General Video Audio Text Image Chapters Menu (Name of function)
x x x x x x x Format
x x x x x x x Title
x x x x x x x UniqueID
x x x x x x CodecID
x x x x x x CodecID/Hint
x x x x x Language
x x x x x Encoded_Date
x x x x x Encoded_Library
x x x x x InternetMediaType
x x x x x StreamSize
x x x x BitDepth
x x x x Compression_Mode
x x x x Compression_Ratio
x x x x x Delay
x x x x x Duration
x x x BitRate
x x x BitRate_Mode
x x x ChannelLayout
x x x FrameCount
x x x FrameRate
x x x MuxingMode
x x x MuxingMode
x x x Source_Duration
x x x Height
x x x Width
x x PixelAspectRatio
x SamplingRate
x Album
x AudioCount
x ChaptersCount
x EncodedBy
x Grouping
x ImageCount
x OverallBitRate
x OverallBitRate_Maximum
x OverallBitRate_Minimum
x OverallBitRate_Nominal
x TextCount
x VideoCount
然后这条道路变得不那么明显了。 {general,video,audio,text和image}流类型有许多共同的功能。好吧,所以我想我可以创建一个像“GeneralVideoAudioTextImage”这样的臭名字的类,然后另一个名为GeneralVideoAudioText(继承自GeneralVideoAudioTextImage)的类,用于这些事物的共同功能,但不是“图像”流。我猜这会尴尬地遵循“等级”的阶级等级规则。
这已经不是很优雅了,但是有些像“宽度”这样的偶然情况不适合任何干净地成为另一组子集的组。这些案例可以在必要时简单地复制功能 - 单独在视频,文本和图像中实现,但这显然会违反DRY。
之前已经讨论了类层次结构,如同alternatives到MI(扩展方法等),但这些解决方案似乎都不合适。例如,扩展方法似乎更适合用于无法编辑源的类,比如String类,并且更难定位,因为它们并不真正与类绑定,尽管它们可能有效。 我没有找到关于这种情况的问题,尽管这可能是我使用搜索工具的失败。
int _width = int.MinValue;
/// <summary>Width in pixels.</summary>
public int width {
get {
if(_width == int.MinValue)
_width = miGetInt("Width");
return _width;
// ... (Elsewhere, in another file) ...
/// <summary>Returns a MediaInfo value as an int, 0 if error.</summary>
/// <param name="parameter">The MediaInfo parameter.</param>
public int miGetInt(string parameter) {
int parsedValue;
string miResult = mediaInfo.Get(streamKind, id, parameter);
int.TryParse(miResult, out parsedValue);
return parsedValue;
答案 0 :(得分:5)
abstract class Media {
// General properties/functions
class VideoAndImageCommon { // Crappy name but you get the idea
// Functions used by both video and images
interface IVideoAndImageCommon {
// Common Video & Image interface
class Video : Media, IVideoAndImageCommon {
private readonly VideoAndImageCommon _commonImpl = new VideoAndImageCommon();
// Implementation of IVideoAndImageCommon delegates to _commonImpl.
class Image : Media, IVideoAndImageCommon {
private readonly VideoAndImageCommon _commonImpl = new VideoAndImageCommon();
// Implementation of IVideoAndImageCommon delegates to _commonImpl.
答案 1 :(得分:0)
我将Andrew Kennan的答案标记为正确,因为我认为这可能是对某种复杂层次结构的最佳通用方法。但是,我没有在我的最终代码中使用他的建议。
///<summary>Represents a single video stream.</summary>
public sealed class VideoStream : Media, IGeneralVideoAudioTextImageMenuCommon,
IGeneralVideoAudioTextMenuCommon, IVideoAudioTextImageMenuCommon,
IVideoTextImageCommon, /* ...ad nauseum. */
// What would you even name these variables?
GeneralVideoAudioTextImageMenuCommon gvatimCommon;
GeneralVideoAudioTextMenuCommon gvatmCommon;
VideoAudioTextImageMenuCommon vatimCommon;
VideoTextImageCommon vticCommon;
public VideoStream(MediaInfo mi, int id) {
gvatimCommon = new GeneralVideoAudioTextImageMenuCommon(mi, id);
gvatmCommon = new GeneralVideoAudioTextMenuCommon(mi, id);
vatimCommon = new VideoAudioTextImageMenuCommon(mi, id);
vticCommon = new VideoTextImageCommon(mi, id);
// --- and more. There are so far at least 10 groupings. 10!
/* more code */
根据Phil Karlton的说法,计算机科学中的两个难题之一正在接近一个更“哲学”的定义“是一个”。汽车“是一辆”汽车,从技术上讲,汽车也是“摩托车汽车摩托车或摩托车”,但这就是让人类理解这些代码吧?
public class MultiStreamCommon : Media
public MultiStreamCommon(MediaInfo mediaInfo, StreamKind kind, int id)
: base(mediaInfo, id) {
this.kind = kind;
#region AllStreamsCommon
string _format;
///<summary>The format or container of this file or stream.</summary>
///<example>Windows Media, JPEG, MPEG-4.</example>
public string format { /* implementation */ };
string _title;
///<summary>The title of the movie, track, song, etc..</summary>
public string title { /* implementation */ };
/* more accessors */
#region VideoAudioTextCommon
/* Methods appropriate to this region. */
// More regions, one for each grouping.
public sealed class VideoStream : Media
readonly MultiStreamCommon streamCommon;
///<summary>VideoStream constructor</summary>
///<param name="mediaInfo">A MediaInfo object.</param>
///<param name="id">The ID for this audio stream.</param>
public VideoStream(MediaInfo mediaInfo, int id) : base(mediaInfo, id) {
this.kind = StreamKind.Video;
streamCommon = new MultiStreamCommon(mediaInfo, kind, id);
public string format { get { return streamCommon.format; } }
public string title { get { return streamCommon.title; } }
public string uniqueId { get { return streamCommon.uniqueId; } }
/* ...One line for every media function relevant to this stream type */
缺点是媒体流不会继承适当的功能 - 必须编写访问器。文档也不会被继承,因此每个流都需要为每个访问者添加一个标记,从而导致重复的文档。那说: 重复文档比重复代码更好。
对于那些对与这些线程相关的代码或其目的感兴趣的人(使用.NET轻松获取媒体文件信息),此项目的Google Code页面为here。请让我知道任何想法,特别是那些发布了我遇到的大量漂亮代码的人(Jon Skeet,Marc Gravell和其他人)。