Box Blur Edges有问题

时间:2012-01-02 13:47:48

标签: c image-processing computer-vision filtering blur



我正在使用另一篇文章中找到的代码 -

Optimized float Blur variations




        {// code from

                int image_width ;
                int image_height ;
                int scale = 0;

                int weight = (radius * 2) + 1;

                int kernel_X = 0;
                int kernel_Y = 0;

                float sum = 0.0;

                int kernel_width = radius;//set both to the same to make the kernel square
                int kernel_height = radius;//set both to the same to make the kernel square

                // HORIZONTAL
                for(iy = 0; iy < image_height ;iy++)
                    sum = 0.0;

                    // Process entire window for first pixel (including wrap-around edge)
                    for (kernel_X = 0; kernel_X <= kernel_width; kernel_X++)
                        if (kernel_X >= 0 && kernel_X < image_width)
                            //sum += src[iy * image_width ];
                            sum += src[iy * image_width + kernel_X];

    //>--------------    border code does not reflect edges HELP!!
                    // Wrap  watch for left side of image & resulting black bar
                    for (kernel_X = (image_width - kernel_width); kernel_X < image_width; kernel_X++)
                        //  if (kernel_X >= 0 && kernel_X < image_width)// HORIZONTAL               width  = horizontal = X
                        //  sum += src[iy * kernel_width + image_width ];//<-------------------enter tester formula here
                        //  sum += src[iy + ix * image_width + kernel_X];//<-------------------FAIL
                        //  sum += src[iy * kernel_width + image_width ];//<-------------------streaky

                    // Store first window
                    tmp[iy * image_width] = (sum / weight );

                    for(ix = 1; ix < image_width; ix++)
                        // Subtract pixel leaving window
                        if (ix - kernel_width - 1 >= 0)
                            sum -= src[iy * image_width + ix - kernel_width - 1];

                        // Add pixel entering window
                        if (ix + kernel_width < image_width)
                            sum += src[iy * image_width + ix + kernel_width];
                            sum += src[iy * image_width + ix + kernel_width - image_width];

                        tmp[iy * image_width + ix] = (sum / weight);//just for testing

                // VERTICAL
                for(ix = 0; ix < image_width; ix++)
                    sum = 0.0;

                    // Process entire window for first pixel
                    for (kernel_Y = 0; kernel_Y <= kernel_height; kernel_Y++)
                        if (kernel_Y >= 0 && kernel_Y < image_height)
                            sum += tmp[kernel_Y * image_width + ix];
    //>--------------    border code does not reflect edges HELP!!
                    // Wrap  watch for top side of image & resulting black bar
                    for (kernel_Y = image_height-kernel_height; kernel_Y < kernel_height; kernel_Y++)
                        //if (kernel_Y >= 0 && kernel_Y < image_height)
                        //  sum += tmp[(iy + kernel_height - image_height) * image_width + ix];
                    for(iy=1;iy< image_height  ;iy++)
                        // Subtract pixel leaving window
                        if (iy-kernel_height-1 >= 0)
                            sum -= tmp[(iy - kernel_height-1) * image_width + ix];

                        // Add pixel entering window
                        if (iy + kernel_height < image_height)
                            sum += tmp[(iy + kernel_height) * image_width + ix];
                            sum += tmp[(iy + kernel_height - image_height) * image_width + ix];

                        dst[ (scale * image_width * image_height) + (iy * image_width + ix) ] = (sum / weight);



由于 约翰




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