jQuery AjaxSubmit没有在IE9上启动

时间:2012-03-02 00:55:29

标签: json jquery post internet-explorer-9





            rules: {

        // This looks for the html artibute name="CaseSensitiveNameHere"
        // Also the inital element being validated is case sensitive to whatever the html arrtibute is. So if it is name="EMAIL", then you must set the function below to EMAIL: { function } required: 'EMAIL'.
        name: {
            required: "name", // this means that the "name:" field must return the value == the "Name" function above - also it must have the same name as itself - so Name must have a function called Name
            required: true // this makes "null" or emtpy invalid
        email: {
            required: 'email', //this means that the "Email:" field must return the value == the "Email" function above - also it must have the same name as itself - so Email must have a function called Email
            required: true,
            email: true // this makes "null" or emtpy invalid

        webinarDate: {
            required: true
        webinar_date: {
            required: true

        webinar_time: {
            required: true

    }, // End Rules

    messages: {
        Name: "Enter Your First Name",
        Email: "Enter A Valid Email",
        webinarDate: "Choose A Webinar Time"
    onfocusout: false,

    //errorElement: "div",
    errorPlacement: function(error, element) { 
    element.parent("td").prev("td").html(''); // Clears placeholder text in previous <td> element
    //$(".errorBox").html(''); //Clears the text in #errorBox1 for error text to be placed there
    error.appendTo( element.parent("td").prev("td") ) // places error text in previous sibling <td> element! woo yes! haha 2/4/11
    //error.appendTo(".errorBox") // places error text in #errorBox1
    .css('font-weight', 'bold'); // sets css for -  error.appendTo so its error.appendTo.css

    // other Error based scripts here!

   success: function(label) {


            submitHandler: function(form) {
                type: "post", // sets the method to POST (default is GET) if no "method" attribute is found on the <form> tag!!!
                url: "process-autopilot.php",                   
                crossDomain: true,
                dataType: "json",   
                beforeSubmit:  showRequest(), // run the BEFORE SUBMITTING CALLBACK aka Function - check if email is set to example@gmail.com, if true, return false, else, return true and go head and submit!
                success: function(data, textStatus){ //do stuff

} });


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