我们的生产应用程序在无法建立TCP / IP连接时会记录错误。由于它不断重试连接,因此会反复记录相同的错误消息。同样,如果某些实时资源在一段时间内不可用,应用程序中的其他正在运行的组件可能会进入错误循环。
是否有任何标准方法来控制记录相同错误的次数? (我们正在使用log4j,所以如果log4j有任何扩展来处理它,那将是完美的。)
答案 0 :(得分:3)
LogConsolidated.log(logger, Level.WARN, 5000, "File: " + f + " not found.", e);
logger.warn("File: " + f + " not found.", e);
这使得它最多记录1次5秒,并打印它应记录的次数(例如| x53 |)。显然,你可以做到这一点,这样你就没有多少参数,或者通过log.warn或其他东西来提升水平,但这适用于我的用例。
import java.util.HashMap;
import org.apache.log4j.Level;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
public class LogConsolidated {
private static HashMap<String, TimeAndCount> lastLoggedTime = new HashMap<>();
* Logs given <code>message</code> to given <code>logger</code> as long as:
* <ul>
* <li>A message (from same class and line number) has not already been logged within the past <code>timeBetweenLogs</code>.</li>
* <li>The given <code>level</code> is active for given <code>logger</code>.</li>
* </ul>
* Note: If messages are skipped, they are counted. When <code>timeBetweenLogs</code> has passed, and a repeat message is logged,
* the count will be displayed.
* @param logger Where to log.
* @param level Level to log.
* @param timeBetweenLogs Milliseconds to wait between similar log messages.
* @param message The actual message to log.
* @param t Can be null. Will log stack trace if not null.
public static void log(Logger logger, Level level, long timeBetweenLogs, String message, Throwable t) {
if (logger.isEnabledFor(level)) {
String uniqueIdentifier = getFileAndLine();
TimeAndCount lastTimeAndCount = lastLoggedTime.get(uniqueIdentifier);
if (lastTimeAndCount != null) {
synchronized (lastTimeAndCount) {
long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (now - lastTimeAndCount.time < timeBetweenLogs) {
} else {
log(logger, level, "|x" + lastTimeAndCount.count + "| " + message, t);
} else {
log(logger, level, message, t);
lastLoggedTime.put(uniqueIdentifier, new TimeAndCount());
private static String getFileAndLine() {
StackTraceElement[] stackTrace = Thread.currentThread().getStackTrace();
boolean enteredLogConsolidated = false;
for (StackTraceElement ste : stackTrace) {
if (ste.getClassName().equals(LogConsolidated.class.getName())) {
enteredLogConsolidated = true;
} else if (enteredLogConsolidated) {
// We have now file/line before entering LogConsolidated.
return ste.getFileName() + ":" + ste.getLineNumber();
return "?";
private static void log(Logger logger, Level level, String message, Throwable t) {
if (t == null) {
logger.log(level, message);
} else {
logger.log(level, message, t);
private static class TimeAndCount {
long time;
int count;
TimeAndCount() {
this.time = System.currentTimeMillis();
this.count = 0;
答案 1 :(得分:2)
理想情况下,这将是 log4j中的一个功能,但在您的应用程序中对其进行编码并不算太糟糕,您可以将其封装在一个帮助程序类中,以避免在整个代码中使用样板。