这是一个概念性问题。这是我目前的困境;我正在编写一个vb.net WPF应用程序并使用MVVM模式(喜欢它!可维护性非常棒)。目前所有代码都是手工编写的,没有使用NHibernate或Entity Framework,因为后端是一个访问数据库(由于策略我不能使用NH和EF不支持JET数据库,我们可能会在某些时候切换到MSSQL但从现在开始可能还需要一段时间。)
Public Class Car
Implements ICloneable
Public Property Make() As String
Return m_Make
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
m_Make = value
End Set
End Property
Private m_Make As String
Public Property Model() As String
Return m_Model
End Get
Set(ByVal value As String)
m_Model = value
End Set
End Property
Private m_Model As String
Public Function Clone() As Object Implements System.ICloneable.Clone
Return New Car() With { _
.Make = Me.Make, _
.Model = Me.Model _
End Function
End Class
Public Class CarEqualityComparer
Implements IEqualityComparer(Of Car)
Public Overloads Function Equals(ByVal x As Car, ByVal y As Car) As Boolean Implements System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer(Of Car).Equals
Return x.Make = y.Make AndAlso x.Model = y.Model
End Function
Public Overloads Function GetHashCode(ByVal obj As Car) As Integer Implements System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer(Of Car).GetHashCode
Return 1 'http://blogs.msdn.com/b/jaredpar/archive/2008/06/03/making-equality-easier.aspx
End Function
End Class
Public Class CarRepository
Private _carComparator As New CarEqualityComparer
Private _cars As New ChangeTracker(Of Car)(_carComparator)
Public Function GetCars() As IEnumerable(Of Car)
'TODO: JET/ADO code here, you would obviously do in a for/while loop
Dim dbId1 As Integer = 1
Dim make1 As String = "Ford"
Dim model1 As String = "Focus"
Dim dbId2 As Integer = 2
Dim make2 As String = "Hyundai"
Dim model2 As String = "Elantra"
'TODO: create or update car objects
Dim car1 As Car
If Not _cars.IsTracking(dbId1) Then
car1 = New Car()
car1 = _cars.GetItem(dbId1)
End If
car1.Make = make1
car1.Model = model1
If Not _cars.IsTracking(dbId1) Then
_cars.StartTracking(dbId1, car1)
End If
Dim car2 As Car
If Not _cars.IsTracking(dbId2) Then
car2 = New Car()
car2 = _cars.GetItem(dbId2)
End If
car2.Make = make2
car2.Model = model2
If Not _cars.IsTracking(dbId2) Then
_cars.StartTracking(dbId2, car2)
End If
Return _cars.GetTrackedItems()
End Function
Public Sub SaveCars(ByVal cars As IEnumerable(Of Car))
'TODO: JET/ADO code here to update the item
Console.WriteLine("Distinct " & cars.Distinct.Count.ToString)
For Each changedItem As Car In _cars.GetChangedItems().Intersect(cars)
Console.Write("Saving: ")
For Each newItem As Car In cars.Except(_cars.GetTrackedItems())
Console.Write("Adding: ")
Dim newId As Integer = CInt(Math.Ceiling(Rnd() * 5000)) 'Random right now but JET/ADO to get the id later....
_cars.StartTracking(newId, newItem)
Dim removalArray As New ArrayList
For Each deletedItem As Car In _cars.GetTrackedItems().Except(cars)
Console.Write("Removing: ")
removalArray.Add(_cars.GetId(deletedItem)) 'Cannot remove right as iterating through array - clearly that would be problematic....
