
时间:2012-02-14 06:34:54

标签: html css printing cross-browser

我刚刚接受了20次实习的技术面试,我的大部分面试官都打印了我的简历。我已经注意到它在印刷形式中的结果存在严重的不一致之处,而且我认为罪魁祸首是不同浏览器和#34;渲染的差异。 HTML / CSS。




BTW,这里有冗长的html / css来源(我不希望你在这里通过它,但更有可能将它复制粘贴到记事本中并自己打开页面。)

编辑:或查看jsfiddle page

    <title>Andrew Rasmussen</title>
    <style type="text/css" media="all">
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        #title h1 {font:normal 1.8em verdana}
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<div id="masthead"> 
    <div id="title"><h1>Andrew Rasmussen</h1><p>3A Software Engineering - University of Waterloo</p><p>arasmussen [at] katworks.com</p></div>   
<div id="skills" class="section">   
    <h2>Technical Skills</h2>
        <li>Eight years of programming experience
            <li><h4>C/C++ (8 years)</h4>- 3D games (OpenGL), industry experience with pointers, STL, OOP, templates</li>
            <li><h4>PHP, MySQL (2 years)</h4>- Backend of web applications with thousands of rows in the database</li>
            <li><h4>OpenGL/GLSL (1 year)</h4>- Modern OpenGL using vertex buffer objects, fragment/vertex shaders</li>
            <li><h4>C# (8 months)</h4>- Windows Forms GUI applications, backend of ASP.NET web applications</li>
            <li><h4>JavaScript, jQuery (6 months)</h4>- Interactive web plugins</li>
            <li><h4>Python (6 months)</h4>- 2D games using PyGame (Astroids and Breakout clones)</li>
        <li>Familiarity: XML, JSON, Regex, HTML, CSS, Scheme, ASP.NET, Perl, Lua, Bash</li>
        <li>Platforms: Linux (Ubuntu, Red Hat, Fedora), Windows</li>
        <li>Editors: Vim, Visual Studio 2008/2010, Eclipse</li>
<div id="experience" class="section"><h2>Relevant Work Experience</h2>
    <div class="entry odd">
        <div class="for">Digital Extremes: London, ON<span>September-December, 2011</span></div>
        <h3>Star Trek Gameplay Programming</h3>
        <div class="details">
                <li>Independently designed, implemented, and tested many new features and bug fixes</li>
                <li>Touched a broad spectrum of codebase from low-level network serialization in the engine to high-level visible gameplay features</li>
                <li>Technologies: C++, Lua</li>
    <div class="entry even">
        <div class="for">Morgan Stanley: New York, NY<span>January-April, 2011</span></div>
        <h3>Electronic Trading Infrastructure</h3>
        <div class="details">
                <li>Enhanced and fixed a C++ project which serializes C++ objects into specific formats</li>
                <li>Project was distributed for use in internal trading applications in production</li>
                <li>Solely responsible for the design and testing of my enhancements and bug fixes</li>
                <li>Technologies: C++, Bash, Perl, Python, JSON</li>
    <div class="entry odd">
        <div class="for">Qualcomm Incorporated: San Diego, CA<span>May-August, 2010</span></div>
        <h3>QDSP6 Audio Test Framework</h3>
        <div class="details">
                <li>Designed and developed a Perl script to automate audio testing with extensive capabilities, including running overnight stress tests, recording audio playback, and comparing audio output using bit exactness</li>
                <li>Ran stability and stress tests for bi-weekly builds</li>
                <li>Assisted our development team in developing these C++ tests</li>
                <li>Technologies: Perl, C++, Bash</li>
    <div class="entry even">
        <div class="for">Microsoft Corporation: Redmond, WA<span>June-August, 2009</span></div>
        <h3>Visual Studio 2010 Globalization</h3>
        <div class="details">
