
时间:2012-01-04 02:18:05

标签: c# asp.net-mvc entity-framework ef-code-first


public class Comment
    public int ID {get; set;}
    public int SourceType {get; set;}
    public int SourceID {get; set;}
    public string Name {get; set;}
    public string Text {get; set;}

public class Photo
    public int ID {get; set;}
    public virtual ICollection<Comment> Comments {get; set;}

public class BlogPost
    public int ID {get; set;}
    public virtual ICollection<Comment> Comments {get; set;}

在我的实际数据库中,我只有三个表。 我的目标是有一个表“评论”,用于存储评论用户发布的照片​​和博客文章。 Comment.SourceType字段应区分发布到照片的评论(SourceType == 1)或博客帖子(SourceType == 2),而Comment.SourceID字段则告诉我来源的ID。 / p>

Photo photo = DbContext.Photos.Find(15); //some photo with ID 15
BlogPost blog = DbContext.BlogPost.Find(15); //some blog post, also with ID 15

Comment photoComment = new Comment();
photoComment.SourceType = 1; //photo
photoComment.SourceID = photo.ID;
photoComment.Name = "John";
photoComment.Text = "This is a very nice picture!";

Comment blogComment = new Comment();
blogComment.SourceType = 2; //blog post
blogComment.SourceID = blog.ID;
blogComment.Name = "Peter";
blogComment.Text = "An interesting blog post!";



Photo photoFromBefore = DbContext.Photos.Find(15);
foreach(Comment comment in photoFromBefore.Comments)
    Console.Write(comment.Name+"("+comment.SourceType+", "+comment.SourceID+"); ");
//Output will be: "John(1, 15); Peter(2, 15);"
//Desired output should be instead just "John(1, 15);"
//because Peter's comment actually belongs to blog post with
//the same ID but different "SourceType"-identifier in my database table.



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您应该能够在foreach语句中使用LINQ where子句。

foreach(Comment comment in photoFromBefore.Comments.Where(x=>x.SourceType == 2))


IEnumerable<Photo> photoFromBefore = DbContext.Photos.First(15);