,129,129);
    public static var z1i013:Rectangle = new Rectangle(2,264,129,129);
    public static var z1i001:Rectangle = new Rectangle(2,2,129,129);
    public static var z1i010:Rectangle = new Rectangle(264,133,129,129);
    public static var z1i027:Rectangle = new Rectangle(133,526,129,129);
    public static var z1i007:Rectangle = new Rectangle(2,133,129,129);
    public static var z1i018:Rectangle = new Rectangle(2,395,129,129);
    public static var z1i019:Rectangle = new Rectangle(2,395,129,129);
    public static var z1i004:Rectangle = new Rectangle(264,2,129,129);
    public static var z1i017:Rectangle = new Rectangle(264,264,129,129);
    public static var z1i008:Rectangle = new Rectangle(133,133,129,129);
    public static var z1i022:Rectangle = new Rectangle(264,395,129,129);
    public static var z1i000:Rectangle = new Rectangle(2,2,129,129);
    public static var z1i026:Rectangle = new Rectangle(133,526,129,129);
    public static var z1i012:Rectangle = new Rectangle(2,264,129,129);
    public static var z1i003:Rectangle = new Rectangle(133,2,129,129);
    public static var z1i009:Rectangle = new Rectangle(133,133,129,129);
    public static var z1i002:Rectangle = new Rectangle(133,2,129,129);

    public static var z2i000:Rectangle = new Rectangle(2,2,141,149);


package Game
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.geom.Point;

import Game.R;

public class Background extends Sprite
    private var canvas:BitmapData;
    private var point:Point= new Point();
    private var level:uint;
    private var image:BitmapData;

    /** Initialise the background by telling it on which canvas to render
     * and the level needs to be shown. **/
    public function Background(canvas:BitmapData,level:uint=0)
        this.canvas= canvas;
        this.level= level;

    private function init(e:Event):void

        switch (this.level)
            case 0:
                this.image= new R.L1Background().bitmapData;

                this.image= new R.L1Background().bitmapData;

    /** Render the background in the canvas. **/
    public function render():void
        this.canvas.copyPixels(this.image, this.canvas.rect, this.point);


package Game
import Game.*;
import Game.Worlds.Level1.Level1;

import com.greensock.TweenMax;
import com.greensock.easing.*;

import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display3D.IndexBuffer3D;
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.MouseEvent;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.ui.Multitouch;
import flash.ui.MultitouchInputMode;

public class Game extends Sprite
    /** Hold each racquet so as to retrieve them when collision detection is needed. **/
    public var racquetList:Vector.<Racquet>= new Vector.<Racquet>(2,true);
    /** Hold each Zwig so as to retrieve them when collision detection is needed. **/
    public var zwigList:Vector.<Zwig>= new Vector.<Zwig>(2,true);

    /** Object that contains the coordinates for the Twinkys in the counter. **/
    public var twinkyScore0:Object= {firstX:727,firstY:950,secondX:710,secondY:911,
    public var twinkyScore1:Object= {firstX:41,firstY:74,secondX:58,secondY:113,

    /** Speed decay coefficient. The closer to 1 the less speed decays. **/
    private var friction:Number= .96;

    /** Important positions for the placement of game elements.
     * LianaHeight is the height at which the liana on the players' HUDs is ending their zone and on which the racquet travels.
     * TwinkyHeight is the height at which the players stop controlling their Twinkys.
     * YMargin is the vertical margin for the Twinkys. Used to place them at the end of the tube when added.
     * XMargin is the horizontal margin for the Twinkys. Used to place them at the end of the tube when added. **/
    private var positions:Object= {LianaHeight:165,TwinkyHeight:265,YMargin:8.0,XMargin:200.0};

    private var _mRef:ZwigsIpad;
    private var i:uint;
    Multitouch.inputMode= MultitouchInputMode.TOUCH_POINT;

    /** Textfield used for debugging. **/
    public var aText:TextField;

    private var _Canvas:BitmapData= new BitmapData(ZwigsIpad.BORDERS.right,ZwigsIpad.BORDERS.bottom);
    private var _Background:Background;
    private var _HUD1:HUD;
    private var _HUD2:HUD;
    private var _Zwig1:Zwig;
    private var _Zwig2:Zwig;
    private var _Racquet1:Racquet;
    private var _Racquet2:Racquet;
    private var _Twinky1:Twinky;
    private var _Twinky2:Twinky;
    private var _Score:Score;

    /** Create the first level. It will create the stage and add the background, HUDs, Zwigs, Racquets and Twinkys, and manages the game until the end. **/
    public function Game(m:ZwigsIpad)
        this._mRef= m;

    private function init(e:Event):void

        // Text output for debugging the game
        aText= new TextField();
        this.aText.textColor= 0xFF0000;
        this.aText.width= 384;
        this.aText.height= 1024;

        this.aText.appendText("\n added textfield");

        // Get informations from Level1
        // LATER make it dependant from what level was chosen (switch case)
        this.positions.LianaHeight= Level1.LIANAHEIGHT;
        this.positions.TwinkyHeight= Level1.TWINKYHEIGHT;
        this.positions.YMargin= Level1.YMARGIN;
        this.positions.XMargin= Level1.XMARGIN;
        this.friction= Level1.FRICTION;

        this.aText.appendText("\n got level1 infos");

        // Add background
        this._Background= new Background(this._Canvas,0);

        this.aText.appendText("\n added background");

        // Add HUD
        this._HUD1= new HUD(this._Canvas);
        this._HUD2= new HUD(this._Canvas,true,1);

        this.aText.appendText("\n added hud");

        // Add zwigs
        this._Zwig1= new Zwig(this.positions,this._Canvas);
        this._Zwig2= new Zwig(this.positions,this._Canvas,true,1);

        this.aText.appendText("\n added zwigs");

        // Add racquets
        this._Racquet1= new Racquet(this,this.positions,this._Canvas);
        this._Racquet2= new Racquet(this,this.positions,this._Canvas,false,1);

        this.aText..appendText("\n added racquets");

        // Add twinkys
        this._Twinky1= new Twinky(this._Score,this,this.positions,this.friction,this._Canvas,0);
        this._Twinky2= new Twinky(this._Score,this,this.positions,this.friction,this._Canvas,1,false,1);

        this.aText.appendText("\n added twinkys");

        // Add scoring
        this._Score= new Score(this,this._mRef);

        this.aText.appendText("\n added score");


    private function renderLevel(e:Event):void



2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)


可能是两个静态变量初始化的顺序是不确定的。通常,[Embed]用于const而不是var,因此您可以尝试使用。{/ p>

您也可以尝试将new L1Background().bitmapData移动到实际需要使用背景的位置,而不是静态。如果你有很多背景,这也会节省一些记忆。

答案 1 :(得分:0)



this.image= new R.L1Background().bitmapData;

但是在另一个类中,您的变量已经是BitmapData,因此它没有属性.bitmapData - 因此您“无法访问此属性”。

public static var _l1Background:BitmapData= new L1Background().bitmapData;

你可以说this.image= new R.L1Background();