// DO NOT try to cast this to Desktop as com.sun.star.frame.Desktop is NOT a valid class!
// keep it as Object and cast it to XDesktop later (via queryInterface)
Object desktop = xMCF.createInstanceWithContext("com.sun.star.frame.Desktop", xContext);
XMultiServiceFactory xFactory = (XMultiServiceFactory) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XMultiServiceFactory.class, xMCF);
// what goes for desktop above is valid for DispatchHelper as well.
Object dispatchHelper = xFactory.createInstance("com.sun.star.frame.DispatchHelper");
// the DispatchHelper is the class that handles the interaction with dialogs.
XDispatchHelper helper = (XDispatchHelper) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(
XDispatchHelper.class, dispatchHelper);
XDesktop xDesktop = (XDesktop) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(com.sun.star.frame.XDesktop.class, desktop);
XFrame xFrame = xDesktop.getCurrentFrame();
XDispatchProvider xDispatchProvider = (XDispatchProvider) UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XDispatchProvider.class, xFrame);
// We issute the Track Changes Dialog (Bearbeiten - Änderungen // Edit - Changes) and tell it
// to ACCEPT all changes.
PropertyValue[] acceptChanges = new PropertyValue[1];
acceptChanges[0] = new PropertyValue();
acceptChanges[0].Name = "AcceptTrackedChanges";
acceptChanges[0].Value = Boolean.TRUE;
helper.executeDispatch(xDispatchProvider, ".uno:AcceptTrackedChanges", "", 0, acceptChanges);
// We issue it again to tell it to stop showing changes.
PropertyValue[] showChanges = new PropertyValue[1];
showChanges[0] = new PropertyValue();
showChanges[0].Name = "ShowTrackedChanges";
showChanges[0].Value = Boolean.FALSE;
helper.executeDispatch(xDispatchProvider, ".uno:ShowTrackedChanges", "", 0, showChanges);
答案 0 :(得分:4)
在花了两天时间了解OOo API之后,我意识到文档没有加载到前端,这就是为什么这种方法失败的原因。但是,您可以直接修改文档的属性:
XPropertySet docProperties = UnoRuntime.queryInterface(XPropertySet.class, document);
docProperties.setPropertyValue("RedlineDisplayType", RedlineDisplayType.NONE);
可以在RedlinePortion documentation