使用 ColdFusion正则表达式,我想用<
替换&lt; 和&gt; 字符,但是仅在[code]块之间的HTML上。
答案 0 :(得分:1)
<cfset contents = form.yourString />
<cfset substring1= "[code]" />
<cfset occurrences1 = ( Len(contents) - Len(Replace(contents,substring1,"","ALL"))) / Len(substring1) />
<cfset substring2= "[/code]" />
<cfset occurrences2 = ( Len(contents) - Len(Replace(contents,substring2,"","ALL"))) / Len(substring2) />
<cfif occurrences1 EQ occurrences2 AND occurrences1 GT 0 AND occurrences2 GT 0>
<cfset loopinstance = occurrences1 />
<cfif occurrences1 LT occurrences2>
<cfset loopinstance = occurrences1 />
<cfset loopinstance = occurrences2 />
<cfloop index="code_loop" from="1" to="#loopinstance#">
// prepare variables //
code_string = contents;
startpos = FindNoCase("[code]", code_string);
startpos = Evaluate(startpos + 6); // adjust the correct position of string in question
endpos = FindNoCase("[/code]", code_string);
code_string = Mid(code_string, startpos, Evaluate(endpos - startpos)); // extract the string between code brackets
//** Replace-Codes are extensible depending on the used programming languages **//
code_string = ReplaceNoCase(code_string, "<","<", "ALL");
code_string = ReplaceNoCase(code_string, ">",">", "ALL");
//** process conversion of [code] block **//
startpos = FindNoCase("[code]", contents); // reevaluating the start and end positions for main string
startpos = Evaluate(startpos + 6); // adjust the correct position of form string
endpos = FindNoCase("[/code]", contents);
contents = RemoveChars(contents, startpos, Evaluate(endpos - startpos)); // remove the extracted string
contents = Insert(code_string, contents, Evaluate(startpos - 1)); // insert the processed code block to the original position
contents = ReplaceNoCase(contents, "[code]", "[coded]", "ONE"); // "flagging" the processed [code] block as finished by adding a "d"
contents = ReplaceNoCase(contents, "[/code]", "[/coded]", "ONE"); // "flagging" the processed [code] block as finished by adding a "d"
<!--- This is the regex to turn a written [code] block into an escaped HTML block --->
contents = REReplaceNoCase(contents, "\[coded\](.*?)\[/coded\]", "<div id =""code_test"">Escaped Code: <br />\1</div>", "ALL");
我希望这会帮助一些很难关注@David Faber帮助的人。
答案 1 :(得分:0)
我认为在ColdFusion中你必须迭代字符串,搜索“[code]”的出现。当您发现这种情况时,请读取字符串直到您点击“[/ code]”。取该字符串并执行replaceList替换字符。使用removeChars和insert函数将旧字符串替换为new。在此上下文中使用正则表达式的一个问题是CF函数REReplace不能用另一个模式替换模式,只能用字符串替换。