我现在需要做的就是解决这个问题(我警告这不是优雅的AT ALL),就是在列表的类型对象上实现INotifyPropertyChanging,然后将其绑定到包含列表PropertyChanging事件的对象,或者其他东西如下:
// this object will be the type of the BindingList
public class SomeObject : INotifyPropertyChanging, INotifyPropertyChanged
private int _intProperty = 0;
private string _strProperty = String.Empty;
public int IntProperty
get { return this._intProperty; }
if (this._intProperty != value)
this._intProperty = value;
public string StrProperty
get { return this._strProperty; }
if (this._strProperty != value)
this._strProperty = value;
#region INotifyPropertyChanging Members
public event PropertyChangingEventHandler PropertyChanging;
#region INotifyPropertyChanged Members
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public void NotifyPropertyChanging(string propertyName)
if (this.PropertyChanging != null)
PropertyChanging(this, new PropertyChangingEventArgs(propertyName));
public void NotifyPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (this.PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public class ObjectThatHoldsTheList : INotifyPropertyChanging, INotifyPropertyChanged
public BindingList<SomeObject> BindingList { get; set; }
public ObjectThatHoldsTheList()
this.BindingList = new BindingList<SomeObject>();
// this helps notifie Changing and Changed on Add
private void AddItem(SomeObject someObject)
// this will tie the PropertyChanging and PropertyChanged events of SomeObject to this object
// so it gets notifies because the BindingList does not notify PropertyCHANGING
someObject.PropertyChanging += new PropertyChangingEventHandler(someObject_PropertyChanging);
someObject.PropertyChanged += new PropertyChangedEventHandler(someObject_PropertyChanged);
// this helps notifies Changing and Changed on Delete
private void DeleteItem(SomeObject someObject)
if (this.BindingList.IndexOf(someObject) > 0)
// this unlinks the handlers so the garbage collector can clear the objects
someObject.PropertyChanging -= new PropertyChangingEventHandler(someObject_PropertyChanging);
someObject.PropertyChanged -= new PropertyChangedEventHandler(someObject_PropertyChanged);
// this notifies an item in the list is about to change
void someObject_PropertyChanging(object sender, PropertyChangingEventArgs e)
NotifyPropertyChanging("BindingList." + e.PropertyName);
// this notifies an item in the list has changed
void someObject_PropertyChanged(object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
NotifyPropertyChanged("BindingList." + e.PropertyName);
#region INotifyPropertyChanging Members
public event PropertyChangingEventHandler PropertyChanging;
#region INotifyPropertyChanged Members
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public void NotifyPropertyChanging(string propertyName)
if (this.PropertyChanging != null)
PropertyChanging(this, new PropertyChangingEventArgs(propertyName));
public void NotifyPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (this.PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
答案 0 :(得分:1)
public class Wrapper : ICustomTypeDescriptor, INotifyPropertyChanged, IEditableObject, IChangeTracking
private bool _isChanged;
public object DataSource { get; set; }
public Wrapper(object dataSource)
if (dataSource == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("dataSource");
DataSource = dataSource;
#region ICustomTypeDescriptor Members
public AttributeCollection GetAttributes()
return new AttributeCollection(
public string GetClassName()
return DataSource.GetType().Name;
public string GetComponentName()
return DataSource.ToString();
public TypeConverter GetConverter()
return new TypeConverter();
public EventDescriptor GetDefaultEvent()
return null;
public PropertyDescriptor GetDefaultProperty()
return null;
public object GetEditor(Type editorBaseType)
return Activator.CreateInstance(editorBaseType);
public EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents(Attribute[] attributes)
return TypeDescriptor.GetEvents(DataSource, attributes);
public EventDescriptorCollection GetEvents()
return TypeDescriptor.GetEvents(DataSource);
public PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties(Attribute[] attributes)
return GetProperties();
private IEnumerable<PropertyDescriptor> _Properties;
public IEnumerable<PropertyDescriptor> Properties
if (_Properties == null)
_Properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(DataSource)
.Select(pd => new WrapperPropertyDescriptor(pd) as PropertyDescriptor)
return _Properties;
public PropertyDescriptorCollection GetProperties()
