
时间:2012-03-22 16:39:54

标签: python



Youngstown,OH [4110,8065] 115436
  Yankton,SD [4288,9739] 12011
  亚基马,华盛顿州[4660,12051] 49826
  1513 2410
  伍斯特,马萨诸塞州[4227,7180] 161799
  2964 1520 604
  Wisconsin Dells,WI [4363,8977] 2521
  1149 1817 481 595


fin = open ("miles.dat","r")
def getCoordinates 
cities = []
for line in fin:
    for word in line:
        print line.split()



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)



def getCoordinates(filename):
    Pass in a filename.
    Return a parsed dictionary in the form of:

        city:  [lat, lon]

    fin = open(filename,"r")
    cities = {}

    for line in fin:

        # this is going to split on the comma, and
        # only once, so you get the city, and the rest
        # of the line
        city, extra =  line.split(',', 1)

        # we could do a regex, but again, I dont think
        # you know what a regex is and you seem to already
        # understand split. so lets just stick with that

        # this splits on the '[' and we take the right side
        part = extra.split('[')[1]

        # now take the remaining string and split off the left
        # of the ']'
        part = part.split(']')[0]

        # we end up with something like: '4660, 12051'
        # so split that string on the comma into a list
        latLon = part.split(',')

        # associate the city, with the latlon in the dictionary
        cities[city] = latLong

    return cities