For Each dbId As Integer In removalArray
End Sub
End Class
Public Class ChangeTracker(Of T As {ICloneable})
'item "checkpoints" that are internal to this list
Private _originals As New Dictionary(Of Integer, T)()
Private _originalIndex As New Dictionary(Of T, Integer)()
'the current, live-edited objects
Private _copies As New Dictionary(Of Integer, T)()
Private _copyIndex As New Dictionary(Of T, Integer)()
Private _comparator As System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer(Of T)
Public Sub New(ByVal comparator As System.Collections.Generic.IEqualityComparer(Of T))
_comparator = comparator
End Sub
Public Function IsChanged(ByVal copy As T) As Boolean
Dim original = _originals(_copyIndex(copy))
Return Not _comparator.Equals(copy, original)
End Function
Public Function GetChangedItems() As IEnumerable(Of T)
Dim items As IEnumerable(Of T)
items = _copies.Values.Where(Function(c) IsChanged(c))
Return items
End Function
Public Function GetTrackedItems() As IEnumerable(Of T)
Return _copies.Values
End Function
Public Sub SetNewCheckpoint()
For Each copy In Me.GetChangedItems().ToList()
Dim dbId As Integer = _copyIndex(copy)
Dim oldOriginal = _originals(dbId)
Dim newOriginal = DirectCast(copy.Clone(), T)
_originals(dbId) = newOriginal
_originalIndex.Add(newOriginal, dbId)
End Sub
Public Sub StartTracking(ByVal dbId As Integer, ByVal item As T)
Dim newOriginal = DirectCast(item.Clone(), T)
_originals(dbId) = newOriginal
_originalIndex(newOriginal) = dbId
_copies(dbId) = item
_copyIndex(item) = dbId
End Sub
Public Sub StopTracking(ByVal dbId As Integer)
Dim original = _originals(dbId)
Dim copy = _copies(dbId)
End Sub
Public Function IsTracking(ByVal dbId As Integer) As Boolean
Return _originals.ContainsKey(dbId)
End Function
Public Function IsTracking(ByVal item As T) As Boolean
Return _copyIndex.ContainsKey(item)
End Function
Public Function GetItem(ByVal dbId As Integer) As T
Return _copies(dbId)
End Function
Public Function GetId(ByVal item As T) As Integer
Dim dbId As Integer = (_copyIndex(item))
Return dbId
End Function
End Class
答案 0 :(得分:3)
这类似于实体框架如何实现自我跟踪实体(STE)。在EF STE中,为要跟踪的每个实体创建一个跟踪器对象,用于侦听类似于PropertyChanged
此方法的主要好处是您可以执行批量更新/删除操作,而无需使用模型或ViewModel存储任何持久性状态,或者必须始终将所有内容保存到数据库中。这提供了更大的关注点分离(DAL vs M vs VM vs V)。我发现MVVM和Repository Pattern很好地结合在一起。
public class Car : IEquatable<Car>, ICloneable
public string Make { get; set; }
public string Model { get; set; }
public bool Equals(Car other)
return other.Make == this.Make &&
other.Model == this.Model;
public object Clone()
return new Car { Make = this.Make, Model = this.Model };
public class CarRepository
private ChangeTracker<Car> _cars = new ChangeTracker<Car>();
public IEnumerable<Car> GetCars()
//TODO: JET/ADO code here, you would obviously do in a for/while loop
int dbId1 = 1;
string make1 = "Ford";
string model1 = "Focus";
//TODO: create or update car objects
Car car1;
if (!_cars.IsTracking(dbId1))
car1 = new Car();
car1 = _cars.GetItem(dbId1);
car1.Make = make1;
car1.Model = model1;
if (!_cars.IsTracking(dbId1))
_cars.StartTracking(dbId1, car1);
return _cars.GetTrackedItems();
public void SaveCars(IEnumerable<Car> cars)
foreach (var changedItem in _cars.GetChangedItems().Intersect(cars))
//TODO: JET/ADO code here to update the item
foreach (var newItem in cars.Except(_cars.GetTrackedItems()))
//TODO: JET/ADO code here to add the item to the DB and get its new ID
int newId = 5;
_cars.StartTracking(newId, newItem);
public class ChangeTracker<T> where T : IEquatable<T>, ICloneable
//item "checkpoints" that are internal to this list
private Dictionary<int, T> _originals = new Dictionary<int, T>();
private Dictionary<T, int> _originalIndex = new Dictionary<T, int>();
//the current, live-edited objects
private Dictionary<int, T> _copies = new Dictionary<int, T>();
private Dictionary<T, int> _copyIndex = new Dictionary<T, int>();
public bool IsChanged(T copy)
var original = _originals[_copyIndex[copy]];
return original.Equals(copy);
public IEnumerable<T> GetChangedItems()
return _copies.Values.Where(c => IsChanged(c));
public IEnumerable<T> GetTrackedItems()
return _copies.Values;
public void SetNewCheckpoint()
foreach (var copy in this.GetChangedItems().ToList())
int dbId = _copyIndex[copy];
var oldOriginal = _originals[dbId];
var newOriginal = (T)copy.Clone();
_originals[dbId] = newOriginal;
_originalIndex.Add(newOriginal, dbId);
public void StartTracking(int dbId, T item)
var newOriginal = (T)item.Clone();
_originals[dbId] = newOriginal;
_originalIndex[newOriginal] = dbId;
_copies[dbId] = item;
_copyIndex[item] = dbId;
public void StopTracking(int dbId)
var original = _originals[dbId];
var copy = _copies[dbId];
public bool IsTracking(int dbId)
return _originals.ContainsKey(dbId);
public bool IsTracking(T item)
return _copyIndex.ContainsKey(item);
public T GetItem(int dbId)
return _liveCopies[dbId];
static void Main(string[] args)
var repository = new CarRepository();
var cars = repository.GetCars().ToArray();
//make some arbitrary changes...
cars[0].Make = "Chevy";
cars[1].Model = "Van";
//when we call SaveCars, the repository will detect that
//both of these cars have changed, and write them to the database
这个天真的实现依赖于IEquatable和ICloneable,虽然这些肯定不是必需的,但是可能有更好的方法,或者你可能有更有效的方法来确定项目是否已经改变。 (例如,创建对象副本的想法并不完全是内存友好的)。您还需要处理已删除的项目,但这很容易添加到上面的示例中。