return new PropertyDescriptorCollection(Properties.ToArray());
public object GetPropertyOwner(PropertyDescriptor pd)
return this;
#endregion ICustomTypeDescriptor
#region ToString, Equals, GetHashCode
public override string ToString()
return DataSource.ToString();
public override bool Equals(object obj)
var wrapper = obj as Wrapper;
if (wrapper == null)
return base.Equals(obj);
return DataSource.Equals(wrapper.DataSource);
public override int GetHashCode()
return DataSource.GetHashCode();
#region INotifyPropertyChanged
public event PropertyChangedEventHandler PropertyChanged;
public void OnPropertyChanged(string propertyName)
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(propertyName))
throw new ArgumentNullException("propertyName");
_isChanged = true;
if (PropertyChanged != null)
PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(propertyName));
public IDictionary<string, object> MakeDump()
var result = new Dictionary<String, object>();
foreach (var item in Properties)
result[item.Name] = item.GetValue(this);
return result;
#region IEditableObject Members
private IDictionary<string, object> LastDump;
public void BeginEdit()
LastDump = MakeDump();
public void CancelEdit()
if (LastDump != null)
foreach (var item in Properties)
item.SetValue(this, LastDump[item.Name]);
_isChanged = false;
public void EndEdit()
#endregion IEditableObject
#region IChangeTracking
public void AcceptChanges()
LastDump = null;
_isChanged = false;
public bool IsChanged
get { return _isChanged; }
#endregion IChangeTracking
public class WrapperPropertyDescriptor : PropertyDescriptor
private Wrapper _wrapper;
private readonly PropertyDescriptor SourceDescriptor;
public WrapperPropertyDescriptor(PropertyDescriptor sourceDescriptor) :
if (sourceDescriptor == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("sourceDescriptor");
SourceDescriptor = sourceDescriptor;
public override Type ComponentType
return SourceDescriptor.ComponentType;
public override bool IsReadOnly
return SourceDescriptor.IsReadOnly;
public override Type PropertyType
return SourceDescriptor.PropertyType;
public override object GetValue(object component)
var wrapper = component as Wrapper;
if (wrapper == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected component", "component");
var value = SourceDescriptor.GetValue(wrapper.DataSource);
if (value == null)
return value;
var type = value.GetType();
// If value is user class or structure it should
// be wrapped before return.
if (type.Assembly != typeof(String).Assembly)
if (typeof(IEnumerable).IsAssignableFrom(type))
throw new NotImplementedException("Here we should construct and return wrapper for collection");
if (_wrapper == null)
_wrapper = new Wrapper(value);
_wrapper.DataSource = value;
return _wrapper;
return value;
public override void SetValue(object component, object value)
var wrapper = component as Wrapper;
if (wrapper == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected component", "component");
var actualValue = value;
var valueWrapper = value as Wrapper;
if (valueWrapper != null)
actualValue = valueWrapper.DataSource;
// Make dump of data source's previous values
var dump = wrapper.MakeDump();
SourceDescriptor.SetValue(wrapper.DataSource, actualValue);
foreach (var item in wrapper.Properties)
var itemValue = item.GetValue(wrapper);
if (!itemValue.Equals(dump[item.Name]))
public override void ResetValue(object component)
var wrapper = component as Wrapper;
if (wrapper == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected component", "component");
public override bool ShouldSerializeValue(object component)
var wrapper = component as Wrapper;
if (wrapper == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected component", "component");
return SourceDescriptor.ShouldSerializeValue(wrapper.DataSource);
public override bool CanResetValue(object component)
var wrapper = component as Wrapper;
if (wrapper == null)
throw new ArgumentException("Unexpected component", "component");
return SourceDescriptor.CanResetValue(wrapper.DataSource);
IList<Customer> customers = CustomerRepository.GetAllCustomers();
IList<Wrapper> wrappedCustomers = customers.Select(c => new Wrapper(c)).ToList();
/* If you don't like LINQ in the line above you can use foreach to transform
list of Customer object to a list of Wrapper<Customer> objects */
comboBoxCustomers.DataSource = wrappedCustomers;
// or
dataGridViewCustomers.DataSource = wrappedCustomers;
祝你好运!答案 1 :(得分:0)
这是跨领域关注的典型例子,它呼吁采用AOP方法。 Aspect Oriented Programming是一个扩展经典OOP的范例,可以解决“我希望记录此对象上的所有方法调用”等问题。