从本质上讲,这是一个动态添加项目的购物车。简而言之,当点击删除按钮时,我需要添加什么才能更新屏幕的onClick事件? Invalidate()不起作用。
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我假设您正在使用带有自定义ListAdapter的ListView?将数据集(例如ArrayList)传递给构造函数中的ListAdapter。然后,当您操作数据集时(例如dataset.remove(Object object)
我不确定你的意思是'它拧紧了支架中的位置'。 ViewHolder基本上只是保存您想要在View
- 方法中操作的getView()
的引用。您的数据集与ViewHolder分开,因此从数据集中删除内容不应影响布局 - 除了从列表视图中删除项目,当然。
以下是应该起作用的一个例子。我试着尽可能地解释。您可能知道大部分内容,但我只是提供了一些额外信息以供将来参考/ Google员工使用。
public class MyAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<CartItem> {
// This is our data-model.
// let's say your cartitems only contain an id and name
// normally this would be defined elsewhere in your code
public class CartItem {
public int id;
public String product_name;
* ViewHolders are basically meant to keep a reference to the Views,
* so that you don't have to use .findViewById() on every getView()
* for the elements you're trying to manipulate.
* .findViewById() finds Views by traversing the hierarchy (heavy).
* This generally isn't a problem, but we want to avoid this in
* ListViews because getView() gets called a lot - which makes our app slow.
* We will want to keep a reference to our TextView and Button,
* because these are the elements we want to change every getView().
* Not to the RelativeLayout, because it's already passed in convertView
* (after you inflated it for the first time) and we're not manipulating it
* anyway.
public class ViewHolder {
public Button deleteButton;
public TextView mTextView;
public MyAdapter(Context context, int textViewResourceId,
ArrayList<CartItem> cartItems) {
// here, we tie our data (ArrayList of CartItem's)
// to the ListAdapter (ArrayAdapter = extended ListAdapter)
super(context, textViewResourceId, cartItems);
// this method
public View getView(final int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
final ViewHolder holder;
// if convertView == null, that means we haven't inflated our listitem yet.
if(convertView == null) {
// so, we'll inflate our listitem now.
// after this, convertView will contain our RelativeLayout
// and its children/subviews
LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) getContext()
convertView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.listitem, null);
// now we're gonna instantiate the ViewHolder to keep a reference
// to our TextView and ImageView
holder = new ViewHolder();
holder.mTextView = (TextView) convertView
holder.deleteButton = (Button) convertView
// Now that we have our reference, we want to make sure we can
// keep our reference by using tags. Tags are a way to attach
// data to a View.
} else {
// if we have already inflated our listitem, we just get the
// references to our Views from the tag
holder = (ViewHolder) convertView.getTag();
// we want to read/do-stuff-with a specific CartItem. First, get
// a reference to the data-object.
final CartItem mCartItem = (CartItem) getItem(position);
// now, it's time to manipulate our views
holder.deleteButton.setOnClickListener(new OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
// then, pass a signal to MyAdapter that we want to remove
// this item from our dataset
// now, we want to update any (list)views attached to our MyAdapter
// this will let the ListView update itself
// convertView will be recycled, which means what we output here
// will be the input for the next getView()-call
return convertView;
MyAdapter myAdapter = new MyAdapter(this, R.layout.listitem, cartItems);
ListView listview = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.listview);