我正在尝试为双精度数组实现经典的点积内核,并对各个块的最终总和进行原子计算。我使用atomicAdd进行双精度编程指南的第116页中所述。可能我做错了。每个块中线程的部分和都是正确计算的,但是之后原子操作似乎没有正常工作因为每次我使用相同的数据运行我的内核,我会收到不同的结果。如果有人能发现错误或提供替代解决方案,我将不胜感激! 这是我的内核:
__global__ void cuda_dot_kernel(int *n,double *a, double *b, double *dot_res)
__shared__ double cache[threadsPerBlock]; //thread shared memory
int global_tid=threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
int i=0,cacheIndex=0;
double temp = 0;
cacheIndex = threadIdx.x;
while (global_tid < (*n)) {
temp += a[global_tid] * b[global_tid];
global_tid += blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
cache[cacheIndex] = temp;
for (i=blockDim.x/2; i>0; i>>=1) {
if (threadIdx.x < i) {
cache[threadIdx.x] += cache[threadIdx.x + i];
if (cacheIndex==0) {
__device__ double cuda_atomicAdd(double *address, double val)
double assumed,old=*address;
do {
old= __longlong_as_double(atomicCAS((unsigned long long int*)address,
}while (assumed!=old);
return old;
答案 0 :(得分:9)
使用ad hoc CUDA代码获得正确的缩减可能会非常棘手,因此这里是使用CUDA工具包中包含的Thrust算法的替代解决方案:
#include <thrust/inner_product.h>
#include <thrust/device_ptr.h>
double do_dot_product(int n, double *a, double *b)
// wrap raw pointers to device memory with device_ptr
thrust::device_ptr<double> d_a(a), d_b(b);
// inner_product implements a mathematical dot product
return thrust::inner_product(d_a, d_a + n, d_b, 0.0);
答案 1 :(得分:3)
if (cacheIndex==0) {
if (cacheIndex==0) {
double result=cuda_atomicAdd(dot_res,cache[0]);
答案 2 :(得分:-1)
没有检查你的代码的深度,但这里有一些建议 我只建议使用Thrust,如果你只使用你的GPU进行这样的通用任务,因为如果出现一个复杂的问题,人们根本不知道在gpu上有效地编程并行。
启动一个新的并行缩减内核来总结点积 由于数据已经在设备上,因此您不会看到启动新内核的性能下降。
优化并行缩减。 My Thesis或Optimisations Mark Harris
* @param inCount_s unsigned long long int Length of both input arrays
* @param inValues1_g double* First value array
* @param inValues2_g double* Second value array
* @param outDots_g double* Output dots of each block, length equals the number of blocks
__global__ void dotProduct(const unsigned long long int inCount_s,
const double* inValuesA_g,
const double* inValuesB_g,
double* outDots_g)
//get unique block index in a possible 3D Grid
const unsigned long long int blockId = blockIdx.x //1D
+ blockIdx.y * gridDim.x //2D
+ gridDim.x * gridDim.y * blockIdx.z; //3D
//block dimension uses only x-coordinate
const unsigned long long int tId = blockId * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
* shared value pair products array, where BLOCK_SIZE power of 2
* To improve performance increase its size by multiple of BLOCK_SIZE, so that each threads loads more then 1 element!
* (outDots_g length decreases by same factor, and you need to range check and initialize memory)
* -> see harris gpu optimisations / parallel reduction slides for more informations.
__shared__ double dots_s[BLOCK_SIZE];
* initialize shared memory array and calculate dot product of two values,
* shared memory always needs to be initialized, its never 0 by default, else garbage is read later!
if(tId < inCount_s)
dots_s[threadIdx.x] = inValuesA_g[tId] * inValuesB_g[tId];
dots_s[threadIdx.x] = 0;
//do parallel reduction on shared memory array to sum up values
reductionAdd(dots_s, dots_s[0]) //see my thesis link
//output value
if(threadIdx.x == 0)
outDots_g[0] = dots_s[0];
//start new parallel reduction kernel to sum up outDots_g!