我试图回答我自己关于examples using the PolyKinds extension in GHC的问题,并提出了一个更具体的问题。我正在尝试建模一个由两个列表构建的队列,dequeue
{-#LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, FlexibleInstances,
UndecidableInstances, TypeFamilies, PolyKinds, GADTs,
-- Queue consist of a head and tail lists with the invariant that the
-- tail list should never grow longer than the head list.
-- Type for representing the invariant of the queue
data MyConstraint = Constraint Nat Nat
type family Valid c :: Bool
type instance Valid (Constraint a b) = GE a b
-- The queue type. Should the constraint be here?
data Queue :: * -> MyConstraint -> * where
Empty :: Queue a (Constraint Zero Zero)
NonEmpty :: Valid (Constraint n m) ~ True =>
LenList a n -> LenList a m -> Queue a (Constraint n m)
instance (Show a) => Show (Queue a c) where
show Empty = "Empty"
show (NonEmpty a b) = "NonEmpty "++quote a ++ " " ++ quote b
quote a = "("++show a++")"
-- Check the head of the queue
peek :: GE m (Succ Zero) ~ True => Queue a (Constraint m n) -> a
peek (NonEmpty (CONS a _) _) = a
-- Add an element to the queue where head is shorter than the tail
push :: (Valid (Constraint m (Succ n))) ~ True =>
a -> Queue a (Constraint m n) -> Queue a (Constraint m (Succ n))
push x (NonEmpty hd as) = NonEmpty hd (CONS x as)
-- Create a single element queue
singleton :: (Valid (Constraint (Succ Zero) Zero)) ~ True =>
a -> Queue a (Constraint (Succ Zero) Zero)
singleton x = NonEmpty (CONS x NIL) NIL
-- Reset the queue by reversing the tail list and appending it to the head list
reset :: (Valid (Constraint (Plus m n) Zero)) ~ True =>
Queue a (Constraint m n) -> Queue a (Constraint (Plus m n) Zero)
reset Empty = Empty
reset (NonEmpty a b) = NonEmpty (cat a b) NIL -- Should have a reverse here
enqueue :: ??
enqueue = -- If the tail is longer than head, `reset` and then `push`, otherwise just `push`
-- Type Level natural numbers and operations
data Nat = Zero | Succ Nat deriving (Eq,Ord,Show)
type family Plus m n :: Nat
type instance Plus Zero n = n
type instance Plus n Zero = n
type instance Plus (Succ m) n = Succ (Plus m n)
type family GE m n :: Bool
type instance GE (Succ m) Zero = True
type instance GE Zero (Succ m) = False
type instance GE Zero Zero = True
type instance GE (Succ m) (Succ n) = GE m n
type family EQ m n :: Bool
type instance EQ Zero Zero = True
type instance EQ Zero (Succ m) = False
type instance EQ (Succ m) Zero = False
type instance EQ (Succ m) (Succ n) = EQ m n
-- Lists with statically typed lengths
data LenList :: * -> Nat -> * where
NIL :: LenList a Zero
CONS :: a -> LenList a n -> LenList a (Succ n)
instance (Show a) => Show (LenList a c) where
show x = "LenList " ++ (show . toList $ x)
-- Convert to ordinary list
toList :: forall a. forall m. LenList a m -> [a]
toList NIL = []
toList (CONS a b) = a:toList b
-- Concatenate two lists
cat :: LenList a n -> LenList a m -> LenList a (Plus n m)
cat NIL a = a
cat a NIL = a
cat (CONS a b) cs = CONS a (cat b cs)
答案 0 :(得分:5)
结果有点冗长,我仍然在寻找更好的答案或改进。 (我甚至不确定我是否设法用约束来覆盖所有不变的破坏案例。)
-- Type for representing the invariant of the queue
data MyConstraint = Constraint Nat Nat Bool
type family Valid c :: Bool
type instance Valid (Constraint a b c) = GE a b
type family MkConstraint m n :: MyConstraint
type instance MkConstraint m n = Constraint m n (EQ m n)
-- The queue type. Should the constraint be here?
data Queue :: * -> MyConstraint -> * where
Empty :: Queue a (MkConstraint Zero Zero)
NonEmpty :: --Valid (Constraint n m True) ~ True => -- Should I have this here?
LenList a n -> LenList a m -> Queue a (MkConstraint n m)
instance (Show a) => Show (Queue a c) where
show Empty = "Empty"
show (NonEmpty a b) = "NonEmpty "++quote a ++ " " ++ quote b
quote a = "("++show a++")"
-- Check the head of the queue
peek :: GE m (Succ Zero) ~ True => Queue a (Constraint m n f) -> a
peek (NonEmpty (CONS a _) _) = a
-- Since the only way to dispatch using the type seems to be a typeclass,
-- and enqueue must behave differently with different constraint-types it follows
-- that the enqueue needs to be in a typeclass?
class Enqueue a where
type Elem a :: *
type Next a :: *
-- Add an element to the queue where head is shorter than the tail
enqueue :: Elem a -> a -> Next a
-- Enqueuing when the queue doesn't need resetting.
instance Enqueue (Queue a (Constraint m n False)) where
type Elem (Queue a (Constraint m n False)) = a
type Next (Queue a (Constraint m n False)) =
(Queue a (MkConstraint m (Succ n)))
enqueue x (NonEmpty hd as) = NonEmpty hd (CONS x as)
-- Enqueuing when the queue needs to be reset.
instance Enqueue (Queue a (Constraint m n True)) where
type Elem (Queue a (Constraint m n True)) = a
type Next (Queue a (Constraint m n True)) =
Queue a (MkConstraint (Plus m (Succ n)) Zero)
enqueue x Empty = NonEmpty (CONS x NIL) NIL
enqueue x (NonEmpty hd tl) = NonEmpty (cat hd (CONS x tl)) NIL
-- Should have a reverse tl here. Omitted for
-- brevity.