我知道A *算法实现问题在stackoverflow上比较常见(我经历了很多其他帖子)。在过去的几天里,我一直在努力实现一个简单的C ++ A *系统。我只允许在四个方向上移动(没有对角线检查),所以这应该是一个特别简单的任务(这也是为什么我只有一个启发式作为我的成本)。此外,我已逐步完成代码,对于所有起始位置,对象能够成功找到目标的有效路径。然而,问题是我无法退回父指针并存储路径/移动序列。我正在使用引用,所以我不太确定为什么指针赋值存在问题。我在一些简短的示例路径中查看了代码在纸上所做的“思考”,我不明白我做错了什么。循环遍历父指针,最终应该为NULL无限打印目标的posY。
//to access a priority queue's underlying container, you must extend functionality
template <class T, class S, class C>
S& Container(std::priority_queue<T, S, C>& q) {
struct HackedQueue : private std::priority_queue<T, S, C> {
static S& Container(std::priority_queue<T, S, C>& q) {
return q.*&HackedQueue::c;
return HackedQueue::Container(q);
//different enough from a "Grid" to be a new object
typedef struct Node{
int cost, posX, posY;
Node* parent;
Node(int cost = 0, int posX = 0, int posY = 0, Node* parent = 0) : cost(cost), posX(posX), posY(posY), parent(parent) {}
//overloading operators will make the cpp file easier to read
bool operator==(const Node& rhs){
return (posX == rhs.posX && posY == rhs.posY);
bool operator<(const Node& rhs){
return (posX == rhs.posX && posY == rhs.posY && cost < rhs.cost);
} Node;
typedef struct NodeCompare{
//compare n1 against a node n2
bool operator()(const Node& n1, const Node& n2){
//if n2 has a lower cost, it has a higher priority
return n2.cost < n1.cost;
} NodeCompare;
//a list is essentially a linked list, a vector is a robust array; if you do not need random access, lists are faster than vectors
//we need random access for the priority queue, because it will constantly be resorted
bool PathSearch(std::list<Node>& path, const World& World, const WorldObj& obj, const Node& target); //path is our output list
void NodeSuccessors(std::priority_queue<Node, std::vector<Node>, NodeCompare>& open, std::list<Node>& closed, Node& parentNode, const World& World, const Node& target);
int Heuristic(int posX, int posY, const Node& target);
bool PathSearch(std::list<Node>& path, const World& World, const WorldObj& obj, const Node& target){
std::priority_queue<Node, std::vector<Node>, NodeCompare> open;
std::list<Node> closed;
//put our starting position into our queue of nodes to inspect
Node start(Heuristic(obj.GetposX(), obj.GetposY(), target), obj.GetposX(), obj.GetposY());
Node bestNode = open.top(); //has the lowest score by definition
if(bestNode == target){ //made it to the target
Node* ptrNode = &bestNode;
while(ptrNode){ //this is where we would reconstruct the path
ptrNode = ptrNode->parent;
return 1;
NodeSuccessors(open, closed, bestNode, World, target); //look at the Node's neighbors
return 0; //no path found
//check for towers and check for boundaries; if they exist, skip the creation of that node
//pathfinding works for up, down, left, right, but not diagonal movement
void NodeSuccessors(std::priority_queue<Node, std::vector<Node>, NodeCompare>& open, std::list<Node>& closed, Node& parentNode, const World& World, const Node& target){
std::vector<Node>& openVec = Container(open);
int offsetX, offsetY;
bool skip;
for(int i = 0; i < 4; ++i){
offsetX = 0; offsetY = 0;
skip = 0;
if(i == 0) offsetY = -30; //up
else if(i == 1) offsetY = 30; //down
else if(i == 2) offsetX = -30; //left
else if(i == 3) offsetX = 30; //right
//add check for out of boundaries or in an occupied space
Node newNode(parentNode.cost + Heuristic((parentNode.posX + offsetX), (parentNode.posY + offsetY), target), parentNode.posX + offsetX, parentNode.posY + offsetY, &parentNode);
//if the Node already exists on open or closed with a lower score, we can skip to the next neighbor
//if the Node already exists on open or closed with a higher score, then we need to remove it
//the erasing is somewhat expensive, but simplifies the implementation
for(std::list<Node>::iterator itr = closed.begin(); itr != closed.end(); ++itr){
if(*itr < newNode){
skip = 1;
else if(*itr == newNode){
if(skip) continue;
for(std::vector<Node>::iterator itr = openVec.begin(); itr != openVec.end(); ++itr){
if(*itr < newNode){
skip = 1;
else if(*itr == newNode){
if(skip) continue;
int Heuristic(int posX, int posY, const Node& target){
return abs(posX - target.posX) + abs(posY - target.posY);
通过检查,关闭和打开包含正确的结果。所以,我确信我正在用我的指针做一些非常愚蠢的事情。任何帮助将非常感谢。 :)
答案 0 :(得分:2)
struct status {}; // represents the position, less-than comparable
struct node {
status s;
cost g;
cost h;
status parent;
cost score() const { return g + h; }
struct node_comparator {
bool operator(const node& x, const node& y) const { return x.score() < y.score(); }
typedef std::multiset<node, node_comparator> open_set;
// should be multiset since two or more nodes can have the same score
typedef std::map<Status, typename open_set::iterator> open_map;
答案 1 :(得分:2)