我最近写了一些Javascript代码来生成随机假冒股票数据,因为我想显示一张初看起来像真实股票数据的图表 - 但我想出的只是pretty noddy。我只是想知道是否有一些资源可以解释如何“正确”完成这项工作,即您可以获得具有与实际股票数据中相同模式的逼真数据?
答案 0 :(得分:46)
rnd = Random_Float(); // generate number, 0 <= x < 1.0
change_percent = 2 * volatility * rnd;
if (change_percent > volatility)
change_percent -= (2 * volatility);
change_amount = old_price * change_percent;
new_price = old_price + change_amount;
答案 1 :(得分:6)
# The following is an adaptation from a program shown at page 140 in
# "Stochastic Simulations and Applications in Finance",
# a book written by Huynh, Lai and Soumaré.
# That program was written in MatLab and this one was written in R by me.
# That program produced many price paths and this one produces one.
# The latter is also somewhat simpler and faster.
# Y is the time period in years, for instance 1 (year)
# NbSteps is the number of steps in the simulation,
# for instance 250 (trading days in a year).
# DeltaY is the resulting time step.
# The computations shown implement the exact solution
# to the stochastic differential equation for
# the geometric Brownian motion modelling stock prices,
# with mean mu and volatility sigma, thus generating a stochastic price path
# such as that exhibited by stock prices when price jumps are rare.
PricePath <- function(Y,NbSteps,mu,sigma,InitPrice) {
DeltaY <- Y/NbSteps; SqrtDeltaY <- sqrt(DeltaY)
DeltaW <- SqrtDeltaY * rnorm(NbSteps)
Increments <- (mu-sigma*sigma/2)*DeltaY + sigma*DeltaW
ExpIncr <- exp(Increments)
PricePath <- cumprod(c(InitPrice,ExpIncr))
答案 2 :(得分:6)
计量经济学家已经提出了大量的股票价格模型。似乎在很多情况下工作的是条件均值的自回归模型和波动率的(G)Arch类型模型。对于波动率模型,具有胖尾分布的非对称GARCH(如Student's t)似乎对各种金融市场都是最好的。
答案 3 :(得分:5)
我有一本书Fractal Market Analysis(最近刚刚摆脱它)谈到了股票价格的统计特性。对投资不是很有用,但它本可以帮助你。
您需要使用所需统计属性为random process建模的内容。随机过程的两个例子是Gaussian white noise和Wiener process(后者模拟布朗运动,也是小步长随机游走的极限)。
如果我从分形市场分析书中记得,有一个断言,即股票价格的对数具有与所谓的“1 / f噪音”或"pink noise"相似的特征,所以你可以尝试在软件中寻找关于粉红噪声生成的文章。 (然后取结果并将其插入e ^ x)(编辑:oops,我记错了。看起来更像是fractional Brownian motion)
(这是一个nice readable essay,讨论分形随机过程研究背后的历史 - 以及尼罗河洪水如何与股市相关 - 遗憾的是它没有涉及技术数据,但是也许有像Hurst exponent这样的搜索词可以帮助你入门。)
如果您需要多个系列的股票数据,问题会变得更加困难。 (在这种情况下,股票之间存在一定的相关性,这取决于各种常见因素,例如国民经济,行业类型等)。我不确定如何做到这一点,但首先从一个随机过程开始。
答案 4 :(得分:5)
我写了一个由Peter P启发的一个简短的javascript版本。这里的回复。我需要创建每周,每年和整体趋势,以便接受一系列参数并叠加这些参数以获得更复杂(假)的趋势。
function getRandomData(numPoints, center, min, max, cycles)
var result = [];
var phase = Math.random() * Math.PI;
var y = center;
function randomPlusMinus() { return (Math.random() * 2) - 1; }
$.each(cycles, function(i,thisCycle) {
thisCycle.phase = Math.random() * Math.PI;
thisCycle.increment = Math.PI / thisCycle.length;
for (var i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
$.each(cycles, function(i,thisCycle) {
thisCycle.phase += thisCycle.increment * randomPlusMinus();
y += (Math.sin(thisCycle.phase) * (thisCycle.variance / thisCycle.length) * (randomPlusMinus() * thisCycle.noise)) + (thisCycle.trend / thisCycle.length);
if (min) y = Math.max(y,min);
if (max) y = Math.min(y,max);
return result;
var data = getRandomData(365,80,20,100,
[{ length: 7, variance: 50, noise: 1, trend: 0},
{ length: 365, variance: 30, noise: 1, trend: 0},
{ length: 700, variance: 2, noise: 0, trend: 100}]);
答案 5 :(得分:2)
我想回复Jim Mischel上面的帖子(https://stackoverflow.com/a/8597889/1360592),但由于我想要包含代码,我不得不在此处回复。
基于Jim Mischel的算法,我做了以下Java实现,并且它很好地满足了我的需求,生成的数字在绘制时,产生了视觉上吸引人的,看起来很逼真的股票代码价格。
private float getNextPrice(float oldPrice)
// Instead of a fixed volatility, pick a random volatility
// each time, between 2 and 10.
float volatility = _random.nextFloat() * 10 + 2;
float rnd = _random.nextFloat();
float changePercent = 2 * volatility * rnd;
if (changePercent > volatility) {
changePercent -= (2 * volatility);
float changeAmount = oldPrice * changePercent/100;
float newPrice = oldPrice + changeAmount;
// Add a ceiling and floor.
