
时间:2009-05-14 20:33:33

标签: javascript



现在我可以说我已计算出以平方米为单位的面积。当我去显示值时,我需要为每个用户使用不同的转换因子(例如,“1米= 1.09361码”)。或者说我已计算mL中的流体量。用户B的视图将使用转换“236.588237 mL = 1 US cup”进行计算。


8 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:40)


  1. 将基本类型添加到“SI”或
  2. 后面的项目的“单位”列表中
  3. 为不符合SI
  4. 的项目添加转化率


    $u(1, 'g').as('kg').val(); // converts one gram to kg


    (function () {
        var table = {};
        window.unitConverter = function (value, unit) {
            this.value = value;
            if (unit) {
                this.currentUnit = unit;
        unitConverter.prototype.as = function (targetUnit) {
            this.targetUnit = targetUnit;
            return this;
        unitConverter.prototype.is = function (currentUnit) {
            this.currentUnit = currentUnit;
            return this;
        unitConverter.prototype.val = function () {
            // first, convert from the current value to the base unit
            var target = table[this.targetUnit];
            var current = table[this.currentUnit];
            if (target.base != current.base) {
                throw new Error('Incompatible units; cannot convert from "' + this.currentUnit + '" to "' + this.targetUnit + '"');
            return this.value * (current.multiplier / target.multiplier);
        unitConverter.prototype.toString = function () {
            return this.val() + ' ' + this.targetUnit;
        unitConverter.prototype.debug = function () {
            return this.value + ' ' + this.currentUnit + ' is ' + this.val() + ' ' + this.targetUnit;
        unitConverter.addUnit = function (baseUnit, actualUnit, multiplier) {
            table[actualUnit] = { base: baseUnit, actual: actualUnit, multiplier: multiplier };
        var prefixes = ['Y', 'Z', 'E', 'P', 'T', 'G', 'M', 'k', 'h', 'da', '', 'd', 'c', 'm', 'u', 'n', 'p', 'f', 'a', 'z', 'y'];
        var factors = [24, 21, 18, 15, 12, 9, 6, 3, 2, 1, 0, -1, -2, -3, -6, -9, -12, -15, -18, -21, -24];
        // SI units only, that follow the mg/kg/dg/cg type of format
        var units = ['g', 'b', 'l', 'm'];
        for (var j = 0; j < units.length; j++) {
            var base = units[j];
            for (var i = 0; i < prefixes.length; i++) {
                unitConverter.addUnit(base, prefixes[i] + base, Math.pow(10, factors[i]));
        // we use the SI gram unit as the base; this allows
        // us to convert between SI and English units
        unitConverter.addUnit('g', 'ounce', 28.3495231);
        unitConverter.addUnit('g', 'oz', 28.3495231);
        unitConverter.addUnit('g', 'pound', 453.59237);
        unitConverter.addUnit('g', 'lb', 453.59237);
        window.$u = function (value, unit) {
            var u = new window.unitConverter(value, unit);
            return u;
    console.log($u(1, 'g').as('kg').debug());  
    console.log($u(1, 'kg').as('g').debug());
    console.log($u(1, 'g').as('mg').debug());
    console.log($u(1, 'mg').as('g').debug());
    console.log($u(1, 'mg').as('kg').debug());
    console.log($u(1, 'g').as('oz').debug());
    console.log($u(1, 'g').as('lb').debug());
    console.log($u(1, 'oz').as('lb').debug());
    console.log($u(1, 'lb').as('g').debug());
    // this last one throws an exception since you can't convert liters to mg
    console.log($u(1, 'l').as('mg').debug());

    我已将此移至Github上的小型回购中,因此如果有人想要改进/增强,他们可以这样做: https://github.com/jerodvenemafm/jsunitconverter

答案 1 :(得分:9)

您可以将这个Ruby Units端口查看为Javascript:


答案 2 :(得分:5)




答案 3 :(得分:3)



;;if (!window.hasOwnProperty('convertImperialMetric')) {
    function convertImperialMetric () {
        var metrics = convertImperialMetric.metrics,
            imperials = convertImperialMetric.imperials,
            args = arguments,
            conversionTypes = { imperial: 'imperial', metric: 'metric' },
            toFixed = false, toFixedX = 2,
            intX, typImp, typMet, conType = 'metric',

        conversionTypes.i = conversionTypes.imp = conversionTypes.imperial;
        conversionTypes.m = conversionTypes.met = conversionTypes.metric;

        function setVarz(c) {
            for (i in c) {
                var a = c[i];
                switch (typeof a) {
                    case "boolean":
                        toFixed = a;
                    case "number":
                        void 0 == intX ? intX = a : toFixedX = a;
                    case "string":
                        isNaN(parseFloat(a)) || void 0 != intX ? imperials.hasOwnProperty(a) ? typImp = a : metrics.hasOwnProperty(a) ? typMet = a : conversionTypes.hasOwnProperty(a) && (conType = conversionTypes[a]) : intX = parseFloat(a);
                    case "object":
                        if (a instanceof Array) setVarz.apply(this, [a]);
                        else if (a instanceof Object)
                            for (h in a) {
                                var b = a[h];
                                conversionTypes.hasOwnProperty(h) ? conType = conversionTypes[h] : imperials.hasOwnProperty(h) ? (typImp =
                                    h, void 0 != intX || isNaN(parseFloat(b)) || (intX = parseFloat(b))) : metrics.hasOwnProperty(h) ? (typMet = h, void 0 != intX || isNaN(parseFloat(b)) || (intX = parseFloat(b))) : setVarz.apply(this, [

