,它们在ARC的发行说明中有记载,但在实际的运行时和框架中从未提及过。还可以观察到,这个method is in fact ignored in practice.另一种方法是allowsWeakReference
- (BOOL)allowsWeakReference NS_UNAVAILABLE;
- (BOOL)retainWeakReference NS_UNAVAILABLE;
objc[17337]: Do not call -_isDeallocating.
#0 0x00007fff9900f768 in _objc_trap ()
#1 0x00007fff9900f8aa in _objc_fatal ()
#2 0x00007fff9901bd90 in _objc_rootIsDeallocating ()
#3 0x00007fff97e92ce9 in -[NSObject _isDeallocating] ()
#4 0x00007fff97b5fad5 in -[NSObject(NSObject) allowsWeakReference] ()
#5 0x00007fff97dfe021 in -[NSObject performSelector:] ()
#11 0x00007fff97a5fd32 in __-[NSNotificationCenter addObserver:selector:name:object:]_block_invoke_1 ()
#12 0x00007fff97dafaaa in _CFXNotificationPost ()
#13 0x00007fff97a4bfe7 in -[NSNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:] ()
#14 0x00007fff8fa0460f in -[NSApplication _postDidFinishNotification] ()
#15 0x00007fff8fa04375 in -[NSApplication _sendFinishLaunchingNotification] ()
#16 0x00007fff8fa0303c in -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleAEOpenEvent:] ()
#17 0x00007fff8fa02d9d in -[NSApplication(NSAppleEventHandling) _handleCoreEvent:withReplyEvent:] ()
#18 0x00007fff97df9591 in -[NSObject performSelector:withObject:withObject:] ()
#19 0x00007fff97a827eb in __-[NSAppleEventManager setEventHandler:andSelector:forEventClass:andEventID:]_block_invoke_1 ()
#20 0x00007fff97a81772 in -[NSAppleEventManager dispatchRawAppleEvent:withRawReply:handlerRefCon:] ()
#21 0x00007fff97a81600 in _NSAppleEventManagerGenericHandler ()
#22 0x00007fff96623c25 in aeDispatchAppleEvent ()
#23 0x00007fff96623b03 in dispatchEventAndSendReply ()
#24 0x00007fff966239f7 in aeProcessAppleEvent ()
#25 0x00007fff92101af9 in AEProcessAppleEvent ()
#26 0x00007fff8fa001a9 in _DPSNextEvent ()
#27 0x00007fff8f9ff861 in -[NSApplication nextEventMatchingMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] ()
#28 0x00007fff8f9fc19d in -[NSApplication run] ()
#29 0x00007fff8fc7ab88 in NSApplicationMain ()
答案 0 :(得分:1)
@implementation NSObject (MAWeakReference)
static NSSet *weakRefUnavailableClasses = nil;
+ (void)load {
weakRefUnavailableClasses = [NSSet setWithObjects:
// Classes that don't support zeroing-weak references
// In addition
// TODO: need to add all the classes in AV Foundation
- (BOOL)ma_supportsWeakPointers {
if ([self respondsToSelector:@selector(supportsWeakPointers)])
return [[self performSelector:@selector(supportsWeakPointers)] boolValue];
// NOTE: Also test for overriden implementation of allowsWeakReference in NSObject subclass.
// We must use a bit of hackery here because by default NSObject's allowsWeakReference causes
// assertion failure and program crash if it is not called by the runtime
Method defaultMethod = class_getInstanceMethod([NSObject class], @selector(allowsWeakReference));
Method overridenMethod = class_getInstanceMethod([self class], @selector(allowsWeakReference));
if (overridenMethod != defaultMethod)
return [[self performSelector:@selector(allowsWeakReference)] boolValue];
// Make sure we are not one of classes that do not support weak references according to docs
for (NSString *className in weakRefUnavailableClasses)
if ([self isKindOfClass:NSClassFromString(className)])
return NO;
// Finally, all tests pass, by default objects support weak pointers
return YES;