if (newPrice < MIN_PRICE) {
newPrice += Math.abs(changeAmount) * 2;
} else if (newPrice > MAX_PRICE) {
newPrice -= Math.abs(changeAmount) * 2;
return newPrice;
答案 6 :(得分:1)
以下是有关使用Feed的文章: http://www.codeproject.com/KB/aspnet/StockQuote.aspx
答案 7 :(得分:1)
dim values[] as float
dim offsets[] as integer
dim frequencies[] as float
function GetPoint(x#, f#, a#, o#)
f# = 360.0 / f#
x# = FMod(x# + o#, f#)
angle# = (x# / f#) * 360.0
r# = Sin(angle#) * a#
endfunction r#
function Generate()
// Empty arrays
offsets.Length = -1
frequencies.Length = -1
values.Length = -1
offsets.Insert(Random(0, 359))
offsets.Insert(Random(0, 359))
offsets.Insert(Random(0, 359))
f# = Random(100, 300)
f# = f# / 1000.0
f# = Random(500, 1000)
f# = f# / 1000.0
f# = Random(2000, 4000)
f# = f# / 1000.0
c# = 0
for i = 0 to 1919
v# = 0
v# = v# + GetPoint(i, frequencies[0], 190, offsets[0])
v# = v# + GetPoint(i, frequencies[1], 85, offsets[1])
v# = v# + GetPoint(i, frequencies[2], 40, offsets[2])
r# = Random(0, 40)
r# = r# - 20.0
c# = Clamp(c# + r#, c# - 40, c# + 40)
v# = v# + c#
next i
start# = values[0]
max# = 0.0
for i = 0 to values.Length
values[i] = values[i] - start#
if Abs(values[i]) > max#
max# = Abs(values[i])
next i
// Normalize
for i = 0 to values.Length
values[i] = (values[i] / max#)
next i
function Clamp(v#, min#, max#)
if v# < min#
exitfunction min#
elseif v# > max#
exitfunction max#
endfunction v#
答案 8 :(得分:0)
这是我对红宝石的尝试! :)这将输出一个字符串,您可以复制并粘贴到谷歌图表。我允许数据的正面,负面或无趋势。可以针对随机性/规律性优化和/或调整该代码。
# In order to generate a semi-realistic looking graph behavior
# we use a sine function to generate period behavior. In order to avoid
# a graph that is too regular, we introduce randomness at two levels:
# The delta between steps across the x-axis is random, but within a range(deltavariance)
# The wavelength of the sine function is varied by randomly incrementing the index we pass
# to the sine function(sine_index)
yvalue = 1 # start value
range = 100 # y-range
deltavariance = 10 # allowable variance between changes
sine_index, wavelength = 0, 0.33 #index into our sine function that determines whether we change direction or not
i, maxi = 0, 100 # our counter and its maximum
data = {sine_index => yvalue} # seed our data structure with its first value
trend = :positive # :negative, :none # do we want the graph to trend upwards, downwards or neither
periodmin, periodmax = 0, 0 # vars to enforce trending
direction = 1 # start in a positive direction, -1 for negative
while(i < maxi)
olddirection = direction
direction = Math.sin(sine_index).to_f
direction = direction < 0 ? direction.floor : direction.ceil
delta = rand(deltavariance)
yvalue += delta * direction
if trend == :positive
yvalue = periodmin if yvalue < periodmin
periodmin = yvalue if olddirection < direction
elsif trend == :negative
yvalue = periodmax if yvalue > periodmax
periodmax = yvalue if olddirection > direction
data[sine_index] = yvalue
sine_index += Math.sin(rand) # Math.sin(rand) will give random numbers from -1..1
i += 1
code = <<-CODE
function drawVisualization() {
// Create and populate the data table.
var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([
['x', 'Cats'],
// Create and draw the visualization.
new google.visualization.LineChart(document.getElementById('visualization')).
draw(data, {curveType: "function",
width: 500, height: 400,
vAxis: {maxValue: 10}}
datastr = data.collect{|k,v| "[#{k},#{v}]"}.join(",")
code = code.gsub('DATASTR', datastr)
puts code
答案 9 :(得分:0)
public class PriceBar
public DateTime Date { get; set; }
public double Open { get; set; }
public double High { get; set; }
public double Low { get; set; }
public double Close { get; set; }
public long Volume { get; set; }
public static double GetRandomNumber(double minimum, double maximum)
Random random = new Random();
return random.NextDouble() * (maximum - minimum) + minimum;
public static void GenerateRandomBar(PriceBar newBar)
double fluct = 0.025;
double volFluct = 0.40;
//Open is equal to the previous close
newBar.Open = newBar.Close;
newBar.Close = GetRandomNumber(newBar.Close - newBar.Close * fluct, newBar.Close + newBar.Close * fluct);
newBar.High = GetRandomNumber(Math.Max(newBar.Close, newBar.Open), Math.Max(newBar.Close, newBar.Open) + Math.Abs(newBar.Close - newBar.Open) * fluct);
newBar.Low = GetRandomNumber(Math.Min(newBar.Close, newBar.Open), Math.Min(newBar.Close, newBar.Open) - Math.Abs(newBar.Close - newBar.Open) * fluct);
newBar.Volume = (long)GetRandomNumber(newBar.Volume * volFluct, newBar.Volume);
创建PriceBar的实例,填写前一个栏的价格。将PriceBar实例提供给函数 GenerateRandomBar()。它将返回带有新值的PriceBar。
答案 10 :(得分:0)
double price=2000;
while (true) {
double min = (price*-.02);
double max = (price*.02);
double randomNum = ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextDouble(min, max+1);