C ++写入/读取的大小为4

时间:2012-02-15 11:49:52

标签: c++ debugging parsing g++ valgrind

我正在用C ++编写一个程序,它涉及解析很多文本文件。当我用valgrind运行程序时,我遇到了很多错误。

我使用的是Ubuntu 11,编译器是g ++; 该程序的目标是接收一个可选的参考文件作为参数,一个要处理的主文件,包含超过1000万行,以及要生成的14个文件的根名称。


    #include <iostream>
    #include <stdio.h>
    #include <stdlib.h>
    #include <sstream>
    #include "coverSamMulti.h"
    #include "string.h"

    using namespace std;

    int main(int argc, char **argv) {
bool mutYN;
char * filerefgen; // The reference genome files
char * filemap; // the mapping file
char * fileroot; // the root name of all the generated files

// two or three arguments?
if (argc == 3)
        mutYN= false;
        filemap = new char[strlen(argv[1])+1];
        fileroot = new char[strlen(argv[2])+1];
    else if (argc == 4)
        mutYN= true;
        filerefgen = new char[strlen(argv[1])+1];
        filemap = new char[strlen(argv[2])+1];
        fileroot = new char[strlen(argv[3])+1];
    else {
        cout << " \n Less or or too much parameter passed \n";
        return 0;

    //call of the main function

    GenF_Inf genfinf = ScanReadsMap(filemap);

    // We will store for each positions and in 14 files respectively the coverage, the coverage of A, G, C and T,
    // the number mismatches,the number of first position alignment, the number of first position alignment on the reverse strand,
    // and the consensus genome of the sample, the segments size, the insertfs, the firsts, the ins and the del,

                char * filecov = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(fileroot)+10));
                char * filecov_A = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(fileroot)+12));
                char * filecov_G = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(fileroot)+12));
                char * filecov_C = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(fileroot)+12));
                char * filecov_T = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(fileroot)+12));
                char * filemis= (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(fileroot)+10));
                char * filefirst= (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(fileroot)+10));
                char * filefirstr = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(fileroot)+9));
                char * filecons = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(fileroot)+9));
                char * fileseg = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(fileroot)+9));
                char * fileinsert = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(fileroot)+12)); // the different insertsize
                char * filefirsts = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(fileroot)+12)); // the first position  on single mapped reads
                char * fileins = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(fileroot)+9)); // the different insertsize
                char * filedel = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(fileroot)+9)); // the first position  on single mapped reads

                //building files' name;


                strcat(filecov, "_cov.txt");
                strcat(filecov_A, "_cov_A.txt");
                strcat(filecov_C, "_cov_C.txt");
                strcat(filecov_G, "_cov_G.txt");
                strcat(filecov_T, "_cov_T.txt");
                strcat(filemis, "_mis.txt");
                strcat(filefirst, "_first.txt");
                strcat(filefirstr, "_firstr.txt");
                strcat(filecons, "_cons.txt");
                strcat(fileseg, "_seg.txt");
                strcat(fileinsert, "_insert.txt");
                strcat(filefirsts, "_firsts.txt");
                strcat(fileins, "_ins.txt");
                strcat(filedel, "_del.txt");

                ofstream covf(filecov);
                ofstream covf_A(filecov_A);
                ofstream covf_C(filecov_C);
                ofstream covf_G(filecov_G);
                ofstream covf_T(filecov_T);
                ofstream misf(filemis);
                ofstream firstf(filefirst);
                ofstream firstrevf(filefirstr);
                ofstream consf(filecons);
                ofstream segf(fileseg);
                ofstream insertf(fileinsert);
                ofstream firstsf(filefirsts);
                ofstream insf(fileins);
                ofstream delf(filedel);

                // generating the files

cout << "\n ====================================== \n ";
cout << "\n Generating the files   \n ";
cout << "\n ====================================== \n ";

