如果没有g ++优化,复杂的模板类函数就会失败

时间:2012-01-08 11:07:33

标签: c++ templates matrix g++ corruption


// columns, rows
template <unsigned int c, unsigned int r>
class Matrix {
  Matrix(float value);

  float& At(unsigned int x, unsigned int y);
  float const& At(unsigned int x, unsigned int y) const;
  template <unsigned int p> Matrix<p, r> MultipliedBy(Matrix<p, c> const& other);

  // column-major ordering
  float data_[c][r];


template <unsigned int c, unsigned int r>
Matrix<c, r>::Matrix(float value) {
  std::fill(&data_[0][0], &data_[c][r], value);

template <unsigned int c, unsigned int r>
float& Matrix<c, r>::At(unsigned int x, unsigned int y) {
  if (x >= c || y >= r) {
    return data_[0][0];

  return data_[x][y];

template <unsigned int c, unsigned int r>
float const& Matrix<c, r>::At(unsigned int x, unsigned int y) const {
  if (x >= c || y >= r) {
    return data_[0][0];

  return data_[x][y];

template <unsigned int c, unsigned int r>
template <unsigned int p>
Matrix<p, r> Matrix<c, r>::MultipliedBy(Matrix<p, c> const& other) {
  Matrix<p, r> result(0.0f);

  for (unsigned int x = 0; x < c; x++) {
    for (unsigned int y = 0; y < r; y++) {
      for (unsigned int z = 0; z < p; z++) {
        result.At(z, y) += At(x, y) * other.At(z, x);

  return result;


Matrix<4, 4> m1;

// m1 set to
//  1   2   3   4
//  5   6   7   8
//  9   10  11  12
//  13  14  15  16

Matrix<1, 4> m2;

// m2 set to
//  6
//  3
//  8
//  9

Matrix<1, 4> m3 = m1.MultipliedBy(m2);


// m3 contains
//  0
//  0
//  0
//  0


// m3 contains
//  210
//  236
//  262
//  288


Matrix<p, r> result(0.0f);

如果我以任何方式实例化result other变为无效(所有data_值设置为0.0f)。在result的分配/初始化之前,other仍然有效(6, 3, 8, 9)。


任何人都知道世界上g++正在拉什么?我在g++ (GCC) 4.6.1上运行mingw ...这可能与此问题有关吗?

1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:1)

&data_[c][r]可能是错误的:它是data_ + (c*r + r) * FS,而您可能需要&data_[c-1][r-1] + FS,即data_ + ((c-1)*r + (r-1) + 1) * FS,即data_ + c*r * FS

(这里FS == sizeof(float)。)
