
时间:2012-02-07 13:04:11

标签: autohotkey

我正在使用WorkRave休息提醒,并希望在其余窗口出现时关闭我的屏幕。 我知道如何关闭它。

如何在指定窗口(#IfWinActive ahk_class ...)出现时创建活动?

另外,我可以绑定%符号吗? {%}不起作用,而不是其他的。

2 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:11)

要显示窗口的即时通知,请使用Shell Hook。这有时是如此之快,以至于autohotkey在你甚至自己看到窗户之前就会做出反应。

AutoHotkey Forum上展示了一个shell挂钩。


SetBatchLines, -1
Process, Priority,, High

Gui +LastFound
hWnd := WinExist()

DllCall( "RegisterShellHookWindow", UInt,hWnd )
MsgNum := DllCall( "RegisterWindowMessage", Str,"SHELLHOOK" )
OnMessage( MsgNum, "ShellMessage" )

ShellMessage( wParam,lParam )
    If ( wParam = 1 ) ;  HSHELL_WINDOWCREATED := 1
        WinGetTitle, Title, ahk_id %lParam%
        If  ( Title = "WorkRest" )
            WinClose, ahk_id %lParam% ; close it immideately


MsgBox You are 200`% awesome!

答案 1 :(得分:0)



; This next line needs to be added at the top of the AHK file, so it will be started as soon as AHK starts.
; Every 120000 ms, it will launch the "WorkRave:" script to check if a window with WorkRave exists.
SetTimer, WorkRave,120000 ; Run WorkRaveTester every 2 minutes = 120000

; Somewhere else in the AHK file.....
WorkRave: ; This is the label for the WorkRave script
SetTitleMatchMode, 2 ; 2 = Matches the string WorkRave anywhere in the window title of IfWinExist
IfWinExist, WorkRave ; When WorkRave window exists
  TrayTip, WorkRave, Started ,1 ; Or whatever you want to do here....