for(int j=0;j < NSEG; j++)
    {   segf << genfinf.start[j];
            for ( int i =0; i <genfinf.lenght[j]; i++)
            { if ((j!=NSEG-1) && (i!= genfinf.lenght[NSEG-1]-1)){
                firstf << genfinf.mapfinf[j].firstposcov[i] << ",";
                misf << genfinf.mapfinf[j].nbmismatch[i]<< ",";
                covf << genfinf.mapfinf[j].poscov[i] << ",";
                covf_A << genfinf.mapfinf[j].poscov_A[i]<< ",";
                covf_C << genfinf.mapfinf[j].poscov_C[i]<< ",";
                covf_G << genfinf.mapfinf[j].poscov_G[i]<< ",";
                covf_T << genfinf.mapfinf[j].poscov_T[i]<< ",";
                firstrevf<< genfinf.mapfinf[j].first_rev[i]<< ",";
                insf << genfinf.mapfinf[j].ins[i]<< ",";
                delf << genfinf.mapfinf[j].del[i]<< ",";
                firstsf << genfinf.mapfinf[j].firstposcovsingle[i]<< ",";

for(int j=0;j < 999; j++)   insertf << genfinf.insert[j]<< ",";

int j = NSEG-1;int i = genfinf.lenght[NSEG-1]-1;

firstf << genfinf.mapfinf[j].firstposcov[i] ;
misf << genfinf.mapfinf[j].nbmismatch[i];
covf << genfinf.mapfinf[j].poscov[i] ;
covf_A << genfinf.mapfinf[j].poscov_A[i];
covf_C << genfinf.mapfinf[j].poscov_C[i];
covf_G << genfinf.mapfinf[j].poscov_G[i];
covf_T << genfinf.mapfinf[j].poscov_T[i];
firstrevf<< genfinf.mapfinf[j].first_rev[i];
insf << genfinf.mapfinf[j].ins[i];
delf << genfinf.mapfinf[j].del[i];
firstsf << genfinf.mapfinf[j].firstposcovsingle[i];

j =999;
insertf << genfinf.insert[j];

//building the consensus genome

cout << "\n ====================================== \n ";
cout << "\n building the consensus  \n ";
cout << "\n ====================================== \n ";

int A,G,C,T;

for(int j=0;j < NSEG; j++)
        {  consf<<">segment_"<<j+1<<"\n";
            int k = 0; // for newline after 60 bp;
                for ( i =0; i <genfinf.lenght[j]; i++)
                    A=genfinf.mapfinf[j].poscov_A[i]; C=genfinf.mapfinf[j].poscov_C[i];
                    G=genfinf.mapfinf[j].poscov_G[i]; T=genfinf.mapfinf[j].poscov_T[i];
                    if    ((A>=G)&&(A>=C)&&(A>=T))   {if (A!=0)consf<<"A"; else         consf<<"N";}
                    else if ((C>=A)&&(C>=G)&&(C>=T))  consf<<"C";
                    else if ((G>=A)&&(G>=C)&&(G>=T))  consf<<"G";
                    else if (((T>=A)&&(T>=G)&&(T>=C)))consf<<"T";
                    if (k ==59 ){consf<<"\n";k=0;}

    // closing all files


// finding mutations

 if (mutYN)

        cout << "\n ====================================== \n ";
        cout << "\n  computing mutations \n ";
        cout << "\n ====================================== \n ";

        // Preparing the mutations file.
        char * filemut = (char *)malloc(sizeof(char)*(strlen(fileroot)+9));
        strcat(filemut, "_mut.txt");
        ofstream mutf(filemut);

        char chrg, chcg;// Char from the reference genome, Char from the consensus genome
        string strheader; // the first line of the reference genome file

        ifstream refgen(filerefgen);
        ifstream consf(filecons);
           if ( !refgen )
                               puts("Cannot open open the file") ;
                               refgen.close() ;
               getline(refgen, strheader);
               // read in the file without catching any non alpha caracter like space, tab, etc...
               do {chrg = refgen.get();} while (!isalpha(chrg) && (chrg !=EOF ));
               do {chcg=consf.get(); } while (!isalpha(chcg)&& (chcg !=EOF ));
               int i =0;

                      while (( chrg !=EOF )&&(chcg !=EOF ))
                        { if (chrg != chcg)
                            mutf<< "Position "<< i << " : \n";
                            mutf << "\t"<<chrg<<" by "<<chcg<<"\n";
                       do {chrg = refgen.get();} while (!isalpha(chrg) && (chrg !=EOF ));
                       do {chcg=consf.get(); } while (!isalpha(chcg)&& (chcg !=EOF ));

            cout << "\n Mutations computed \n ";


    cout << "\n ====================================== \n ";
    cout << "\n all files generated successfuly \n ";
    cout << "\n ====================================== \n ";

        return 0;