        if (!isNaN(parseFloat(intX)) && imperials.hasOwnProperty(typImp) && metrics.hasOwnProperty(typMet) && conversionTypes.hasOwnProperty(conType)) {
            if (conType == 'metric') {
                var inches = intX * imperials[typImp],
                    centimeters = inches * 2.54;
                $ret = centimeters * metrics[typMet];
            else if (conType == 'imperial') {
                var centimeters = intX / metrics[typMet],
                    inches = centimeters / 2.54;
                $ret = inches / imperials[typImp];

        return toFixed ? parseFloat($ret.toFixed(toFixedX)) : $ret;

    convertImperialMetric.imperials = {
        inches: 1,
        feet: 12,
        yards: 36,
        miles: 63360,
        nautical: 72913.4

    convertImperialMetric.metrics = {
        yocto: 10000000000000000000000,
        zepto: 10000000000000000000,
        atto: 10000000000000000,
        femto: 10000000000000,
        pico: 10000000000,
        nano: 10000000,
        micro: 10000,
        milli: 10,
        centi: 1,
        deci: .1,
        meter: .01,
        deka: .001,
        hecto: .0001,
        kilo: .00001,
        mega: .00000001,
        giga: .00000000001,
        tera: .00000000000001,
        peta: .00000000000000001,
        exa: .00000000000000000001,
        zetta: .00000000000000000000001,
        yotta: .00000000000000000000000001


convertImperialMetric(12, 'inches', 'centi');   //  Results in: 30.48
convertImperialMetric(30.48, 'centi', 'inches', 'i');   //  Results in: 12
convertImperialMetric('1200000', 'inches', 'kilo'); //  Results in: 30.480000000000004
convertImperialMetric('1200000', 'inches', 'kilo', true);   //  Results in: 30.48
convertImperialMetric('1200000', 'inches', 'kilo', true, 1);    //  Results in: 30.5
convertImperialMetric([ 12, 'inches', 'centi' ]);   //  Results in: 30.48
convertImperialMetric([ '12', 'inches', 'centi' ]); //  Results in: 30.48
convertImperialMetric({ inches: 12, anyVariableName: 'centi' });    //  Results in: 30.48
convertImperialMetric({ inches: '12', anyVariableName: 'centi' });  //  Results in: 30.48
convertImperialMetric({ inches: 12, centi: 'anyValue' });   //  Results in: 30.48
convertImperialMetric({ inches: '12', centi: 'anyValue' }); //  Results in: 30.48
convertImperialMetric({ inches: '12', to: 'centi', type: 'metric', toFixed: true, toFX: 1 });   //  Results in: 30.5
convertImperialMetric({ feet: 1 }, 'centi');    //  Results in: 30.48
convertImperialMetric({ centi: '30.48' }, 'inches', 'imperial');    //  Results in: 12
convertImperialMetric({ meter: '.3048' }, 'inches', 'imperial');    //  Results in: 12

jsFiddle / jsFiddle/show

答案 4 :(得分:2)



答案 5 :(得分:2)



var convert = require('convert-units')
convert(1).from('in').to('cm') // 2.54 


npm install convert-units

答案 6 :(得分:1)


core = {};
core.mixin = function (dst, src) { if (src) for (var i in src) dst[i] = src[i]; return dst; }

function UnitConverter(meter) {
    var feetPerMeter = 3.2808399, feetPerMile = 5280;
    this.meter = core.mixin({ km: 1000, mi: feetPerMile / feetPerMeter, ft: 1 / feetPerMeter, m: 1 }, meter);
    var t = [], i = 0;
    for (t[i++] in this.meter);
    this.table = [];
    for (i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < t.length; j++) {
            var key1 = t[i], key2 = t[(i + j + 1) % t.length];
            this.table[key1 + "/" + key2] = this.meter[key2] / this.meter[key1];

with(UnitConverter) {
    prototype = new Object();
    prototype.convert = function () {
        switch (arguments.length) {
        case 1:
            return this.table[arguments[0]];
        case 2:
            return arguments[0] * this.table[arguments[1]];
        case 3:
            return arguments[0] * this.meter[arguments[1]] / this.meter[arguments[2]];
        return Number.NaN;


Number.converter = new UnitConverter({ nm: 1852 }); // extent to include nautical miles
Number.units = Number.converter.table;
var km = 1;
var mi = km * Number.units["mi/km"];
var m = Number.converter.convert(mi, "mi", "m");
var ft = Number.converter.convert(m, "ft/m");
m = Number.converter.convert(ft, "ft", "m");
ft = m / Number.converter.convert("m/ft");
km = ft * Number.units["km/ft"];
nm = Number.converter.convert(km, "km", "nm");

答案 7 :(得分:1)


// volume
measure('1 teaspoon').teaspoons() // 1
measure('1 1/2 tsp.').teaspoons() // 1.5
measure('2 cups and 1 pint').quarts() // 1

// mass
measure('1 pound').ounces() // 16
measure('1 1/2 oz.').ounces() // 1.5

// operations
measure('1 teaspoon').add('1 teaspoon').teaspoons();
measure('6 1/2 teaspoon').divide(2).teaspoons(); // 3.25
