
时间:2011-12-21 00:18:47

标签: javascript jquery javascript-events

情况: 我有一个函数将输入数据转储到HTML块元素中,例如:

function national(){

然后它将输入打印到id =“one”的任何元素

<span id="one"></span>

这很好,但我想加入一个jQuery Bargraph。我正在使用的条形图由数组提供:

  coolnessGraph = new Array(
                   [100000,'ROI w/ Local Spending'],
                   [200000,'ROI w/o Local Spending']
            data: coolnessGraph, // array of data for your graph
            title: false, // title of your graph, accept HTML
            barSpace: 10, // this is default space between bars in pixels
            width: 400, // default width of your graph
            height: 200, //default height of your graph
            color: '#F8981D', // if you don't send colors for your data this will be default bars color
            colors: false, // array of colors that will be used for your bars and legends
            lbl: '', // if there is no label in your array
            sort: false, // sort your data before displaying graph, you can sort as 'asc' or 'desc'
            position: 'bottom', // position of your bars, can be 'bottom' or 'top'. 'top' doesn't work for multi type
            prefix: '', // text that will be shown before every label
            postfix: '', // text that will be shown after every label
            animate: true, // if you don't need animated appearance change to false
            speed: 2, // speed of animation in seconds
            legendWidth: 100, // width of your legend box
            legend: false, // if you want legend change to true
            legends: false, // array for legend. for simple graph type legend will be extracted from labels if you don't set this
            type: false, // for multi array data default graph type is stacked, you can change to 'multi' for multi bar type
            showValues: true, // you can use this for multi and stacked type and it will show values of every bar part
            showValuesColor: '#fff' // color of font for values 

问题: 我想用转储到我的HTML对象的输出替换数组中的硬数字(例如100000和200000)。我尝试了以下内容:

var TestVariable = <span id="one"></span>;
coolnessGraph = new Array(
                       [TestVariable,'ROI w/ Local Spending'],

几乎所有其他语法迭代我都能想到让这个过程有效。我也尝试在第一次计算运行后等待激活图形。 我的逻辑是否有错误?...语法?...任何帮助都将受到极大的赞赏。

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