     ==28950== Memcheck, a memory error detector
     ==28950== Copyright (C) 2002-2011, and GNU GPL'd, by Julian Seward et al.
     ==28950== Using Valgrind-3.7.0 and LibVEX; rerun with -h for copyright info
     ==28950== Command: ./echantillon Ftooshort.sam covsam/echan1
     ==28950== Parent PID: 1928
     ==28950== Warning: client switching stacks?  SP change: 0xbeee91f8 --> 0xbeb8b910
     ==28950==          to suppress, use: --max-stackframe=3528936 or greater
     ==28950== Invalid write of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x8049000: main (echantillon.cpp:11)
     ==28950==  Location 0xbeb8b92c is 0 bytes inside local var "argv"
     ==28950==  declared at echantillon.cpp:11, in frame #0 of thread 1
     ==28950== Invalid write of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x804900D: main (echantillon.cpp:11)
     ==28950==  Address 0xbeee91ec is on thread 1's stack
     ==28950== Invalid write of size 1
     ==28950==    at 0x804901B: main (echantillon.cpp:20)
     ==28950==  Location 0xbeee7f8d is 0 bytes inside local var "mutYN"
     ==28950==  declared at echantillon.cpp:12, in frame #0 of thread 1
     ==28950== Invalid read of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x8049022: main (echantillon.cpp:21)
     ==28950==  Location 0xbeb8b92c is 0 bytes inside local var "argv"
     ==28950==  declared at echantillon.cpp:11, in frame #0 of thread 1
     ==28950== Invalid write of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x804902D: main (echantillon.cpp:21)
     ==28950==  Address 0xbeb8b910 is on thread 1's stack
     ==28950== Invalid read of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x402A225: strlen (mc_replace_strmem.c:390)
     ==28950==    by 0x8049034: main (echantillon.cpp:21)
     ==28950==  Location 0xbeb8b910 is 0 bytes inside local var "str"
     ==28950==  declared at mc_replace_strmem.c:390, in frame #0 of thread 1
     ==28950== Invalid write of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x8049038: main (echantillon.cpp:21)
     ==28950==  Address 0xbeb8b910 is on thread 1's stack
     ==28950== Invalid read of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x4029149: operator new[](unsigned int) (vg_replace_malloc.c:343)
     ==28950==    by 0x804903F: main (echantillon.cpp:21)
     ==28950==  Location 0xbeb8b910 is 0 bytes inside local var "n"
     ==28950==  declared at vg_replace_malloc.c:343, in frame #0 of thread 1
     ==28950== Invalid write of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x8049040: main (echantillon.cpp:21)
     ==28950==  Location 0xbeee7f18 is 0 bytes inside local var "filemap"
     ==28950==  declared at echantillon.cpp:14, in frame #0 of thread 1
     ==28950== Invalid read of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x8049046: main (echantillon.cpp:22)
     ==28950==  Location 0xbeb8b92c is 0 bytes inside local var "argv"
     ==28950==  declared at echantillon.cpp:11, in frame #0 of thread 1
     ==28950== Invalid write of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x8049051: main (echantillon.cpp:22)
     ==28950==  Address 0xbeb8b910 is on thread 1's stack
     ==28950== Invalid read of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x402A225: strlen (mc_replace_strmem.c:390)
     ==28950==    by 0x8049058: main (echantillon.cpp:22)
     ==28950==  Location 0xbeb8b910 is 0 bytes inside local var "str"
     ==28950==  declared at mc_replace_strmem.c:390, in frame #0 of thread 1
     ==28950== Invalid write of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x804905C: main (echantillon.cpp:22)
     ==28950==  Address 0xbeb8b910 is on thread 1's stack
     ==28950== Invalid read of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x4029149: operator new[](unsigned int) (vg_replace_malloc.c:343)
     ==28950==    by 0x8049063: main (echantillon.cpp:22)
     ==28950==  Location 0xbeb8b910 is 0 bytes inside local var "n"
     ==28950==  declared at vg_replace_malloc.c:343, in frame #0 of thread 1
     ==28950== Invalid write of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x8049064: main (echantillon.cpp:22)
     ==28950==  Location 0xbeee7f1c is 0 bytes inside local var "fileroot"
     ==28950==  declared at echantillon.cpp:15, in frame #0 of thread 1
     ==28950== Invalid read of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x804906A: main (echantillon.cpp:23)
     ==28950==  Location 0xbeb8b92c is 0 bytes inside local var "argv"
     ==28950==  declared at echantillon.cpp:11, in frame #0 of thread 1
     ==28950== Invalid write of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x8049075: main (echantillon.cpp:23)
     ==28950==  Address 0xbeb8b914 is on thread 1's stack
     ==28950== Invalid read of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x8049079: main (echantillon.cpp:23)
     ==28950==  Location 0xbeee7f18 is 0 bytes inside local var "filemap"
     ==28950==  declared at echantillon.cpp:14, in frame #0 of thread 1
     ==28950== Invalid write of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x804907F: main (echantillon.cpp:23)
     ==28950==  Address 0xbeb8b910 is on thread 1's stack
     ==28950== Invalid read of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x402A269: strcpy (mc_replace_strmem.c:429)
     ==28950==    by 0x8049086: main (echantillon.cpp:23)
     ==28950==  Location 0xbeb8b914 is 0 bytes inside local var "src"
     ==28950==  declared at mc_replace_strmem.c:429, in frame #0 of thread 1
     ==28950== Invalid read of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x402A26C: strcpy (mc_replace_strmem.c:429)
     ==28950==    by 0x8049086: main (echantillon.cpp:23)
     ==28950==  Location 0xbeb8b910 is 0 bytes inside local var "dst"
     ==28950==  declared at mc_replace_strmem.c:429, in frame #0 of thread 1
     ==28950== Invalid read of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x8049087: main (echantillon.cpp:24)
     ==28950==  Location 0xbeb8b92c is 0 bytes inside local var "argv"
     ==28950==  declared at echantillon.cpp:11, in frame #0 of thread 1
     ==28950== Invalid write of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x8049092: main (echantillon.cpp:24)
     ==28950==  Address 0xbeb8b914 is on thread 1's stack
     ==28950== Invalid read of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x8049096: main (echantillon.cpp:24)
     ==28950==  Location 0xbeee7f1c is 0 bytes inside local var "fileroot"
     ==28950==  declared at echantillon.cpp:15, in frame #0 of thread 1
     ==28950== Invalid write of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x804909C: main (echantillon.cpp:24)
     ==28950==  Address 0xbeb8b910 is on thread 1's stack
     ==28950== Invalid read of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x402A269: strcpy (mc_replace_strmem.c:429)
     ==28950==    by 0x80490A3: main (echantillon.cpp:24)
     ==28950==  Location 0xbeb8b914 is 0 bytes inside local var "src"
     ==28950==  declared at mc_replace_strmem.c:429, in frame #0 of thread 1
     ==28950== Invalid read of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x402A26C: strcpy (mc_replace_strmem.c:429)
     ==28950==    by 0x80490A3: main (echantillon.cpp:24)
     ==28950==  Location 0xbeb8b910 is 0 bytes inside local var "dst"
     ==28950==  declared at mc_replace_strmem.c:429, in frame #0 of thread 1