                <li>Developed and tested a web-based Silverlight application that could be localized for multiple locales as a presentation piece to help explain the process of Globalization</li>
                <li>Pseudo-localized a daily build of Visual Studio 2010 for familiarity with the globalization process</li>
                <li>Technologies: ASP.NET, Silverlight, C#, HTML, CSS</li>
    <div class="entry odd five">
        <div class="for">Microsoft Corporation: Redmond, WA<span>June-August, 2008</span></div>
        <h3>Windows Embedded, Point of Service</h3>
        <div class="details">
                <li>Developed an application that kept an inventory of POS devices and associated information</li>
                <li>Designed a neat, systematic, GUI that could be accessed throughout the entire team (over network)</li>
                <li>Technologies: C#, Windows Forms, SQL, ADO.NET</li>
    <div class="entry even six">
        <div class="for">Freelance Work</div>
        <div class="details">
                <li>Real Estate Listing - currently developing an interactive real estate site (PHP, jQuery, MySQL) - for Tungsten Property</li>
                <li>Content Slider - a jQuery plugin that slides between any generic unordered list of div's you give it - for Katworks Inc.</li>
                <li>Xliff Target Editor - a C# WinForms application to edit XML-like files with a GUI - for Katworks Inc.</li>
                <li>Directory Remover - an easily configurable DOS Batch script to schedule the removal of certain directories - for Global Labs</li>
<div id="other">    
    <div id="activities" class="section"><h2>Related Activities</h2>
            <li><h3>Game/Graphics Programming:</h3>
                    <li>3D games (C++, modern OpenGL) using vertex buffer objects and shaders (GLSL)</li>
                    <li>Rendered ~3 million textured triangles using VBOs with >300fps in a minecraft-like game (including physics)</li>
                    <li>Designed and implemented a game using a heightmap and associated collision detection</li>
            <li><h3>Web Programming:</h3>
                    <li>Interactive web plugins using vanilla JavaScript or jQuery</li>
                    <li>Applications with a PHP/MySQL backend and careful, secure, graphical interface to the database</li>
            <li><h3>Stack Overflow: </h3>Over 130 answers, have a reputation in the top 12% of users; mostly from answering C++/OpenGL questions</li>
            <li><h3>Project Euler: </h3>Completion of the dozens of challenges on this programming challenge/contest site for fun</li>
            <li><h3>UW/Google AI Challenge: </h3>Participation in two Google sponsored, UW hosted, AI programming competitions. Overall ranking in both challenges were in the top quartile. Competition subjects include Rock Paper Scissors and Tron.</li>
    <div id="education" class="section"><h2>Education</h2>
            <li><h3>Candidate for Bachelor of Software Engineering </h3>at the University of Waterloo, June 2014. Relevant courses include Operating Systems, Algorithms, Object Oriented Software Development, Data Structures</li></ul></div>

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:2)

CSS3 Module: Paged Media,您可以自己定义margin和其他属性。但是,我建议您将简历转换为PDF并将其放在您的网站上以供离线使用,因为(1)您无法确定收件人的浏览器是否理解您的样式表以及(2)字体是否为'Verdana'已安装在收件人PC上。

如果您希望在面试官可以使用的所有浏览器上实现相同的行为,那么您将需要完成十几项兼容性测试,安装多个浏览器,在不同的操作系统上打印...即使这样,您也无法确定收件人是否使用了以奇怪方式运行的浏览器。毕竟,HTML和CSS只有标记/样式语言,而标准只是推荐。确定PDF在所有兼容设备上看起来相同,并且是ISO标准。我宁愿坚持使用PDF,也不愿使用HTML / CSS来实现这种设计。

(额外信息 - 关于体面的浏览器,您可以使用.odd.even实现.entry:nth-of-type(odd) .entry:nth-of-type(even)。)

答案 1 :(得分:2)


除了margin:none之外,我还没有发现你的来源有任何错误 好吧,建议将字体名称视为区分大小写,因此系统会使用Verdana&#39; Verdana&#39;

