我知道这可以使用存储过程完成,但我想在ex select 10* dbo.EvaluateExpression('10*4.5*0.5')
答案 0 :(得分:6)
declare @calc varchar(max)
set @calc = '10*4.5*0.5'
declare @sql nvarchar(max)
declare @result float
set @sql = N'set @result = ' + @calc
exec sp_executesql @sql, N'@result float output', @result out
select @result
答案 1 :(得分:3)
免责声明:我是该项目的所有者Eval SQL.NET
对于SQL 2012+,您可以使用可以使用SAFE权限运行的Eval SQL.NET。
-- SELECT 225.00
SELECT 10 * CAST(SQLNET::New('10*4.5*0.5').Eval() AS DECIMAL(18, 2))
-- SELECT 70
DECLARE @formula VARCHAR(50) = 'a+b*c'
SELECT 10 * SQLNET::New(@formula)
.Val('a', 1)
.Val('b', 2)
.Val('c', 3)
答案 2 :(得分:0)
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.EvaluateExpression(@list nvarchar(MAX))
RETURNS Decimal(10,2)
Declare @Result Decimal(10,2)
set @Result=1
DECLARE @pos int,
@nextpos int,
@valuelen int
SELECT @pos = 0, @nextpos = 1
WHILE @nextpos > 0
SELECT @nextpos = charindex('*', @list, @pos + 1)
SELECT @valuelen = CASE WHEN @nextpos > 0
THEN @nextpos
ELSE len(@list) + 1
END - @pos - 1
Set @Result=@Result*convert(decimal(10,2),substring(@list, @pos + 1, @valuelen))
SELECT @pos = @nextpos
RETURN @Result
Select 10* dbo.EvaluateExpression('10*4.5*0.5')
答案 3 :(得分:0)
是有用的答案 4 :(得分:0)
You can use the SQL Stored procedure below to calculate the result of any formula with any number of variables:
I wrote in 2012 a solution which can evaluate any type of Mathematical formula using SQL SERVER. The solution can handle any formula with N variables :
I was asked to find a way to evaluate the value given by a Formula which is filled by the user. The Formula contains mathematical operations (addition, multiplication, division and subtractions) The parameters used to calculate the formula are stored in the SQL server DATA BASE.
The solution I found by myself was as follows:
Suppose I have n parameters used to calculate the formula, each of these parameters is stored in one row in one data table.
The data table containing the n rows to use in the formula is called tab_value
I have to store the n values found in n rows (in tab_values) in one single row in one new Table, using SQL cursor,
for that I create a new table called tab_formula
In the cursor, I will add a new column for each value, the column name will be Id1,Id2,Id3 etc.
Then I construct a SQL script containing the formula to evaluate the formula
Here after the complete script, I hope you find it useful, you are welcome to ask me about it.
The procedure uses as input:
-The formula
-A table containing the values used to calculate the formula
if exists(select 1 from sysobjects where name='usp_evaluate_formula' and xtype='p') drop proc usp_evaluate_formula go
create type type_tab as table(id int identity(1,1),val decimal(10,2)) go create proc usp_evaluate_formula(@formula as nvarchar(100),@values as type_tab readonly) as begin --KAMEL GAZZAH --kamelgazzah@gmail.com --05/09/2016
declare @tab_values table (id int, val decimal(10,2))
delete from @tab_values insert into @tab_values(id,val) select * from @values
declare @id as int declare @val as decimal(10,2)
if not exists(select 1 from sysobjects where name ='tab_formula') create table tab_formula(id int identity(1,1), formula nvarchar(1000)) if not exists(select 1 from tab_formula where formula=@formula) insert into tab_formula(formula) values(@formula)
declare c cursor for select id,val from @tab_values declare @script as nvarchar(4000) open c fetch c into @id,@val while @@fetch_status=0 begin set @script = 'if not exists(select 1 from syscolumns c inner join sysobjects o on c.id=o.id where o.name=''tab_formula'' and c.name=''id'+convert(nvarchar(3),@id)+ ''') alter table tab_formula add id'+convert(nvarchar(3),@id)+ ' decimal(10,2)' print @script exec(@script) set @script='update tab_formula set id'+convert(nvarchar(3),@id)+'='+convert(nvarchar(10),@val)+' where formula='''+@formula+'''' print @script exec(@script) fetch c into @id,@val end close c deallocate c
set @script='select *,convert(decimal(10,2),'+@formula+') "Result" from tab_formula where formula='''+@formula+'''' print @script exec(@script)
declare @mytab as type_tab insert into @mytab(val) values(1.56) insert into @mytab(val) values(15) insert into @mytab(val) values(25) insert into @mytab(val) values(32) insert into @mytab(val) values(17) insert into @mytab(val) values(33) insert into @mytab(val) values(37.9)
exec usp_evaluate_formula'cos(id1)+cos(id2)+cos(id3)+cos(id4)+cos(id5)+cos(id6)+cos(id7)/cos(Id6)',@mytab
go drop proc usp_evaluate_formula drop type type_tab drop table tab_formula