     // And many others almost 30 per each mentioning char * or file I mean fileroot, filemap, filecons, filedes, and so on.

     ==28950== Invalid read of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x804D29C: std::operator|(std::_Ios_Openmode, std::_Ios_Openmode) (ios_base.h:122)
     ==28950==    by 0x8049867: main (echantillon.cpp:99)
     ==28950==  Location 0xbeb8b914 is 0 bytes inside local var "__b"
     ==28950==  declared at ios_base.h:121, in frame #0 of thread 1
     ==28950== Invalid write of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x8049868: main (echantillon.cpp:99)
     ==28950==  Address 0xbeb8b918 is on thread 1's stack
     ==28950== Invalid read of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x804986C: main (echantillon.cpp:99)
     ==28950==  Location 0xbeee7f3c is 0 bytes inside local var "filecov"
     ==28950==  declared at echantillon.cpp:52, in frame #0 of thread 1
     ==28950== Invalid write of size 4
     ==28950==    at 0x8049872: main (echantillon.cpp:99)
     ==28950==  Address 0xbeb8b914 is on thread 1's stack


1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

来自valgrind docs




Valgrind在堆栈指针中发现了如此大的变化   猜测客户端正在切换到不同的堆栈。在这一点上   做一个kludgey猜测新堆栈的基础是什么,并设置   内存权限相应。您可能会收到许多虚假错误消息   在此之后,如果Valgrind猜错了。此刻“大   “更改”定义为更改为2000000的值   堆栈指针寄存器。


如果没有解决您的问题,请发布再现它的最小可编译代码 - 上面的OP很大,看起来大部分都不相关。