的数据类型data D a = D a a a
class C c ...
instance (C c1, C c2) => C (c1, c2)
data D a = D a a a deriving C
instance C ((a, a), a) => C (D a)
使用模 - 懒 - 评估同构,
D a ~ ((a, a), a)
,那么使用新类型和data D m = D (m Integer) (m Integer)
注2 。这个问题一般与Haskell表达有关 - 像Python这样的语言有一个名为元组的东西,它可以在任何使用元组的地方使用;这个问题显示我在哪里/如何不知道如何在Haskell中模拟同样的事情。
答案 0 :(得分:14)
使用GHC 7.4 generic programming support,您可以相对干净,高效地完成此任务。 documentation for GHC.Generics可能会有所帮助。这是一个例子。
class C a where
-- | Double all numbers
double :: a -> a
instance C Int where
double i = 2 * i
instance (C a, C b) => C (a, b) where
double (a, b) = (double a, double b)
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators, DefaultSignatures, DeriveGeneric, FlexibleContexts, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Example where
import GHC.Generics hiding(C, D)
-- "Insert" a normal value into a generic value
instance C c => C (K1 i c x) where
double (K1 c) = K1 (double c)
-- Ignore meta-information (constructor names, type names, field names)
instance C (f x) => C (M1 i c f x) where
double (M1 f) = M1 (double f)
-- Tuple-like instance
instance (C (f x), C (g x)) => C ((f :*: g) x) where
double (f :*: g) = double f :*: double g
class C a where
-- | Double all numbers
double :: a -> a
-- specify the default implementation for double
default double :: (Generic a, C (Rep a ())) => a -> a
double = to0 . double . from0
-- from, with a more specialised type, to avoid ambiguity
from0 :: Generic a => a -> Rep a ()
from0 = from
-- to, with a more specialised type, to avoid ambiguity
to0 :: Generic a => Rep a () -> a
to0 = to
data D a = D a a a deriving Generic
instance C a => C (D a)
data D2 m = D2 (m Int) (m Int) deriving Generic
instance C (D2 D)