时间:2011-11-27 08:43:46

标签: c# soap app-config

我正在构建一个DLL,应该由我正在构建的其他一些应用程序使用。 DLL功能的一部分是记录所有SOAP事务。

我已经找到了关于如何在C#中捕获SOAP事务的解释。 https://web.archive.org/web/20160402053148/http://blog.encoresystems.net/articles/how-to-capture-soap-envelopes-when-consuming-a-web-service.aspx


        <add type="Encore.PayPal.Soap.TraceExtension, Encore.PayPal.Soap" priority="1" group="0" />



1 个答案:

答案 0 :(得分:4)

我在MSDN论坛上发现了类似的问题:Programmatically registering a SOAP Extension

/// <summary>  
/// Programatically registers a <see cref="SoapExtension"/> at runtime with the specified  
/// <see cref="SoapExtensionTypeElement.Priority"/> and <see cref="SoapExtensionTypeElement.Group"/> settings.  
/// </summary>  
/// <param name="type">The <see cref="Type"/> of the <see cref="SoapExtension"/> to register.</param>  
/// <param name="priority">  
/// A value that indicates the relative order in which this SOAP extension runs when multiple SOAP extensions are  
/// specified. Within each group the priority attribute distinguishes the overall relative priority of the SOAP   
/// extension. A lower priority number indicates a higher priority for the SOAP extension. The lowest possible   
/// value for the priority attribute is 1.  
/// </param>  
/// <param name="group">  
/// The relative priority group (e.g. Low or High) in which this SOAP extension runs when multiple SOAP extensions   
/// are configured to run.  
/// </param>  
[ReflectionPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Unrestricted = true)]  
public static void RegisterSoapExtension(Type type, int priority, PriorityGroup group)  
    if (!type.IsSubclassOf(typeof(SoapExtension)))  
        throw new ArgumentException("Type must be derived from SoapException.", "type");  

    if (priority < 1)  
        throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("priority", priority, "Priority must be greater or equal to 1.");  

    // get the current web services settings...  
    WebServicesSection wss = WebServicesSection.Current;  

    // set SoapExtensionTypes collection to read/write...  
    FieldInfo readOnlyField = typeof(System.Configuration.ConfigurationElementCollection).GetField("bReadOnly", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);  
    readOnlyField.SetValue(wss.SoapExtensionTypes, false);  

    // inject SoapExtension...  
    wss.SoapExtensionTypes.Add(new SoapExtensionTypeElement(type, priority, group));  

    // set SoapExtensionTypes collection back to readonly and clear modified flags...  
    MethodInfo resetModifiedMethod = typeof(System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement).GetMethod("ResetModified", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);  
    resetModifiedMethod.Invoke(wss.SoapExtensionTypes, null);  
    MethodInfo setReadOnlyMethod = typeof(System.Configuration.ConfigurationElement).GetMethod("SetReadOnly", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Instance);  
    setReadOnlyMethod.Invoke(wss.SoapExtensionTypes, null);  


RegisterSoapExtension(typeof(TraceExtension), 1, PriorityGroup.Low);
PaypalClient cli = new PaypalClient();